The coming of Messiah in the Book of Ezekiel

The prophecy from Tanach

The coming of the Messiah is imminent.

by David Zephaniah

There are lots of false prophets today. They constantly make up
stories and confuse people about G-d and religion every day.
These people have no shame at all and will say anything just to
make money. The other day I saw an advertisement on Amazon,
it read: “Jewish certified New Testament”. This is like saying:
“this is kosher pork.” These people are absolutely shameless.
I can tell you folks that the Torah is the only one manual that G-
d gave the Jews. All other Bibles are deceptions, mistranslations
and distortions. If one is intelligent enough to understand that
there can only be one infinite G-d, they can also understand
that there can be only one true Bible.

G-d is real. This random universe theory is ridiculous. To liberal
Jews I say that our ancestors believed in G-d for thousands of
years for a good reason. If you stropped believing, you already
know that your life is a life of emptiness and suffering.
To atheists, I say that you don’t come from apes. If you did,
scientists wouldn’t be missing a “link” for the last 100 years.
They are leading you astray. Life of an atheist is a life without
purpose and happiness. The prophecy you are about to read will
demonstrate to you that G-d is as real as it gets.
To Christians, I say that Jesus can’t save you. This is because the
whole concept of Jesus comes from pagans. They took a
passage in the Book of Isaiah. They purposely mistranslated it
and distorted it beyond recognition to make up a story of Jesus.
Even if it were true, the Messiah has power neither to annul G-
ds commandments nor “save” anybody. G-d Himself will do this
to each of us individually at the end of days.
At that time, all the pagans will NOT be saved.

The book of Ezekiel is an amazing prophecy from the Torah
about the end of the world. It contains pieces of the puzzle that
were missing in the Book of Daniel and Book of Zachariah. In
addition, it shows us how G-d executes judgment upon the
world. The events that happened in the past are mirroring
events that are happening today. They are all leading to the epic
end sometime in not so distant future.

The prophecy starts about 2500 years ago, after the
Babylonians invaded the kingdom of Judah for the first time and
exiled many of its people. However, they left the Jewish king in
power, and the kingdom intact, while imposing heavy taxes
upon them.

Ezekiel was the High Priest in Judah at the time. He was exiled
with other Jewish people and lived among them. His job was to
help his people in exile and inspire them not to abandon their
Jewish faith.

Ezekiel had a privilege to be chosen by G-d to become a Prophet.
In a number of encounters with G-d, Ezekiel was shown
everything that is destined to happen until the end of this world.
He was one of the few people in existence that saw the
“Shechina” (the Celestial Vehicle that carries the spirit of G-d).
I want the reader to understand a few important facts about
encounters with the true G-d:

1. G-d chooses to communicate with the chosen person
whenever He sees it fit, not the other way around. The chosen
person is always an ultra-special person who possesses
extraordinary faith and skills.

2. G-d doesn’t come down Himself to communicate with
us. He sends His spirit which communicates with the chosen
people. G-d’s spirit is called “Shechina”. The only time in history
that He actually came down to earth was when He gave the
Torah to the Jewish people. The Torah is the Book of Wisdom
and Laws that people should live by. At the time of giving of the
Torah, G-d had to bend seven dimensions to come to earth. He
wanted the entire population of the Jewish people to witness
Him personally. The only person in existence that got close to
Him was Moses. Few other people, who drew nearby mistake,
died instantaneously.

3. The only true religion is the Jewish religion because
about 1 Million Jews witnessed G-d personally. In that epic
encounter, G-d promised them an eternal covenant. Only
people who don’t understand who G-d is have difficulty with
understanding the term eternal. It means that G-d never
changes His mind. All the other religions were introduced by
pagans to corrupt people. G-d decreed especially horrible
punishment to the people who spread false teachings.

4. That is the reason why only the Jews have the original
Bible. That is why every single person in history who witnessed
G-d’s spirit personally was Jewish.

5. A chosen person doesn’t talk with G-d like we humans
communicate with each other. G-d embeds Himself in the
person’s mind and takes over it. The person hears G-d talking
right inside his head. During those instances, he doesn’t have
any control of his body or mind. G-d controls him like we would
control a dummy.

6. In these encounters, the chosen person doesn’t actually
see G-d. He sees a supernatural chariot that is carried by the
strangest looking angels called Chayot, who have many different
faces of men and animals and many wings. The chariot is made
in the likeliness of fire, but it is much brighter than fire. It has
wheels that look like crystals. On the chariot, there is a likeliness
of a king’s throne. On the throne there rests Glory of G-d, which
emanates such bright light that no person can really look at it.

7. The prophet doesn’t see the image of the chariot clearly.
He sees it as if it were through the reflection of nine different


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