These are people with no culture at all!


The culture in the good old times

By David Zephaniah

I have heard countless stories about “Back in a day”. Older people told me how the whole neighborhood used to work together and knew each other. They told me about days when kids played in the streets with no fear. The days when you observed your neighbor’s child doing something wrong, and you intervened and tried to help them. That was a normal and acceptable thing to do.

What is the USA culture today?

Since those days, you would think that our civilization would get better, would have a higher culture and it would make sense to assume that neighborhoods would get safer. It is not crazy to assume that people would be more cultured with each other and set  things to a brighter future. Why do some of you think that this is a crazy idea? It only makes sense, that unless we screwed something up in a process, the world would develop in a positive direction. That is our goal, isn’t it?

If we play a passive role and let this American culture to slide further and further down, what do you think will happen in 50 years from now? How about 200 years from now? It is NOT GOING TO GET BETTER by itself. Do you think that future generations will have to hire a policeman in every street corner to feel safe?

There are neighborhoods today that cops are afraid to enter. I have read many times, that if you live in Harlem NY, and you call the ambulance, you need to pray, because most ambulance companies refuse to service there! Do you think that, by any chance, this will get better by itself?

I grew up knowing almost every neighbor in my street. People had great culture. I have been invited and visited their houses. When I got married, I had to invite over 600 people to my wedding because I didn’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings. Guess what, many years later, that neighborhood is still safe and things got even better.

Life in the USA needs to get better than it is today, not worse. Believe me, it makes perfect sense. However it will get worse if regular good people remain passive and go on tolerating bad conduct of uncultured people that are constantly invading our society. Have you heard a saying ‘Honey attracts bees’? The uncultured element in our society doesn’t want to contribute or build anything. They are attracted to the countries that are doing well. Once in the host countries, some of those immigrants adapt to a new culture. As a result, they become productive citizens. However, unfortunately, it is much easier to do the wrong thing. There is a bad element out there that will infect our society. I have to point out that they don’t do it on purpose. They simply don’t know any better.

What is good culture?

Unless you were given good culture, education and morals at home, there is a good chance that you will never learn later on. This is a well proven fact. Some of those bad people come from countries that don’t have ANY culture. Some of these people grew up in such poverty that to survive they had to break every law imaginable, and they became professional liars. Are you naive enough to believe that once they are here, they’ll change?

That is one of the reasons for financial meltdowns to become larger and larger over time.

 I worked in automotive loan business for a while. I have seen people that took loans and never intended to pay back. I have seen people that after defaulting on one loan came in and tried to get another, shortly thereafter. I have seen people that to make larger commissions, would lie any lie, whatever they could come up with. I tried to fight them. But I was outnumbered many times. I got a feeling that they don’t get it. These people believe that it is OK to go through life of deceit, lies and lack of morality. That is their way of life! You and I can’t change that.

Before I tell you what I think should be done, I will give you an analogy that will illustrate my point.

Imagine for a moment that your little brother has degenerated into a life of crime. You care about him. You have a choice of helping him any way you can, which will be very hard, or you can remain passive, allowing him to destruct himself and your family. Which choice would you make?

How can we have culture?

The only way we can save our world from degenerating further down is by taking action. We need to get involved.

·        Start it in your home. We have no right to preach anyone unless we practice the right behavior first.

·        We need to control immigration very tightly. People will be welcome after going through screenings and FBI checks. They NEED to learn our language and customs.

·        Offer sex education and FREE contraceptives to all especially disadvantaged.

·        People that are already here illegally have to be offered a path to citizenship. However, they would be on probation for a while. They need to integrate with our customs and culture, in order to become AMERICAN and speak OUR LANGUAGE.

People unite. I want to help every good soul out there, as long as they are willing to participate in building a beautiful and successful country.

We don’t want a police state!

Every one of you good people matter. If something bothers you, speak up. Become active. Keeping it inside will not help.


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