Genesis World Creation Explained

by David Zephaniah

The purpose and the timing of the world Creation

There are lots of arguments in the world about the sequence of creation in the Bible. The scientists and the faithless constantly torment the faithful people, and ridicule them about the Torah’s claim that the world was created 5774 years ago. Many of them believe in the Theory of the Evolution. Theory is what it is, a theory. Actually, it was NEVER proven that any specie in our world mutates to a different kind of specie! In the last 40 years, the scientists found more evidence that Torah narrative is the correct one.

The Atheists read the Bible sentences literally, and think that the Bible is written that way.
In reality, this book of enlightenment is a lot more sophisticated than any other book.  It's written in a way that only the wisest of the wise can decipher it. The book uses the most poetic language, with no grammatical imperfection. Each dot, word, and sentence in it has a special meaning. For you to decipher it, you need proper translation and an extensive knowledge not only of Hebrew, but of other Jewish sacred and mystical texts as well.
Let’s get to the chapter of Genesis. I will follow each verse (in bold) with explanation.


1. in the beginning of G-d's creation of the heavens and the earth.
This verse calls for interpretation because, according to its simple interpretation, the sequence of Creation as written is impossible.
In the following verse it says, “Now the earth was astonishingly empty, and darkness was on the face of the deep, and the spirit of G-d was hovering over the face of the water.” That means that the earth already existed, and it was covered with water.
From here we can conclude that the Bible did not come to teach the sequence of the Creation, to say that these came first and these came after. For if it came to teach this, it should have written: “First He created the heavens and then He created the earth.” ...

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