Ezekiel's dooms day predictions, all but one came true

by David Zephaniah

The following is 2 chapters from the book.
"Because 70% of world population will be pagan, I sentenced them to be exterminated"  (God, In all the prophecies).

About the book

Have you ever wondered how the world will end, and why? The majority of people agree that this world is not random, that it’s being governed by some higher power. Some people call it the Universe, or Mother Nature, or Devine Providence. I call it God, because hundreds of thousands of my ancestors witnessed Him personally at Mount Sinai more than 4000 years go. Great civilizations like Babylon, Persia, and Iberia ruled for some time but vanished without a trace. God’s chosen people are still alive and well today. That is enough proof for me. And that is why this book is relevant.
The book of Ezekiel is an amazing prophecy from the Torah about the end of the world. It contains pieces of the puzzle that were missing in the Book of Daniel and Book of Zachariah. In addition, it shows us how God executes His judgment upon the world. The events that happened in the past are mirroring events that are happening today. They are all leading to the End of the World.    Ezekiel had a privilege to be chosen by God to become a Prophet. In a number of encounters with God, Ezekiel was shown everything that is destined to happen until the end of this world. He was one of the few people in existence that saw the "Shechina" (the Celestial Chariot that carries the Spirit of God).

Ezekiel’s magical encounter

These Predictions started in the fifth year of King Jehoiachin’s exile to Babylon, which is 2441 years ago. Jewish High priest Ezekiel was living among exiled Jews on the bank of the River Chabar in the Kingdom of Babylon. He was very pure and holy man without faults.
On a clear summer day, Ezekiel was walking alone and reflecting. He was agonizing over the future of Jerusalem and destiny of the Jewish people. He knew that Creator allowed Babylonians to conquer Judah because He was furious about their transgressions. Ezekiel was very distraught about leaders of Judah leading people astray and allowing idol worship and injustices in the kingdom.
Even though Creator gave them an everlasting covenant, at that time the future looked bleak. Ezekiel spent most of his 5 years in exile praying and begging Creator for forgiveness for their inequities and encouraged people to cling to the commandments and not to be corrupted into immodesty, immorality and idol worship of the surrounding nations.
Suddenly he heard the sound of thunder. Huge storm was approaching from the north.  Ezekiel was hypnotized by it and kept looking at it. He was taken aback, because the storm was coming directly at him. This was when inside the storm he saw the celestial chariot of Creator.
 It was something that looked like an amazing throne with colors of rainbow emanating from it (Its detailed description is prohibited). On the throne, the likeliness of the glory of the Creator was sitting. One can only imagine the shock of Ezekiel. He was astonished and shaken. Feelings of honor and excitement flooded over him, after all,    Creator found him important enough to make a contact with him. He immediately prostrated himself on the ground. He was shaking from excitement and didn’t dare to move a muscle. He felt that spirit of Creator took control of his body. Ezekiel was shocked but at peace with himself, because he completely trusted Creator.  He could no longer hear the sound of thunder. Suddenly he heard a voice talking inside his head. The voice said, “Son of man, I want to send you to the nation of Israel to give them my message. They are a rebellious nation that reverted to the idol worship and injustice.”
Creator stood Ezekiel to his feet like a dummy, and said, “I am sending you as a messenger. I want you to tell them: “So said the Lord.”
“The Jews that are with you in the exile are dear to Me. Their descendants are destined to return to Jerusalem as free people. I want you to be My messenger to them. I will tell you about the future events. When they see that the Predictions  you tell them are coming true, they will know that they have a real prophet in their midst. You shall tell them all that I tell you. Whether they listen or not is up to them, because they are a stubborn nation. Do not be afraid of them because I will protect you, so nobody harms you.”
As Ezekiel listened very carefully, a human-like hand stretched out from the chariot. It was holding a large scroll. The hand opened the scroll in front of Ezekiel. In it was written that which existed from the beginning of this world, and that which is destined to be in the end of the world including the retribution of the righteous in this world, and the gift of their reward, over which they would sing in the future; and the woe of the wicked in the world to come.
Creator said, “Son of man, eat this scroll and go. Speak to the house of Israel.” Ezekiel ate the scroll, and it tasted like sweet honey in his mouth. Miraculously, his mind got filled up with the information in the scroll.
Creator went on saying, “I’m not sending you to strangers who speak deep languages that you do not understand. I’m sending you to the people of Israel. Had I sent you to foreigners, I swear that they would listen to you. However, I know that the house of Israel will not listen to you, for they are a stiff-necked people. They have hard heads and stubborn hearts. Have no fear from them, because I made you stronger. You tell them exactly what I tell you.”
When Creator finished talking, the wind lifted Ezekiel up in the air. As he was flying, he could hear from behind him the sound of angels’ wings carrying the Creator’s throne. He heard great uproar of tens of thousands of voices, singing, “Blessed is the glory of the Lord from His place."
The wind carried him and set him in the midst of the Jewish exiles settlement. The settlement was called Tel-Aviv, and it was near the river Chabar in Babylon. Although Ezekiel was very excited and honored, he felt bitter because he knew that he had to prophesy a disaster to his people. Regardless, he knew that he couldn’t refuse the order of the Creator his Lord.
Ezekiel was so stunned from the amazing experience that he couldn’t talk for seven days. All week he sat bewildered in his house, and didn’t talk to anybody.  At the end of seven days the word of the Lord came to him again. It said, “Son of man, why are you silent? Didn’t I appoint you as a watchman over your people to warn them? I want you to warn them about the events to come. If you warn them and they don’t listen to return in my ways, their souls will die, and your soul shall be saved. If you warn them and they return to me, their soul shall live, and your soul will live. However, if you don’t warn them, their souls will die because of their sin. Your soul shall die as well, because you failed to warn them.”
Then Creator commanded Ezekiel to go out to the plains to meet Him. Ezekiel did as he was told, and the Master was already there. Here we see the humility of Creator, who waited for His disciple! When Ezekiel saw the glory of Creator, he prostrated himself on the ground. The spirit of the Lord entered him, and stood him up to his feet.
Creator said to Ezekiel: “Behold, I shall bind you to be imprisoned in your house. When I wish, I will put words in your mouth, so you can go out and prophesy to the house of Israel. At that point tell them all the words of my message. He who listens will listen, and he who forbears will forbear, for I already know that not all of them will listen, for they are a rebellious house.”

Lament about Jerusalem

At that time Creator told Ezekiel that inhabitants of Jerusalem were destined to be harshly punished because of their inequities. He told him to take a brick and inscribe a word Jerusalem on it. Then He commanded him to take a shaving razor and pass it on his beard and hair. He told him to divide the hair to 3 parts.  One third he had to burn in fire, the second third was to be stricken with a sword, and the third part he was to scatter in the wind. He told him to take only a handful of the hair and to tie it onto his skirt.
Creator told him that this would be the destiny of the Jews in Jerusalem. As the punishment for their pagan and idol worship, injustices and insubordination, a third of them would die by the sword of the enemy. The second third would die in hunger under the siege of king Nebuchadnezzar. Death by hunger feels like one is on fire. The remainder of the inhabitants of Jerusalem would be exiled to many foreign lands.  Creator told Ezekiel that most of the exiled Jews would die by the sword as well. Only a small portion of these people, who were righteous and practiced Creator’s commandments, would be saved.
Creator told Ezekiel that He placed Jerusalem in the middle of the world, higher than any other place. But instead of following Creator’s commandments, people of Judah became as corrupt as nations around it. They embraced idol gods of the neighboring nations and learned their wicked ways. They imitated the neighboring nations in immorality, injustice, greed, dishonesty, etc. Creator took great offence in that. That is why he issued this terrible judgment to have most of them killed. He said that only after He avenged the betrayal by having most of them killed, His fury would subside, and His spirit would not oppress Him any longer.
The Jews who survived would be scattered in all directions of the earth. Jerusalem would become a desolate desert to all passersby’s. Famine after famine would strike it for many years to come, making the land useless. Creator said that Jewish people would become a target of taunt and astonishment of other nations for many years to come.
Leaders and priests of Jerusalem, who issued wrong judgment and led people astray to worship idols, would receive extra punishment.  They would be killed, and their corpses would be scattered around the altars of idols they worshiped. Ezekiel understood that those who lead people into paganism and falsehood receive extra punishment.
The righteous people among Israel would escape death. They would be scattered among different nations and remember what happened. They would quarrel with themselves and blame themselves for not being more active, outspoken, and zealous before. They would know that great evil befell them for a good reason.
Creator said to Ezekiel: “Behold, singular evil is coming. It is worse than any evil ever before. The dawn of the day of evil has come. That includes the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.”
“The wicked Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon has revealed himself. He will strike you. The violence that you have committed against Me will come back to you. No man, woman, or child of the wicked will be spared, because I already know that no good will come from them. In addition, none of the survivors will be able to come back to Jerusalem in their lifetimes. According to their wickedness, every single one of them will be judged.”
Creator said that He would give the Holy Temple, the pride of the Jewish people, in the hands of Israel’s enemies, for them to profane it. They would place their dumb statues in it, and the wicked nations of the earth would plunder it. Since Creator turned His face away, wild Arab men would enter the Holiest places in the Temple, and profane it. The most wicked and cruel of the nations would control Jerusalem for many years to come. Later they would give it as an inheritance to other wicked nations. For many, many years to come there would be no peace in Jerusalem.
For the time to come afterwards, in their suffering, Jewish people would seek answers and try to find a prophet. They would try to communicate with Creator, but He would not respond. All these terrible events would continue until Creators fury subsided. That would happen only after all the wicked of Israel and their descendants were severely punished and killed.
Ezekiel was very distraught by the revelation. He felt a terrible pain and sorrow in his heart. He fell on his face and cried out: “My Lord Creator! Will you kill most of the nation of Israel?” His pleading and crying went unanswered.
For the whole year Ezekiel did his best to prophesy to the Jewish exiles and warn them about the events to come. The people seemed skeptical, and most of them weren’t convinced. They were under the impression that their Creator abandoned them…

End of preview.

If you want to read the book, it is on Amazon:
Find it here.


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