The coming of Messiah in the Book of Ezekiel

The prophecy from Tanach The coming of the Messiah is imminent. by David Zephaniah There are lots of false prophets today. They constantly make up stories and confuse people about G-d and religion every day. These people have no shame at all and will say anything just to make money. The other day I saw an advertisement on Amazon, it read: “Jewish certified New Testament”. This is like saying: “this is kosher pork.” These people are absolutely shameless. I can tell you folks that the Torah is the only one manual that G- d gave the Jews. All other Bibles are deceptions, mistranslations and distortions. If one is intelligent enough to understand that there can only be one infinite G-d, they can also understand that there can be only one true Bible. G-d is real. This random universe theory is ridiculous. To liberal Jews I say that our ancestors believed in G-d for thousands of years for a good reason. If you stropped believing, you already know...