What is the Meaning of Life?

By: David Zephaniah

People are looking for the meaning of life

"For it is exceedingly near to you, in your mouth and in your heart, to do;" Holy Book of Zohar.

Meaning that God has programmed us to obtain His knowledge and wisdom, only if we desire so. When the judgment day comes, one can't say, "I didn't know".

All this "noise" around us is a diversion by the [angel] Satan to make us stupid so we stop trusting our natural instinct. Deep down inside we all know that God is true and is here with us. He is the One who directs this show, and no one else. 

"You are to know this day [and forever] and take to your heart that God is the ONLY God- in heaven above and on earth below-there is none other." Deuteronomy 4:39. The Most High doesn't require any assistance.

People are looking for the meaning of life in the wrong places. There is only one place where it truly can be found - in the original Owner's Manual, left by the maker. The One who made us knows exactly what we need. Life is a narrow bridge. If one is not really careful, they can easily fall into the abyss. 

Begin your personal journey of the meaning of life studying the Tanach. 
Tanach (תנ"ך) is abbreviation of Torah (Instructions), Neviim (Prophets), Ktuvim (Scriptures).
 The Torah was dictated by God Himself to Moses and Joshua, who were the most notable Jewish leaders.
 The book of Prophets was written by different prophets over the 1400 years, after giving of the Torah.
 The scriptures were written by different Jewish high priests during the existence of the first and second High Holy Temples in Jerusalem.

The temple of God in Jerusalem was destroyed because of the sins of our ancestors', and as a result, God concealed Himself. The Jewish nation was exiled from the land of Israel and scattered in all the directions of the earth. Some of them were killed and some of them vanished without leaving a trace. An only small percentage of them has remained alive. This was over 2000 years ago. 

In the history of mankind it has never happened that any nation has ever returned to their land after 2000 years. However, the Jewish nation is not a regular nation. They received a promise from God Himself. God told them that if they kept the traditions' going, He would return them to their land of Israel, never to be exiled again. The process started in the year 1948.
Nowadays we have entered the era of "End time".

Everybody deserves to know the truth. 


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