
Showing posts with the label israel

Shocking Life of Zombies

By: David Zephaniah The final stage of this world All off you probably heard that the Jews were chosen by God to be His treasured people. Nobody just claims it, that is what the Bible said. I studied the prophecies in the Bible over the last 10 years and have learned a lot. I want to share the information with the general public for the purpose of inspiration and enlightenment. We live in the era of the End of Days. This current world order has an expiration date. While nobody knows the exact date, all the signs indicate that it will happen in our generation, within the next few years.  Is the world getting better? Contrary to scientist’s claims, the world is not getting better, and the crime rate is not decreasing. One must be blind and deaf in order not to know that crime rates are skyrocketing today.   A day doesn’t go by that we don’t read about heinous crimes that are committed in our society. Most of the world problems are rooted in the fact that pe

What does Book of Zephaniah say about destruction of Jerusalem and events at the End of Days

by David Zephaniah Book of Zephaniah Since I’m an original Zephaniah it only makes sense that I will post the Book of Zephaniah. He was one of the 71 prophets of Israel.  Zephaniah lived in Jerusalem before the destruction of the first Holy Temple, about 2600 years ago. He was of royal descend from the house of king David. His prophecy warned the kingdom of Judah against practice of paganism. He said that for that reason the Maker decreed to destroy the kingdom! In fact, the Creator warns against paganism almost on every page of the Bible. One might ask, why is it so important not to follow paganism and why is the paganism relevant today anyway? After all, we don't see pagan temples around anymore. Short explanation: since the dawn of history, most of the world followed paganism. Why? Because all pagan religions are man made. They don't need any particular observance and morals, and serve well the perversions of the mankind in their times. Pagans used to be very &qu

Book of Daniel predicted the End Of Days 2600 years ago

Book of Daniel This post is a preview of the book.  I wrote this book because the end of the world is drawing near. I want people to get inspired, and improve their situation. Studying the information in the original Bible, I came to the conclusion that at some point in the past, Creator already saw every possibility of the future. At that moment, He realized that the human depravity to faithlessness in the future was assured. He observed that, in all the possible futures, people got worse and worse, and wound up destroying each other. At that same time, G-d also realized that a small group of people would remain faithful until the end. Because of these special people, Creator did not give up on men. At that day in the history, Creator has issued the final judgment for the mankind. This is what this book is all about.  Although I have a strong original Hebrew roots, the Bible study is extremely difficult because it is extremely vague at times. The scripture is written in the

The warning about the false king Jesus

A false Messenger! by David Zephaniah The true Bible [Torah] warned about coming of the false king, Jesus. Jesus corrupted the whole world to abandon the commandments. He was the original Reform Jew. That is the reason for the sorry state of the world today. Rules of the Torah The Torah was given to the Jews 1700 years before Jesus. For the masses of the people, who are ignorant, below is the basic rules that God left us in the Torah: It is explicitly and clearly stated in the Torah that it [the Torah] is an everlasting Commandment, and cannot be changed, subtracted from or added to, as it is written, "Every matter which I command you observe to do it; you shall not add to it, or subtract from it", and it is also written, "...but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of the Torah". From here we see that we have been commanded to keep all the commandments of the Torah for always. In co

The only reliable source about the destiny of mankind

by David Zephaniah A little background about the source I was always fascinated with supernatural and paranormal stories. Today, there are many books and movies on the subject. However I find that Tanach is the most fascinating book in existence. Tanach is the Jewish Bible and it is The original Bible on earth. Tanach (תנ"ך) is abbreviation of Tora (Instructions), Neviim (Prophets), Ktuvim (Scriptures). The Torah was dictated by God Himself to Moses and Joshua, who were the most notable Jewish leaders. The book of Prophets was written by different prophets over the 1400 years, after giving of the Torah. The scriptures were written by different Jewish high priests during the existence of the first and second High Holy Temples in Jerusalem. I believe without a doubt that the supernatural events in Tanach really came to pass. While studying the Tanach for a while, I have realized two important points. 1. The end of the world is real and it is drawing near. 2. Most of t

Why did I write the apocalyptic books? because every sane person needs to know

Why apocalyptic books? Why the apocalyptic books? Because I want people to know that the world that we live in is a temporary world. This world was created to test our souls. It will end before the year 6000 by the Jewish calendar. It is the year 5775 now. The PURGE is very near. I came to this conclusion after studying the prophecies in the Jewish Bible which is the original Old Testament [that all of the other Bibles copied from]. Only the Jewish religion serves God. Rest of the religions in the world are pagan. I was totally astonished that all the prophecies to date came true with the scientific accuracy. They were written thousands of years ago! Many people in our era think that we live in the time of enlightenment. Actually, the opposite is true. We live in an era of darkness, deceit, and lies. For example, there are trillions of pieces of information on the Net, but most of them are bad information at best and deceit at worst. How one finds the truth?  I realized

The glorious future of Israel

Tel Aviv Israel at night by David Zephaniah Watch it on YouTube Apocalypse is at our gates. The world is at the brink of explosion:  Europe is in a deep recession. Greece and Spain are bankrupt. Many conflicts and wars all over the world dominate the news every day, such as Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. Unbelievable atrocities are committed every day. America is paralized by a weakest president. Gay rights and green energy are more important to him than the world affairs. Rouge Iran will attain an atomic bomb under his watch. I believe that he is a puppet that was installed by powerful leftist organizations. Maybe by Illuminati.  Israel is being demonized by the Palestinian squatters every day and the world is listening to their lies and deceit. Let's make it clear! Palestinians have no historical and legal leg to stand on, because there was never a nation of Palestine! They are blood sucking "vampires". Can you believe tha

The true reason behind evil today and why nobody wants to talk about it

by David Zephaniah "The root of evil is paganism and idolatry"  (God). This a preview of the book. Something Is Terribly Wrong With the World I know that most people out there are active. They are occupied mainly with trivial subjects, such as their dogs, Taylor Swift, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Fifty Shades of Gray, and other unimportant things. However, if they take the time to see what is going on around them, they might see that the world is falling apart. I want to open the eyes of the wise people among them before it is too late. We are about to reach a tipping point of no return for mankind. If one wants to know more, keep reading. Allow me to wake people up and show them the unmistakable signs that the world is falling apart at the accelerated pace. It is accelerating because of a geometric formula; once the negative influence in mankind reaches a threshold of over fifty percent it will increase even faster. Let me give a few examples to show how huma

Spiritual world vs. Material world, and the human quest for nothingness

by David Zephaniah This is a preview of the book. Peace of mind vs. a bitter end I believe that deep down inside every person in the world wants to believe that there is a higher power.  From the day that a person transforms from childhood to adulthood, they realize that death is inevitable, and every day that passes by brings it closer and closer.  If a person is a liberal, he/she goes through life constantly worrying about what tomorrow brings. For that reason, they concentrate on getting the best out of life, before the ultimate death. Therefore, they go into the ultimate and exhaustive race of career, materialism, selfishness and self-gratification. As a result, throughout their lives they experience bad relationships, bad friendships, bad children, lack of love, and lack of happiness. In the twilight of their lives, these people realize that the whole life was a great struggle and an ultimately unhappy and unsatisfying experience. As time goes on and the older these