Success and Happiness in life Doesn't Really Depend On You!

Does my success depend on me?

We tend to think that it is up to us to become successful. That’s what they [the school and people] teach us from the day that we can remember. They condition us to be ambitious because they teach us that money can buy everything.

However, does money buy happiness? I can tell you for sure, that it doesn't! Not only that it doesn’t buy happiness, many time it ruins peoples live. It’s all happening in front of our eyes all over the world. "Successful" people going through hardship and die like flyes every day [at a very young age].

So the question is, “what is the formula for true success [and happiness] in life?”

The answer is, “One has to consider the Creator of the Universe in everything that he endeavors in life!”. He/she must ask themselves, once they are old enough, “What does the Creator of Heavens and Earth Want from me?

General directions:

1. Once waking up, saying “thank you” to the creator really helps in many ways:

Master of the Universe, Holy God, owner of everything, thank you!!!

Thank you for the countless times that You assisted me, supported me, saved me, gladdened me, guarded me, recovered me, and gave me hope.

Thank you that you are always with me.

Thank you that you give me the will to perform good deeds, the will to fulfill Your Commandments, and the will to pray. Thank you for all the many times that you have helped me and I didn’t even know to say “thank you”.

Thank you for the good you bestow me at every moment of my life.
Thank you for every breath that I take.

Thank you as well, King of all the Kings, about the things that I don’t have, thank you that it is difficult for me at times, thank you that it is sad for me at times, because I know that everything that happens is for my ultimate benefit, although I don’t always see that it is for my benefit…

Deep in my heart, I know that whatever comes from you, is the best thing for me, and it is done especially for me, in the most precise manner that only all-powerful Master of the World can do.

Thank you for my difficulties in life, because that is the only way I know to appreciate the good. When one is in the dark for a while, he/she learns to appreciate the light.

Thank you for the wonderful life that You gave me.

Thank you for the smallest things that I have, because you have given them to me and nobody else.

Thank you that you always hear my prayers.

Creator of the Universe, I ask your forgiveness from the depth of my heart if there were times that I didn’t appreciate whatever that You gave me, and instead of saying “thank you” I complained.

I’m nothing but the dust of the earth and You are the whole world. Please do not ever distance Yourself from me.”

2. Trust, The One Who Created you knows better what is good for you!

Trust the Creator at any given moment of a day and don't worry.
Always be happy inside and out, it's magnetic and contiguous.
Continue whatever it is that you are working [if you like it] because it is God's design.
Do not worry, everything good will come to you in due time.
Every step that you take and every decision that you make, consider the Creator and His laws.
Teach others about the secret of success once you get there and even before.

Remember, there is no desperation in life at all! 

You have the ability to do this! You can project it on the outside!

3. Now you will be on the way to the true success and happiness, because the creator, Who controls the lives of every living being [from the smallest to the largest] will take a special interest in you. The next thing to do will be to start to learn His laws

You will see that your life slowly changes for good in front of your eyes. 

Judaism, the way of life.

Good luck!

David Joshua Zephaniah

David Zephaniah's Books


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