Why are there So Many Homosexuals today?

Feminist revolution in the world By David Zephaniah I witnessed the feminism revolution in 70’s and 80’s in this country and some other countries. Many good things have happened in a way of taking women out of obscurity and giving them equal rights at home and in workplace. The women of today are no longer second class citizens and enjoy all the benefits that this society has to offer. There are countries out there where a woman is still very much a second class citizen and has very little rights. It is happening in most Muslim countries. For example, in Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed even to drive cars. There are some other countries, such as Israel and Russia, where women never were second class citizens, and they have always enjoyed equality. Some of them are working and supporting their families, and some are willingly staying home to take care of their children and families. Social revolution However, this revoluti...