Love and Relationships: Key for happiness, not dogs

by David Zephaniah This is a preview of the book. Why some People cannot Fall in Love To find love, one needs to know love! I have heard countless people ask questions about love and romance. I want to give you information about love, so you can understand yourself better. Let’s look at some popular questions. · Can I fall in love? · When will I fall in love? · Will anyone ever love me? · Why don’t my relationships work out? Love is an intangible feeling for many people out there. In this booklet, I will talk about love that happens between two complete strangers, a man and a woman. Most of us watch movies and read stories which depict two people fall in love. Those love stories are extremely popular. However, the question is: · How many of us experience true love? · How many of us believe that love is real? Love is an emotion. It is not a material thing that one can touch or confirm with physical formulas. I know that we all talk about love all the time and use ...