How to Live Your Life According to 613 Laws God Gave at Mt. Sinai

The Commandments by David Zephaniah God designated Jews as the nation of priest and holy people, when He gave them the Torah [Bible] on Mt Sinai thousands of years ago. He promised them the land of Israel as an eternal inheritance. He told them that this world had a final purpose which would be realized at the end of this world order. At the meantime, their job was to spread His laws around the world. The duty of every Jew is to overcome the temptation of materialism and idolatry, and to uncover the spark of holiness in the material world around us. God told them that they could accomplish that by following the 613 laws (Yes, 613, not merely ten). It is not a "religion". It is the Way of life that one needs to live by in order to have tranquility and happiness. For a Jew, observing those laws through all the generations is not an option. It is must! Abandoning God's Covenant carries maximum penalties. All the great disasters that came upon the Jews th...