
There can be only one true religion

by: David Zephaniah All the fake religions will come to an end There are many religions in the world today. All of them but one are man-made. All of those fake religions have a same pagan theme; an individual saw a vision or a dream. He claimed that God came to Him in a dream and told him to create a new religion. We are talking about Christianity, Islam, Hindu, Atheism, Baha'i, etc. All the fake religions did away with God's rules and ordinances. In addition, they slowly incorporated many pagan practices of the past and made the religions as easy to follow as possible to attract as many followers as possible. One of those major fake religions is the Christianity. The whole religion is built upon the word of adulterer woman! Christians even took mistranslated and distorted Jewish Bible and glued it to their book, to create an impression that it is the same religion. What a brazen deceit! If people bothered reading the real Jewish Bible, they would f...

Here is scientific Proof of God

Scientific proof of God by: David Zephaniah Although we live in the 21st century with the advance of the scientific knowledge, many people are not wise. Instead of appreciating the science, they worship it. I'm not really surprised because most of the worlds population are the descendants of the pagans. The pagans always worshiped material objects, nature and animals. However they always knew that the true God is there. They simply didn't want to follow His rules. However, pagans in our generation forgot about God altogether. They think that this world "popped out" in random... I'm posting a link to the scientific proof of God. Maybe the average Joe will take an attention of dogs, money, sports, nature, etc., and take heed that there is God Who watches every moment of his life and judges him. Who knows? Maybe he would want to know more about this "ancient" tradition.  Scientific proof of God! David Zephaniah's Books

Simple Love Tester

by David Zephaniah Love Tester I believe in love. I believe that Love is more powerful than anything else in the world. True love gives us such a great deal of happiness and satisfaction that no amount of money in the world could get. People think that they are in love. Because of lack of social skills, there are many people out there that think that they have a real love, when, in fact, they do not. I consider myself a social butterfly, and for about three years, I was a partner in a matchmaking service, where I interviewed countless men and women, advising them about relationships. To help you, I have designed a “Love Meter”. Go ahead and give it a go. It will help you understand if you are, in fact, in a loving relationship, or nowhere near it. I hope you have fun with the love meter and use it to improve your current relationship or get a better one. If you think that you are unable to answer some of the questions because those situations have not come up yet, it is...

This life is Matrix! No kidding!

We live in matrix It is trendy today to think that we are in control, that we are masters of our own lives. There are numerous books written about every possible "how to" in the world. People seem to have figured it all out, and created a perfect system to fix every issue. However, all those systems come with fine print. There are no guarantees for success in any of them. In fact, those "perfect solutions" hardly work half of the time, and even then it might be merely placebo effect. I want to show you here that nothing is as it seems in our world. The whole life is based upon a facade of reality, when in all actuality, nothing is for real. Let’s start with people around us. It seems that almost everyone around us is fake. That includes our co-workers, who pretend that they are our friends. In reality they are our enemies, laying dormant to stab us in the back at any given opportunity. I am sure that most of you out there can agree with the above statement...

How to get Respect

What is Respect? Everyone knows the word “respect”, but my experience shows that most people in today’s world don’t understand its true meaning. If you take an average person and ask them what it means to them to respect someone, you’ll get all sorts of definitions. And most of them will have nothing to do with real respect. Let me give you few most common examples of what people define as respect: · You can “respect” someone because they have power. · Famous people and celebrities get “respect”. · Money can buy “respect” · Authority can be a source of “respect”. That’s not what respect is all about! Real respect is something that you feel out of your free will, and it goes both ways. That means that you respect someone because of their character and their relationship with you, regardless of their financial status, position of power, position of authority, etc. Respect needs to be earned by behavior only, and it has to be a mutual feeling between the people involved...

King's Portrait, story about Jewish wisdom

by: David Zephaniah The competition A king in the ancient kingdom of Anatolia desired his portrait to be drawn by the best painters in the land. For that reason he initiated a painters competition and invited all the famous painters in the kingdom. 21 most famous painters showed up to honour the king. At that same evening, the king gathered them in the designated hall and commanded them to paint his portrait, posing in festive robes and holding a fruit basket in his hand. They were supposed to be served with the best food from king's pantry and best wine from king’s wine cellar. The king told them that the painter with the most realistic portrait will get a prize of 100 gold coins. They had 3 days to draw the portrait. All the painters rejoiced for the great opportunity to serve the king and to prove their talents. They went to work for 3 days and made their best efforts. When the three days were over, the king came to the competition hall to inspect the portraits. All ...

What does Book of Zephaniah say about destruction of Jerusalem and events at the End of Days

by David Zephaniah Book of Zephaniah Since I’m an original Zephaniah it only makes sense that I will post the Book of Zephaniah. He was one of the 71 prophets of Israel.  Zephaniah lived in Jerusalem before the destruction of the first Holy Temple, about 2600 years ago. He was of royal descend from the house of king David. His prophecy warned the kingdom of Judah against practice of paganism. He said that for that reason the Maker decreed to destroy the kingdom! In fact, the Creator warns against paganism almost on every page of the Bible. One might ask, why is it so important not to follow paganism and why is the paganism relevant today anyway? After all, we don't see pagan temples around anymore. Short explanation: since the dawn of history, most of the world followed paganism. Why? Because all pagan religions are man made. They don't need any particular observance and morals, and serve well the perversions of the mankind in their times. Pagans used to be very ...