How to Live Your Life According to 613 Laws God Gave at Mt. Sinai

The Commandments

by David Zephaniah

God designated Jews as the nation of priest and holy people, when He gave them the Torah [Bible] on Mt Sinai thousands of years ago. He promised them the land of Israel as an eternal inheritance. He told them that this world had a final purpose which would be realized at the end of this world order.

At the meantime, their job was to spread His laws around the world. The duty of every Jew is to overcome the temptation of materialism and idolatry, and to uncover the spark of holiness in the material world around us. God told them that they could accomplish that by following the 613 laws (Yes, 613, not merely ten). It is not a "religion". It is the Way of life that one needs to live by in order to have tranquility and happiness.

For a Jew, observing those laws through all the generations is not an option. It is must! Abandoning God's Covenant carries maximum penalties. All the great disasters that came upon the Jews through the history, is because most of them have abandoned the Covenant with The Maker of heavens and earth. Those disasters included being expelled from the land of Israel twise, Inquisition, pogroms, holocaust, etc.

However, as God promised, through the history there were always smaller percentage of Jews who cringed to the covenant and here we are today.

About the Laws [Commandments] 

All the laws of the western civilization are based on those commandments that were given almost 4000 years ago.

Out of the 613 commandments, 248 are positive commandments, as the number of the organs in the human body (yes, Jews knew that humans had 248 organs thousands of years ago). Every time that one fulfills one of those positive commandments, his/her organs rejoice, because the body accomplishes the purpose that it was made for by the maker. A person is rewarded by fulfilling those commandments. However, he/she doesn’t get punished by not fulfilling them.

The remainder 365 commandments are negative commandments, which correspond to the number of days in the years. A person gets punished by braking those commandments.

God created this world based on the system of reward and punishment. However, because His plans are intricate and endure for generations, the rewards and punishments are not always issued in person’s given lifetime. Since God is absolutely just, we are guaranteed that every reward and punishment will be faithfully issued at their prescribed time; that could happen in the current lifetime, in the afterlife, reincarnation, or after the conclusion of this world.

When God instructed us to establish courts of law, He told us that no one will go unpunished. If we fail to apprehend and/or punish the criminal, He will.
I'll give you an example: lets assume that an individual committed a capital crime intentionally, and wasn't punished because lack of witnesses. Let's assume that in the same vicinity, another person committed a capital crime unintentionally and wasn't convicted because lack of witnesses. God will chance them together at the same place. The unintentional murderer will somehow kill the intentional murderer by an accident. This time there will be witnesses. The murderer will die and the unintentional killer will be punished accordingly. No one gets unpunished!

List of commandments

I want to point out that I have omitted some commandments that had to do with the religious rituals that apply during the existence of the Holy Temple, where God’s spirit doweled. The Maker allowed the Romans to destroy the Temple about 2000 years ago, as He promised to Moses that it would happen, if the majority of Jews failed to fulfill the commandments. That's right; Jews already knew their future and world's future, before they entered the land of Israel 3500 years ago. The Jewish Bible has prophecies from the beginning of this world until the end. They are all scientifically and historically 100% accurate. How come that most of the world doesn't know about it? Because they really don't want to know. The whole world is the descendants of die hard pagans. The only thing that changed is that today most of the people worships different "gods" such as, money, greed, material items, power, etc.

If you are not a Jew, you don't have to follow all these commandments. There are 7 Noahide rules for you. However, if you desire to become a good Jew, to be God's holy person and be blessed as well, you can convert.

God promised that at the conclusion of this world, the third Temple will be built. He said that that Temple will stand for eternity. At that time all the ones who don't follow the commandments, will be erased from existence.

 The following is the list of commandments:

The Commandments 1
About the Commandments 1
List of commandments 2
Knowing God: 4
Loving a fellow Jew 5
Learning the Torah 6
Idolatry 6
Respect the human body 9
Rituals and holidays 10
Morality laws 13
Diet laws 16
Personal conduct 18
Respect Gods creations 19
Prohibited fabric 19
Charity laws 19
Agriculture laws 20
Laws of property and money 21
Holy Temple laws 21
Ritual purity laws 22
Property damage laws 23
Criminal laws 24
Humanitarian Laws 26
Employment laws 27
Credit and borrowing laws 27
Court system laws 29
Major Torah laws 32
Rules of war 33
The importance of the commandments 34

Knowing God:

1. To know there is a G-d

2. Not to entertain thoughts of other “gods” besides Him

3. To know that He is one (There is no other deity with Him)

4. To love Him (One should fulfill the commandments out of love)

5. To fear Him (He will always issue punishments for those who brake the negative commandments)

6. To sanctify His Name

7. Not to profane His Name (not to mention it in connection to unholy or abominable things)

8. Not to destroy objects associated with His Name

9. To listen to the prophet speaking in His Name

10. Not to test the prophet unduly

11. To emulate His ways (By following the commandments)

12. To cleave to those who know Him

Loving a fellow Jew

13. To love other Jews

14. To love converts

15. Not to hate fellow Jews

16. To reprove wrongdoers (No political correctness is allowed)

17. Not to embarrass others (Especially in public)

18. Not to oppress the weak

19. Not to gossip about others (The bad gossip destroyed the second Temple)

20. Not to take revenge

21. Not to bear a grudge (Always be able to forgive)

Learning the Torah

22. To learn Torah and teach it

23. To honor those who teach and know Torah

24. Not to inquire into idolatry (AKA: other “religions”)

25. Not to follow the whims of your heart or what your eyes see (major weakness of the mankind)

26. Not to blaspheme


27. Not to worship idols in the manner they are worshiped (All the other man-made “religions” are considered idolatry)

28. Not to bow down to idols (Any statue, icon, etc.)

29. Not to make an idol for yourself

30. Not to make an idol for others (Can’t profit from making idols)

31. Not to make human forms even for decorative purposes (Vanity is the root of evil)

32. Not to turn a city to idolatry

33. To burn a city that has turned to idol worship

34. Not to rebuild it as a city (that was worshipping idols. That place is cursed)

35. Not to derive benefit from it (You got to burn anything that is in it)

36. Not to miss ionize an individual to idol worship

37. Not to love the missionary

38. Not to cease hating the missionary

39. Not to save the missionary (from harm)

40. Not to say anything in his defense

41. Not to refrain from incriminating him

42. Not to prophecy in the name of idolatry

43. Not to listen to a false prophet (who tells you that to deviate from the words of Torah)

44. Not to prophesize falsely in the name of God (Other “religions” do just that)

45. Not to be afraid of killing the false prophet

46. Not to swear in the name of an idol

47. Not to perform Ov (medium)

48. Not to perform Yidoni (magical seer)

49. Not to pass your children through the fire to Molech (an idol religion. Thy were sacrificing children to fire)

50. Not to erect a column in a public place of worship

51. Not to bow down on smooth stone

52. Not to plant a tree in the Temple courtyard

53. To destroy idols and their accessories (of gold, silver, etc.)

54. Not to derive benefit from idols and their accessories

55. Not to derive benefit from ornaments of idols

56. Not to make a covenant with idolaters

57. Not to show favor to them

58. Not to let them dwell in our land (the idol worshippers)

59. Not to imitate them in customs and clothing

60. Not to be superstitious

61. Not to go into a trance to foresee events, etc.

62. Not to engage in astrology

63. Not to mutter incantations

64. Not to attempt to engage the dead in conversation

65. Not to consult the Ov

66. Not to consult the Yidoni

67. Not to perform acts of magic

Respect the human body

68. Men must not shave the hair off the sides of their head

69. Men must not shave their beards with a razor

70. Men must not wear women's clothing

71. Women must not wear men's clothing

72. Not to tattoo the skin

73. Not to tear the skin in mourning

74. Not to make a bald spot in mourning

Rituals and holidays

75. To repent and confess wrongdoings [to God, when you pray]

76. To say the Shema [prayer] twice daily

77. To serve the Almighty with prayer daily (You can only pray to God)

78. The Kohanim [the priestly tribe] must bless the Jewish nation daily

79. To wear Tefillin on the head [Daily]

80. To bind tefillin on the arm [Daily]

81. To put a Mezuzah on each door post [for protection]

82. To write a Sefer [scroll] Torah

83. The king must have a separate Sefer Torah for himself

84. To have Tzitzit on four-cornered garments

85. To bless the Almighty after eating

86. To circumcise all males on the eighth day after their birth

87. To rest on the seventh day [Saturday]

88. Not to do prohibited labor on the seventh day

89. The court must not inflict punishment on Shabbat

90. Not to walk more than 2000 cubits [meters] outside the city boundary on Shabbat

92. to rest from prohibited labor on Yom Kippur (Holiday of fasting)

93. Not to do prohibited labor on Yom Kippur

94. To afflict yourself on Yom Kippur [by fasting]

95. Not to eat or drink on Yom Kippur

96. To rest on the first day of Passover (Holiday of Matzah)

97. Not to do prohibited labor on the first day of Passover

98. To rest on the seventh day of Passover

99. Not to do prohibited labor on the seventh day of Passover

100. To rest on Shavuot (Celebration of the Torah giving)

101. Not to do prohibited labor on Shavuot

102. To rest on Rosh Hashanah (New Year)

103. Not to do prohibited labor on Rosh Hashanah

104. To rest on Sukkot (A holiday when we build a hut of temporary construction with a roof-covering of branches and dwell in it for 7 days)

105. Not to do prohibited labor on Sukkot

110. Not to eat Chametz all seven days of Passover

111. Not to eat mixtures containing Chametz (prohibited food) all seven days of Passover

112. Chametz should not be seen in your domain seven days

113. Chametz should not be found in your domain seven days

114. To eat Matzah on the first night of Passover

115. To relate the Exodus from Egypt on that night

116. To hear the Shofar (ram’s horn) on the first day of Tishrei (Rosh Hashanah)

117. To dwell in a Sukkah for the seven days of Sukkot

119. Each man must give a half shekel annually (to Temple)

120. Courts must calculate to determine when a new month begins

121. To afflict and cry out before God in times of catastrophe

Morality laws

122. To marry a wife by the means prescribed in the Torah ("kiddushin")

123. Not to have relations with women not thus married (No promiscuity is allowed)

124. Not to withhold food, clothing, and sexual relations from your wife

125. To have children with one's wife

126. To issue a divorce by means of a Get document

127. A man must not remarry his wife after she has married someone else

131. The court must fine one who seduces a maiden

132. The rapist must marry the maiden (if she chooses)

133. He is not allowed to divorce her [ever]

134. The slanderer must remain married to the wife he slandered

135. He must not divorce her

136. To fulfill the laws of the woman suspected of adultery ("Sotah")

139. Not to have sexual relations with your mother

140. Not to have sexual relations with your father's wife

141. Not to have sexual relations with your sister

142. Not to have sexual relations with your father's wife's daughter (from your father)

143. Not to have sexual relations with your son's daughter

144. Not to have sexual relations with your daughter

145. Not to have sexual relations with your daughter's daughter

146. Not to marry a woman and her daughter

147. Not to marry a woman and her son's daughter

148. Not to marry a with a woman and her daughter's daughter

149. Not to have sexual relations with your father's sister

150. Not to have sexual relations with your mother's sister

151. Not to have sexual relations with your father's brother's wife

152. Not to have sexual relations with your son's wife

153. Not to have sexual relations with your brother's wife

154. Not to have sexual relations with your wife's sister

155. A man must not have sexual relations with a beast

156. A woman must not have sexual relations with a beast

157. Not to have homosexual sexual relations

158. Not to have homosexual relations with your father

159. Not to have homosexual relations with your father's brother

160. Not to have sexual relations with a married woman

161. Not to have sexual relations with a menstrual impure woman

162. Not to marry non-Jews

166. Not to let a Mamzer ("bastard") marry into the Jewish people

168. Not to castrate any male (including animals)

169. The High Priest must not marry a widow

175. Not to make pleasurable (sexual) contact with any forbidden woman

Diet laws

176. To examine the signs of animals to distinguish between Kosher and non-kosher

177. To examine the signs of fowl to distinguish between kosher and non-kosher

178. To examine the signs of fish to distinguish between kosher and non-kosher

180. Not to eat non-kosher animals

181. Not to eat non-kosher fowl

182. Not to eat non-kosher fish

184. Not to eat non-kosher creatures that crawl on land

186. Not to eat worms found in fruit

187. Not to eat creatures that live in water other than fish

188. Not to eat the meat of an animal that died without ritual slaughter

190. Not to eat meat of an animal that was mortally wounded

191. Not to eat a limb torn off a living creature

192. Not to eat blood

193. Not to eat certain fats of kosher animals

194. Not to eat the sinew of the thigh

195. Not to eat meat and milk cooked together

196. Not to cook meat and milk together

200. Not to eat fruit of a tree during its first three years

201. Not to eat diverse seeds planted in a vineyard

203. Not to drink wine poured in service to idols

204. To ritually slaughter an animal before eating it

205. Not to slaughter an animal and its offspring on the same day

206. To cover the blood (of a slaughtered beast or fowl) with earth

207. Not to take the mother bird from her children

208. To release the mother bird before taking the children

Personal conduct

209. Not to swear falsely in G-d's Name

210. Not to take G-d's Name in vain

211. Not to deny possession of something entrusted to you

212. Not to swear falsely in denial of a monetary claim

213. To swear in G-d's Name to confirm the truth when deemed necessary by court

214. To fulfill what was uttered and to do what was avowed

215. Not to break oaths or vows

216. For oaths and vows annulled, there are the laws of annulling vows explicit in the Torah

227. To estimate the value of people (when someone pledges a person's worth) as determined by the Torah

Respect Gods creations

234. Not to plant diverse seeds together

235. Not to plant grains or greens in a vineyard

236. Not to crossbreed animals

237. Not to work different animals together

Prohibited fabric

238. Not to wear Shatnez, a cloth woven of wool and linen

Charity laws

239. To leave a corner of the field uncut for the poor

240. Not to reap that corner

241. To leave gleanings for the poor

242. Not to gather the gleanings

243. To leave the gleanings of a vineyard

244. Not to gather the gleanings of a vineyard

245. To leave the unformed clusters of grapes for the poor

246. Not to pick the unformed clusters of grapes

247. To leave the forgotten sheaves in the field for the poor

248. Not to retrieve them

250. To give charity

251. Not to withhold charity from the poor

Agriculture laws

279. To rest the land during the seventh year by not doing any work which enhances growth

280. Not to work the land during the seventh year

281. Not to work with trees to produce fruit during that year

282. Not to reap crops that grow wild that year in the normal manner

283. Not to gather grapes which grow wild that year in the normal way

284. To leave free all produce which grew in that year

Laws of property and money

285. To release all loans during the seventh year

286. Not to pressure or claim from the borrower

294. Carry out the laws of sold family properties

295. Not to sell the land in Israel indefinitely

296. Carry out the laws of houses in walled cities

297. The Tribe of Levi must not be given a portion of the land in Israel, rather they are given cities to dwell in

Holy Temple laws

301. To build a Sanctuary (Holy Temple)

302. Not to build the altar with stones hewn by metal

303. Not to climb steps to the altar

304. To show reverence for the Temple

305. To guard the Temple area

306. Not to leave the Temple unguarded

307. To prepare the anointing oil

308. Not to reproduce the anointing oil (for personal use)

368. Not to withhold payment incurred by any vow

420. To be seen at the Temple on Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot

421. To celebrate on these three Festivals (by bringing an offering)

422. To rejoice on these three Festivals

Ritual purity laws

443. Carry out the laws of impurity of the dead (one who touches the corpse, becomes ritually impure)

444. Carry out the procedure of the Red Heifer (For the highest degrees of impurity)

454. Observe the laws of menstrual impurity

455. Observe the laws of impurity caused by childbirth

456. Observe the laws of impurity caused by a woman's running issue

457. Observe the laws of impurity caused by a man's running issue (irregular ejaculation of infected semen)

458. Observe the laws of impurity caused by a dead beast

459. Observe the laws of impurity caused by the eight shratzim (rodents, amphibious creatures, and lizards) [specified in the Torah]

460. Observe the laws of impurity of a seminal emission (regular ejaculation, with normal semen)

461. Observe the laws of impurity concerning liquid and solid foods

462. Every impure person must immerse himself in a Mikvah [ritual organic bath] to become pure

Property damage laws

463. The court must judge the damages incurred by a goring beast [that gored a person. The owner is responsible]

464. The court must judge the damages incurred by an animal eating [one’s animal eating another’s property]

465. The court must judge the damages incurred by a pit (one should not have open pits on his property)

466. The court must judge the damages incurred by fire

467. Not to steal money stealthily

468. The court must implement punitive measures against the thief

469. Each individual must ensure that his scales and weights are accurate

470. Not to commit injustice with scales and weights

471. Not to possess inaccurate scales and weights even if they are not for use (under any circumstances)

472. Not to move a boundary marker to steal someone's property

Criminal laws

473. Not to kidnap

474. Not to rob

475. Not to withhold wages or fail to repay a debt

476. Not to covet and scheme to acquire another's possession

477. Not to desire another's possession

478. Return the robbed object or its value

479. Not to ignore a lost object

480. Return the lost object

481. The court must implement laws against the one who assaults another or damages another's property

482. Not to murder

483. Not to accept monetary restitution to atone for the murderer

484. The court must send the accidental murderer to a city of refuge (which served as a sanctuary to the unintentional murderers)

485. Not to accept monetary restitution instead of being sent to a city of refuge

486. Not to kill the murderer before he stands trial

487. Save someone being pursued even by taking the life of the pursuer

488. Not to pity the pursuer

489. Not to stand idly by if someones life is in danger

490. Designate cities of refuge and prepare routes of access (the accidental murderer can go there, and nobody can touch him/her)

491. Break the neck of a calf by a stream following an unsolved murder (to atone for the murdered)

492. To neither work nor plant that river valley

493. Not to allow pitfalls and obstacles to remain on your property

Humanitarian Laws

494. Make a guard rail around flat roofs [so people don’t fall off)

495. Not to put a stumbling block before a blind man (nor give harmful advice)

496. Help another remove the load from a beast which can no longer carry it

497. Help others load their beast

498. Not to leave others distraught with their burdens (but to help either load or unload)

499. Buy and sell according to Torah law

500. Not to overcharge or underpay for an article (you are allowed only to make a reasonable profit)

501. Not to insult or harm anybody with words

502. Not to cheat a sincere convert monetarily

503. Not to insult or harm a sincere convert with words

Employment laws

517. The courts must carry out the laws of a hired worker and hired guard

518. Pay wages on the day they were earned

519. Not to delay payment of wages past the agreed time

520. The hired worker may eat from the unharnessed crops where he works

521. The worker must not eat while on hired time

522. The worker must not take more than he can eat

523. Not to muzzle an ox while plowing

Credit and borrowing laws

524. The courts must carry out the laws of a borrower

525. The courts must carry out the laws of an unpaid guard

526. Lend to the poor and destitute

527. Not to press them for payment if you know they don't have it

528. Press the idolater for payment

529. The creditor must not forcibly take collateral

530. Return the collateral to the debtor when needed (if a person needs it urgently)

531. Not to delay its return when needed

532. Not to demand collateral from a widow

533. Not to demand as collateral utensils needed for preparing food

534. Not to lend with interest

535. Not to borrow with interest

536. Not to intermediate in an interest loan, guarantee, witness, or write the promissory note

537. Lend to and borrow from idolaters with interest

538. The courts must carry out the laws of the plaintiff, admitter, or denier

539. Carry out the laws of the order of inheritance

Court system laws

540. Appoint judges

541. Not to appoint judges who are not familiar with judicial procedure

542. Decide by majority in case of disagreement

543. [In capital cases] the court must not execute through a majority of one; at least a majority of two is required

544. A judge who presented an acquittal plea must not present an argument for conviction in capital cases

545. The courts must carry out the death penalty of stoning

546. The courts must carry out the death penalty of burning

547. The courts must carry out the death penalty of the sword

548. The courts must carry out the death penalty of strangulation

549. The courts must hang those stoned for blasphemy or idolatry

550. Bury the executed [as well as all deceased] on the day they are killed

551. Not to delay burial overnight

552. The court must not let the sorcerer live

553. The court must give lashes to the wrongdoer

554. The court must not exceed the prescribed number of lashes (maximum is 40)

555. The court must not kill anybody on circumstantial evidence

556. The court must not punish anybody who was forced to do a crime

557. A judge must not pity the murderer or assaulter at the trial

558. A judge must not have mercy on the poor man at the trial

559. A judge must not respect the great man at the trial

560. A judge must not decide unjustly the case of the habitual transgressor

561. A judge must not pervert justice

562. A judge must not pervert a case involving a convert or orphan

563. Judge righteously

564. The judge must not fear a violent man in judgment

565. Judges must not accept bribes

566. Judges must not accept testimony unless both parties are present

567. Not to curse judges

568. Not to curse the head of state or leader of the Sanhedrin

569. Not to curse any upstanding Jew

570. Anybody who knows evidence must testify in court

571. Carefully interrogate the witness

572. A witness must not serve as a judge in capital crimes

573. Not to accept testimony from a lone witness

574. Transgressors must not testify

575. Relatives of the litigants must not testify

576. Not to testify falsely

577. Punish the false witnesses with the same punishment they were seeking for the defendant

578. Act according to the ruling of the Sanhedrin (great panel of 70 high judges)

579. Not to deviate from the word of the Sanhedrin

Major Torah laws

580. Not to add to the Torah commandments or their oral explanations (punishable by death, by men or heaven)

581. Not to diminish from the Torah any commandments, in whole or in part (punishable by death…)

582. Not to curse your father or mother

583. Not to strike your father or mother

584. Respect your father and mother

585. Fear your father and mother

586. Not to be a rebellious son

587. Mourn for relatives

596. Destroy the seven Canaanite nations (who dwelled in land of Israel, before they have entered)

597. Not to let any of them remain alive

598. Wipe out the descendants of Amalek (Amalek is the descendants of people who deny and defy God)

599. Remember what Amalek did to the Jewish people

600. Not to forget Amalek's atrocities and ambush on our journey from Egypt in the desert

601. Not to dwell permanently in Egypt

Rules of war

602. Offer peace terms to the inhabitants of a city while holding siege, and treat them according to the Torah if they accept the terms

604. Not to destroy fruit trees even during the siege

605. Prepare latrines outside the army camps

606. Prepare a shovel for each soldier to dig with

607. Appoint a priest to speak with the soldiers during the war

608. He who has taken a wife, built a new home, or planted a vineyard is given a year to rejoice with his possessions

609. Not to demand from the above any involvement, communal or military

610. Not to panic and retreat during battle

611. Keep the laws of the captive woman (if you take her, you must marry her)

612. Not to sell her into slavery

613. Not to retain her for servitude after having relations with her

The importance of the commandments

There are millions of good Jews today who observe all the above commandments. They have beautiful societies that are free of hardship, poverty, crime, and immorality.

As for the rest of the world population, they were fooled. Someone told them about 2000 years ago that as long as they accepted a pagan Deity, they could abandon observing the commandments.

This is the exact reason why most of the world today is full of hate, depression, crime, cruelty, hardship etc. Nobody can save those people from the “hands” of God, when the test concludes, and the Master of the Universe establishes the new world order.
