These are people with no culture at all!

The culture in the good old times By David Zephaniah I have heard countless stories about “Back in a day”. Older people told me how the whole neighborhood used to work together and knew each other. They told me about days when kids played in the streets with no fear. The days when you observed your neighbor’s child doing something wrong, and you intervened and tried to help them. That was a normal and acceptable thing to do. What is the USA culture today? Since those days, you would think that our civilization would get better, would have a higher culture and it would make sense to assume that neighborhoods would get safer. It is not crazy to assume that people would be more cultured with each other and set things to a brighter future. Why do some of you think that this is a crazy idea? It only makes sense, that unless we screwed something up in a process, the world would develop in a positive direction. That...