Excerpt from Prophecy about End of Days from the Book of Daniel.

End of the World, Tanach Predictions This excerpt of the End of Days is from the Book of Daniel in the Jewish Bible. Since End of days supposed to happen in our generation, I found it right to publish parts of it and other prophecies to teach and to enlighten. This book is purely based upon the Jewish Bible, the Original version in ancient Hebrew. Revelation of the End of Days in the kingdom of Babylon Years went by since his captivity in Babylon, and Daniel was already in his 40’s. His life in the kingdom of Babylon was extremely prosperous and secure. He held extremely powerful government positions and had a significant influence over government, social, religious and financial affairs in the kingdom. Daniel had everything anyone could wish for - land, treasures, and other material possessions. Regardless, he was still longing for his family and the beautiful country of Judah. He was ready to trade all the riches and power just to be with his family again. He w...