There can be only one true religion

by: David Zephaniah All the fake religions will come to an end There are many religions in the world today. All of them but one are man-made. All of those fake religions have a same pagan theme; an individual saw a vision or a dream. He claimed that God came to Him in a dream and told him to create a new religion. We are talking about Christianity, Islam, Hindu, Atheism, Baha'i, etc. All the fake religions did away with God's rules and ordinances. In addition, they slowly incorporated many pagan practices of the past and made the religions as easy to follow as possible to attract as many followers as possible. One of those major fake religions is the Christianity. The whole religion is built upon the word of adulterer woman! Christians even took mistranslated and distorted Jewish Bible and glued it to their book, to create an impression that it is the same religion. What a brazen deceit! If people bothered reading the real Jewish Bible, they would f...