About David Zephaniah

 About David Zephaniah

I was born in 1960's in Georgia, which was a part of the Soviet Union. Our ancestors immigrated to Georgia about 2000 years ago, when hostile forces took over Israel and many Jews were killed or exiled.

I grew up with 3 other brothers. I was the second of the four. My mom didn’t work, because she believed that raising children was the most important job in the world. My father worked very hard to support us. I know that they struggled at times, but we lived a good life. They believed that staying true to yourself was the only way to live your life. They had an extremely high sense of honor and self-pride. They were, without any doubt, responsible people, socially and financially. If they gave their word on something, they would always adhere to it.
                                  Mom & Dad

They taught me that the only honor you can have as a person, was through making an honest living, not by expecting someone else to do it for you. They were happy people. They believed in having a good time and did a good job teaching me that. Our happiness didn’t depend on material things! Both of my parents believed that kids were the center of their lives, and they placed us as their highest priority.
                          Brother, cousin and me.

My extended family is huge. My father had six brothers and my mom had a sister and 2 brothers. And then there were their cousins and their respective families. I am talking about hundreds of people. A month wouldn’t go by without a family gathering or two - holidays, weddings, birthdays, engagement parties, etc. I was constantly socializing with people.
                           At about 8 y.o.

My family nicknamed me “King David”. I ONLY remember them treating me the best way you could ever imagine. They always made me feel important and special. I didn’t have an uncle, second uncle, aunt or cousin I wouldn’t be happy to hang out with. I always felt welcome in their homes. They would always treat me as good, if not even better, than their own kids, and always offered me the best food or drink they had in the house. I had a bunch of cousins that became my best friends for life.

I knew nothing of materialism! I believed that I had a good life and as far as I was concerned, I had everything I needed. I simply had happy and healthy childhood!
                               With wife, Avital

My large family practiced traditions very strictly, despite the fact that practicing any religion was against the law in the Soviet Union. Their faith was so firm, that they were not afraid of communists or of going to jail. They practiced what they believed in. Eventually, after years of trying to suppress their beliefs, the soviets gave up and let my family practice their religion freely.  

Their traditions included holiday observance, moral codes, honesty, business practices, family traditions, diet, etc. Eventually the general population in Georgia started following most of our customs and improved their standing in Soviet Union. They placed us, Jews, on a pedestal and let us lead them into becoming a better society. For the time we lived in Georgia, it was considered the best country to live in the Soviet Union, and its Tbilisi University was considered the best.

To the disheartening of the Georgians, in 1970’s immigration to Israel become a possibility and we decided to go, every single one of my family. I graduated college and served in the Israeli army for 5 years. In early 90's I moved to the USA against my family's blessing. I was looking for an adventure and decided to stay.

Because of my traditional upbringing, I grew up to become a happy and positive person. I have happiness that emanates from within like shining light, and it is not dependent upon any material item or outside stimuli.

I have a degree in Electronics Engineering and I am an officer in the Israeli army. I served for 5 years, during the Lebanon war, in 1980's. I have lived on three different continents and interacted with countless interesting and highly educated people. I have always strived for more knowledge, and have lots of hobbies I spend my free time on, including Particle Physics, Electronics, Space, Psychology and World Religions.

                          My wonderful mom

This world is not random!

I wholeheartedly believe that when God made us, people, He gave each one of us a divine soul. The soul is the highest level of programming, and is capable of horrible and wonderful things. That is why each person is unique and different, no matter how stupid or intelligent they are. On the other hand, animals have basic programming and limited capabilities. No matter how much you train your dog, it will only be capable of understanding some basic commands. It will never become a thinking, feeling being, capable of making choices, possessing a free will. This fact will not change in a million years. According to some authorities, our souls are designed to drift into different bodies, in different lifetimes, until the time of the end, when they will be judged by God Himself, when their final faith will be determined. This world, as we know it, has an appointed time of an end, and we are living in the era of the Final Redemption. The End of The World, as we know it, is drawing near.

If you observe the world around you closely, you will see that it is getting worse by day. Although we have advanced technologically, we have lost the basic values that held us together as a society. It is a world where a brother hates brother, children hate their parents, family members sue each other for money and custody over pets, and crime level is sky-high. In this world, honest and moral people are considered stupid! There is no amount of laws lawyers can create to fix the problems this society has, and it will just get worse, unless WE ARE WILLING TO CHANGE.
                          With best friend Eli

Why should you buy David Zephaniah's books?

I live a successful life. I traveled around the world and had many exciting experiences. However, in the end of the day, I always felt empty inside. After many years of experimenting, I understood what my ancestors were saying all along; this life is just a test that was designed by the Maker.

God gave the Jews His ground rules, the Torah, 4400 years ago. That is what we call a true religion. He told them that humans have 2 souls. One is a Godly soul that tries to cleave to the Maker, because it was programmed so. The other soul is the animalistic soul that wants to experience everything physical without thinking about consequences. The Godly soul is our good inclination, and the animal soul is its evil twin, the evil inclination. That is the “Devil” in every one of us.

God told my ancestors that the only way they could overcome the evil inclination is by following the laws of the Torah, 613 rules in total. He said that following those rules would guarantee great life during the test of this lifetime, and an Eternal Life and tranquility at the conclusion of the test, after the end of the world. He also told them that He would be watching and evaluating their every step. Every time we go to sleep, our souls are evaluated by the angels of God. Consequently He issues judgments. Those judgments have to do with the quality of life in our given lifetime. The final judgment and destiny of every person will be handed down at the end of the world.
                         When we met
Over the years, many corrupted people invented their own religions, claiming that they have the true religion. They did this because they saw an opportunity to easily control others and profit from it. Many ignorant people started following them, because those man-made “religions” did not require any rigid observance. As long as one bowed down to man-made idols, and paid the fees, they were promised “salvation”

That nonsense doesn’t work with the real God and religion. Can those “religions” claim that God gave them the Torah? Can they claim that they had pious people like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses, who were communicating with God pretty much face to face? Can they claim that they had kings like King David and King Solomon the Wise? Can they claim that they had even one prophet who got the future predictions and profound secrets directly from God? Jews had many of them: Jeremiah, Isaiah, Samuel, Zechariah, Zephaniah, Ezekiel, etc. (70 prophets)... Can they claim that God gave them important revelations in modern times, the way He did with Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Gustav Hertz, and thousands more? More than a half of the Nobel Prize winners were Jews. This is from the nation that is merely 0.03% of world population! So, I ask, “Which is the true religion?”

God’s designed test is the most difficult and complicated one in existence.  Human mind could never comprehend its design. Since the time we are born, everything that we do, think or say counts. The beautiful material world around us was designed to test us. It is full of beauty, ugliness, pleasure, pain, death, and decease.
                        Miami Beach
The fake religions brought up generations of people that don't follow any rules of the “game”. That is when the world started descending to chaos. The state of the world today is very bad! To realize that I’m not exaggerating, refer to the ten basic Commandments, the basic rules of conduct everyone is required to follow. One will see that an average Joe breaks all ten of them every day! The world has become a world of idol worshipers. That is exactly what God hates the most! God obliterated entire nations because they were idol worshippers.

My books are designed for people who want to believe in something higher than this corrupted physical world and randomness. If you are an atheist whose mind is closed, if you don't believe in anything other than living an unhappy and pointless life, getting old, and then disappearing from this world, I feel sorry for you, but I can't help you. You can only help yourself. Open your heart to a possibility that this world is not random, that it has a Creator. Read my books, seek out the right information, and I promise you that you will learn something new.

I can understand why many people have turned away from religion. Religion is all about adhering to the rules and discipline. It's hard to be disciplined when we live in such a colorful world, bursting with abundance of material pleasures that are readily available to anyone. It's easy to choose immediate satisfaction over a reward in the End of Days. And so we try to bend the rules, we get rid of the ones we don't like and we make up new ones. We created our own, although false, religions! We created our own idols and we forced the whole world to worship them. But who are we fooling? We are only drifting further and further away from the truth...

                           Tiberias Israel
The world is in a bad shape, because we disregard the commandments. The Creator warned us many times about this matter.

I want to reach out to you and show you the way to stop the downward spiral,  to create a better future for you and your families. The end is near. When God gave the Torah, He said that the test will conclude before the 6000 years are up. When we will all be judged for our deeds. It is now year 5774.

One of my duties as a Jew is to make the world a better place for everyone.


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