Resurrection of Dead in the Book of Ezekiel

by: David Zephaniah

This is an amazing excerpt from the Book of Ezekiel, which is an End of Days prophecy.

The resurrection of the dead

A few days went by and G-d’s hand came upon Ezekiel again and took control of him in the middle of a day. Lord's hand carried Ezekiel breathless out flying in the air to a faraway land. He set him down in the midst of the valley. Ezekiel didn’t know where he was. He observed that the valley was full of human bones. G-d told him that those bones were of the tribe of Ephraim, who left Egypt before the end [of the exile], and the people of Gath who were born in the land slew them, as is stated in (I) Chronicles (7:20ff.)

At that time, G-d made Ezekiel pass by them round about the valley. But He did not bring him into its midst because he was a priest. A priest cannot touch a dead body. Ezekiel noticed that there were thousands upon thousands of bones on the surface of the valley. They were all exceedingly dry as if they were there for hundreds of years.

After a while, G-d asked him; "Son of man, do you think that these ancient bones can come to life?"
Ezekiel answered in a shaky voice, "O Lord G-d, only You know."  
G-d said, "Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, 'O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.' So says the Lord G-d to these bones; Behold, I will cause the spirit to enter into you. You shall live! I will lay ligaments upon you, and I will make flesh grow over you. I will cover you with skin and put breath into you, and you will live. At that time you will know that I am the Lord."
Ezekiel did as he was commanded, and there arose a great noise in the valley when he said the last word. Behold a commotion, and the bones came together, bone to its bone! The bones of each human, wherever they were scattered, were jumping and coming together, each one beside the place of its connection.

Ezekiel was amazed to see that suddenly ligaments were upon the bones. A few seconds later flesh came upon them. A few seconds later on skin covered them on the top. In no time, there were tens of thousands of people scattered on the ground in the valley; however, there was still no life in them.
"Prophesy to the spirit, prophesy, O son of man,’ G-d said to Ezekiel, ‘and say to the spirit, 'So says the Lord G-d: From four sides of the world come, O spirit, and breathe into these slain ones that they may live.” Wherever their souls went to roam, to the four sides of the world, from there they will gather and come.  

Ezekiel did as the Lord had commanded him, and the spirit came into the dead people, and they came back to life. They opened their eyes and stood on their feet. There were many, many thousands of them. They looked confused and astonished, for they realized what had happened to them.  

At that time, G-d told Ezekiel, "Son of man, these bones are all the house of Israel. They are intimation and an example of the entire house of Israel in their exile, for they say, “Our bones have become dried up from the troubles; our hope is lost, and what further hope can we have for salvation?”  

“Therefore, prophesy and say to them, so says the Lord G-d: Behold, I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves as My people. I will bring you home to the land of Israel. I will put My spirit into you, and you shall live, and I will set you on your land, and you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken it and have performed it".
Immediately after the Lord finished speaking, Ezekiel found himself back in the exile settlement.


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