
Showing posts with the label book of Isaiah

Christians love to talk about Isaiah Chapter 53. Is it about Jesus?

Isaiah, Chapter 53 by David Zephaniah This translation is from the original Old Testament, Tanach (= Torah, Prophets, and Scriptures), directly from Hebrew. There is only one version of the original. 1. The nations will say to one another: Were we to hear from others what we see, it would be unbelievable. The arm of the Lord is revealed like this, with greatness and glory, to whom was it revealed until now?   2. And [this nation of Israel], before the greatness came to it, was a very humble people, and it came up by itself from a dry land, like a sapling of the saplings of the trees. When we saw him from the beginning without the great appearance, how could we desire him? Now shall we desire him?       3. Despised and rejected by men, a man of pains and accustomed to illness, and as one who hides his face from us, despised and we held him of no account. (So is the custom of this prophet: he mentions all Israel as one man, e.g., (44:2), “Fear not, My s...

Book of Isaiah is considered as a great Prophecy, what does it say?

by David Zephaniah "I scattered Israel among the nations so they can expiate the sins through the afflictions and spread My Torah" (God). This is a sample of the book. The Unnatural Encounter (Chapter 6 and 7) This story is told by Prophet (Oracle) Isaiah. It took place 2600 years ago in the kingdom of Judah.  In the year that King Uziah became afflicted with leprosy, a disease so severe that it is considered like death, I had a heavenly vision. In the vision, I saw God sitting upon a throne, high and exalted. It happened when I was praying in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. His presence filled the temple. Above with him in heaven stood the Serafim angels, to serve Him. Each one had six wings. With 2 wings the angels covered their faces so as not to gaze upon the Divine Presence, and with two wings they covered their feet because of modesty in God’s presence, and with two wings they flew to do God’s mission. The angels called to each other to begi...