What the hell is happening to the movies?

The Evolving Movies

by David Zephaniah

Let's take a look at how movies evolved in the last 50 years. It is amazing.

1960's = Only modest kissing allowed. Women only wear dresses & skirts. No profanity. No graphic violence. No homosexuality. All had happy endings.

1970's = French kiss allowed. Some women wear pants. No profanity. No graphic violence. No homosexuality. All had Happy endings.

1980's = Some limited sex allowed. Most women wear pants. Some profanity. Some drug use. Limited violence. Some mention of homosexuality. Some unhappy endings.

1990's = Some graphic sex is allowed. Some women behave like men. Profanity is mostly allowed. Lots of drug use. Lots of violence. Some homosexuality. Lots of unhappy endings.

2000's = Graphic sex is common. Women play man's roles. Profanity is common. Always drug use. Always violence. Homosexuals are in most movies. Mostly unhappy endings.

2010's = Most movies include graphic sex. Not sure who is men and who is women (looks can be deceiving!). Profanity is a must. Drugs are mainstream. Homosexuality is mainstream and encouraged. Strange and unsatisfactory endings.

2020's = Can anyone guess??? Since what is happening is the reverse of evolution, monkeys will be making movies. Just joking. I do believe that people behind Hollywood have an agenda. It is to destroy every human decency.
Parents, if you want a good kid, who will make you proud, and not the kid who will turn out to be a stupid and depressed populist, don't have them watch those immoral movies. They have a direct impact on the development of personalities. Thus you will not support the wicked agenda of evil powers. You will join the small group of people on earth, who know what is really going on.
 What will be an additional ultimate benefit? You might qualify to live in a better world on earth. The world that the Maker designed for us. It is waiting to "sprout" just at the right moment, in the near future.

Is the end of the world real?

David Zephaniah's Books


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