The warning about the false king Jesus

A false Messenger! by David Zephaniah The true Bible [Torah] warned about coming of the false king, Jesus. Jesus corrupted the whole world to abandon the commandments. He was the original Reform Jew. That is the reason for the sorry state of the world today. Rules of the Torah The Torah was given to the Jews 1700 years before Jesus. For the masses of the people, who are ignorant, below is the basic rules that God left us in the Torah: It is explicitly and clearly stated in the Torah that it [the Torah] is an everlasting Commandment, and cannot be changed, subtracted from or added to, as it is written, "Every matter which I command you observe to do it; you shall not add to it, or subtract from it", and it is also written, "...but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of the Torah". From here we see that we have been commanded to keep all the commandments of the Torah for always. In co...