What the hell is happening to the movies?

The Evolving Movies by David Zephaniah Let's take a look at how movies evolved in the last 50 years. It is amazing. 1960's = Only modest kissing allowed. Women only wear dresses & skirts. No profanity. No graphic violence. No homosexuality. All had happy endings. 1970's = French kiss allowed. Some women wear pants. No profanity. No graphic violence. No homosexuality. All had Happy endings. 1980's = Some limited sex allowed. Most women wear pants. Some profanity. Some drug use. Limited violence. Some mention of homosexuality. Some unhappy endings. 1990's = Some graphic sex is allowed. Some women behave like men. Profanity is mostly allowed. Lots of drug use. Lots of violence. Some homosexuality. Lots of unhappy endings. 2000's = Graphic sex is common. Women play man's roles. Profanity is common. Always drug use. Always violence. Homosexuals are in most movies. Mostly unhappy endings. 2010's = Most movies include gr...