Message of Hope for Everyone

Message of hope by Zephaniah ๐The time to "give the other cheek" is over. It's time you stand up for your rights. The world around you is being destroyed and you are silent? It's time to stop being afraid because God is with us. He waits to see if we believe in Him and trust Him "to cross The Jordan". Because if we believe in God, we have nothing to fear. We will certainly win because our God is with us. Do you know what will happen if God sees that we don't believe and trust in Him? He will leave us in this messy world to be tortured for another 40 years. Dear people, you have nothing to fear! It is true that it seems that the whole world is against us, but it is not so. God is with us. We have to create a movement that would take control of our lives . This is what God wants us to do! More is coming ... Similar posts