So you want to know Why Do Bad People Prosper?

by David Zephaniah Why bad people are rich and good people suffer. I believe that most of us want to know why the bad people prosper. It seems to be the case everywhere. People who have no morals are rich and famous. However, the honest, thoughtful, and moral people struggle through their lifetime, because they refuse to do things that bad people do, like lying, cheating, hurting other people, etc. The answer will surprise you! Gods pays forward to the wicked This information is from the Torah. In the chapter 7 of Deuteronomy, just before Jewish nation entered Israel, Moses explains why some wicked people prosper in this lifetime. This happened about 3500 years ago: “Those are God’s commands. When God, your God, brings you into the land which you are going to possess, He will drive away many nations from before you: the Chitites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Cana’anaites, the Perizites, the Chivites, and the Jebusites. Those seven nations are more nu...