This life is Matrix! No kidding!

We live in matrix

It is trendy today to think that we are in control, that we are masters of our own lives. There are numerous books written about every possible "how to" in the world. People seem to have figured it all out, and created a perfect system to fix every issue. However, all those systems come with fine print. There are no guarantees for success in any of them. In fact, those "perfect solutions" hardly work half of the time, and even then it might be merely placebo effect.

I want to show you here that nothing is as it seems in our world. The whole life is based upon a facade of reality, when in all actuality, nothing is for real.

Let’s start with people around us. It seems that almost everyone around us is fake. That includes our co-workers, who pretend that they are our friends. In reality they are our enemies, laying dormant to stab us in the back at any given opportunity. I am sure that most of you out there can agree with the above statement. Those people pretend to be our friends merely because they want something from us.

Our neighbors smile and greet us, but aren’t they just being nice because they feel that they have to, in order to keep peace? Who knows what is really in their hearts...

Most of our friends are fake. If you don’t believe me, ask yourself a question; would I trust this “friend” to watch my child, my money, or even my property? Would I trust him/her to care for my parent or a spouse while I’m gone for business? If you answered no to any of the above questions, it means that they are not real friends. How about your family members?

How about medication? Millions of people go to the doctors and hospitals every day, thinking that science has cure for their ailments. They entrust their health and lives in the hands of doctors blindly. However, have you ever read the medications research papers? The shocking truth is that in most cases, those medications work only in about 40% of the time. Even more startling is the fact that during the research studies, about the same percentage of people are “cured” by the water pill (placebo).

How about the “sciences” of Psychology and Psychiatry? Has any one of you met a person that was cured by those “sciences”? You won’t. That simply doesn’t happen. People spend lifetime going to those “professionals”, expecting their help, when in reality those head doctors can’t even help their own family members. All they do is create dependency. They can’t cure anyone. There are Clinical Psychologists that wrote books about relationships, while they can’t keep their own relationships straight.

How about TV commercials? They portray very inferior products as the best thing invented since bicycle! They claim that buying their products will make us happy. Some of you actually believe them. However, after you run out and buy their product, do you really feel happier in life? Or is it that you feel emptier? I believe that the latter is true. The most ridiculous fact is that short while later, those companies come out with a new “improved” product, and try to convince us that the real happiness is in owning it. This is utterly ridiculous. There is absolutely no happiness in owning material items.

Another example of deceiving advertisements is about pets. For example, the commercials tell you that owning (adapting) a dog is happiness. Greedy companies breed dogs by millions every month, and market them as man’s best friends. First of all, how getting an animal, serving it, slaving after it, and cleaning it, is happiness? Today, almost everyone has a dog, but somehow most of the population is depressed. Secondly, by having an animal as a friend and wasting your time and resources on it, you really deprive yourself from human friends, who can really enrich your life day in and day out.

Scientists claim that this world is random, and that we evolved from a single cell entity. They say that humans evolved from apes. This is absurd. If it were true, where is the missing link for the last 100 years? The history showed that atheists had a fabricated missing link for a while until they were caught. They want to say that human intelligence and morality comes from apes, but it is a lie. The scientists themselves don’t believe that. They just want the average folk to believe it, because it is all about control. They created their own religion.

The scientists also claim that there are aliens out there. They have been talking about it since 1960’s. During that era, the US government even sent spaceships trying to contact alien species. My question is, where are they? I say that even if it were true, potential alien planets are so far off, that it will take aliens thousands of years to get to us. All this assuming that they are traveling at the speed of light, which is the fastest speed that our world physics allow. The fact is that those are fairy tales that only the people who believe in scientists believe. That fact has no connection to reality.

Another interesting fact; the physical formulas that we have, only work on earth. They do not work outside of earth, in space, and they don’t work on particles.

We live in a world that is not what it seems. There are more questions in it than answers. Let’s summarize what the scientists are actually saying; they are saying that we evolved from apes, and after billions of years of evolution, we are headed towards self-destruction in the next two million years. Is that the kind of evolution that makes any sense?

Now I will tell you what I believe in; I absolutely believe without a slightest doubt, that we were created by God. I believe this because unlike scientists that have no proof for their theories (theories is all they have), I have a proof to my belief. Over 1 million of my ancestors witnessed God personally about 4000 years ago, and faithfully passed down the information. At that time, God gave them the Torah. It is our life manual. People who follow it, live lives of true happiness and fulfilment, full of true love and great relationships. They are free of depression, darkness, violence and crime. Now, that is the real proof.

This life is matrix. It seems real to us, but it’s not. It is just a drama that is directed by God. God is all powerful. There is absolutely nothing that He can’t do. Everything depends on Him. And I mean everything to the tiniest detail imaginable. He is hiding behind the curtain in a different dimension. He is watching each moment of our lives. God knows every individual’s thoughts, and motives behind their actions! He puts each one of us through grueling and torturing tests of faith through our lives, to see how we measure up. This life is a play. People who play a good game by Gods rules, following His book of rules (the Torah), get to play a better and longer game of life. The ones who are failing, are challenged more and more, until they merit to be taken out of the game. Since God is absolutely just and absolutely fair, everyone gets exactly what they deserve. The rules of the game are observed to the tiniest detail. Everyone gets their fair share. Good players get bonus points and get to skip levels of the game, to be elevated higher.

When we die, we each go to a temporary place of our merit that is designed by Gods imagination. At that place, we are handed our sentence according to our merits. At that time, it is determined if we passed the test of life and if we played by the rules. People who failed are sentenced to a horrible fate. The ones who passed the test are rewarded and blissfully wait until the play comes to a close.

Finally, here is the kicker; God told us that the world was created for a purpose. After this temporary world, where we are tested, the new world order is coming. In that new order, people who are worthy, are guaranteed eternal life of tranquility on this earth. That includes all the people who ever lived, and followed Gods manual. Now, that is what I call evolution.

We are not alone. Someone is watching us and recording everything. In our hearts we all know that God is true. The only perfect book in existence is the Torah. No one ever found an error in it. It is the book that helps you to survive the matrix.

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