This life is Matrix! No kidding!

We live in matrix It is trendy today to think that we are in control, that we are masters of our own lives. There are numerous books written about every possible "how to" in the world. People seem to have figured it all out, and created a perfect system to fix every issue. However, all those systems come with fine print. There are no guarantees for success in any of them. In fact, those "perfect solutions" hardly work half of the time, and even then it might be merely placebo effect. I want to show you here that nothing is as it seems in our world. The whole life is based upon a facade of reality, when in all actuality, nothing is for real. Let’s start with people around us. It seems that almost everyone around us is fake. That includes our co-workers, who pretend that they are our friends. In reality they are our enemies, laying dormant to stab us in the back at any given opportunity. I am sure that most of you out there can agree with the above statement...