Why I don't fear the corona virus and about the meaning of life in short.

The meaning of life

By David Zephaniah

When God (nothing is random in our world) created Adam [and Eve] he did not intend that Adam's offspring would suffer so many thousands of years (as we suffer from all sorts of troubles). He wanted to prepare them for the perfect world that He created. But instead of teaching them everything at once, he decided to teach them about all the good things in the world, so they would be innocent. Then, when they were ready and mature, they would learn about the evil in the world [that God also created]. God knows that this is the right way to deal with the world and resist its temptations. He wanted them to learn about all the good in the world so that they could deal with evil in the world, with gentleness and understanding. Only such people who know the good can be good judges, good friends, good bankers, good family members, etc. A good kid comes from a good family.

So, in the next stage, Almighty God wanted to teach them that He created evil in the world. He wanted them to know about every possible suffering in the world. Only then would they learn to appreciate life and goodness and be thankful for the good things that happen to them.

When God created Eve, He created her more spiritual, more beautiful, more fragile, more modest, etc. He made her more aware of herself and more sensitive. He also planted in a woman a weaker character that can be easily tempted.

Imagine a man and a woman living in a perfect garden, but there is nothing to do and no one to talk to. Just to put it in the right perspective, Adam and Eve spoke and understood all the languages ​​of all the animals. That was not the problem. The thing was that the animals were very boring. They are not really interesting. They have very simple "programming" that does not allow them to understand interesting and complicated things.

As the next step, God sent a snake to Eve to try temp her. The snake was different from the rest of the animals. He was interesting and cunning. He knew many things. Snake's job was to try to seduce her (Eve) to eat from the tree of knowledge without the Creator's permission. Not only did Eve eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge (evil), she also persuaded Adam to eat it. Suddenly all information on the wicked side of the world was "downloaded" into their brains. Since they have not yet finished the study of the good in the world, they had no tools to understand the evil that they suddenly understood.

"OK, I still love you because you are my special creation, but I will still have to punish you." Said somewhat disappointed God. "You will have to learn about the world in a hard way. You and your offspring will come back to the world many times, and in each lifetime they will experience the evil in the world, such as poverty, disease, pain, death, loss of family, lost love, etc. Those who will try with all their might to follow my laws will have easier lives. Those who don't will suffer much more."

Adan and Eve were stunned. Then Adad asked in a shaky voice, "Father, when will be able to come back to you?"
God answered, "If most of you try to resist temptations, I will return you soon enough. Unfortunately, I already know that this is not what will happen."
What will happen is that most of you will be tempted because you are not ready for the world that I created." The last good children who will remain in the world after many years will call me every day, "God, it is too difficult, our powers are depleted, we cannot do it anymore, please save us".
"One day when your situation will be unbearable, and when the time arrives, I will have mercy on you. At that time I will hear your voice and I will save you."

Knowing all the above I know that I don't have anything to worry about. As long as I heed to the laws that the Creator gave us, I know that my future will be bright. The difficulties in the way are challenges that were designed especially for me in order to allow me to grow. That is the reason that I exist.


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