Love and Relationships: Key for happiness, not dogs

by David Zephaniah

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Why some People cannot Fall in Love

To find love, one needs to know love!
I have heard countless people ask questions about love and romance. I want to give you information about love, so you can understand yourself better. Let’s look at some popular questions.

· Can I fall in love?
· When will I fall in love?
· Will anyone ever love me?
· Why don’t my relationships work out?

Love is an intangible feeling for many people out there. In this booklet, I will talk about love that happens between two complete strangers, a man and a woman. Most of us watch movies and read stories which depict two people fall in love. Those love stories are extremely popular. However, the question is:

· How many of us experience true love?
· How many of us believe that love is real?

Love is an emotion. It is not a material thing that one can touch or confirm with physical formulas. I know that we all talk about love all the time and use sweet words. The reality is, it’s easy to talk about it, but it’s hard to actually experience it. Many people claim that they are in love, but they are fooling themselves or others. If someone could put a love meter on them, the needle would not go high because from observing their body language and behavior, they do not seem to be in love at all. One of the main indications of a phony love is how short-lived it is.

I have heard countless people give countless excuses after their relationship didn’t work out. They said all this after proclaiming earlier that they had fallen deeply in love.
· I fell out of love.
· I love him, but I’m not in love.
· The romance is over.
· It didn’t work out between us.
Let’s look closer and try to understand what happens to people. Were they in love? That is a good question, and my answer is NO. They did not experience true love; otherwise their responses would have been remarkably different. I will explain below. After reading this book, you’ll understand yourself better. And, as a result, you will hopefully seek to become a better person in general.

Love and science

Love is an emotion that cannot be proven with science.  There is no love calculator out there that can evaluate your love. However, I know that for a person to understand and experience love, they have to believe in it first. If one does not believe in love, there is no chance they’ll experience it. I also think that, if a person did not experience a good parental care as a child, they would not know what love is as a grown up.

When a child comes to this world, the first few years in their life are the most crucial in a normal development of feelings. If a child is born into a broken family (a single mother who struggles to raise her child on her own, adaptive parents) they will never know love.

The sad fact is that many adults today are products of dysfunctional families. They go through life looking for something that they do not fully understand and accept. In this fast evolving world, people don’t think about consequences of having children because most of them are from broken families themselves. Since they never experienced love, they cannot give love, therefore going through countless meaningless relationships in their lifetime.
A feeling of love is a parallel to another pertinent feeling, which is HAPPINESS.
I came to the following conclusions:
1. People who cannot fall in love cannot experience true happiness either, because those two feelings go together.
2. The only 2 people that play leading role in enabling you to have those two most basic feelings in life are your loving father and mother.
3. The feelings of joy and love are both connected to the belief in G-d. I came to a conclusion that people who do not believe in G-d, cannot believe in true love and true happiness either.
Babies recognize their parent as G-ds. In the event of tough childhood, a child loses faith in their parents and comes to a conclusion that people who created them don’t love them. This fact creates a permanent conflict in child’s mind. It results in lack of respect for the parents and the Maker. The child is feeling that something is missing. What those kids are feeling is lack of love and happiness.

Love and children

You need to start thinking and planning for a child even before pregnancy. One of the most crucial factors in child’s development is a strong family unit of a father and mother. If a strong family unit is present and a child gets all the warmth that they need, they will grow up happy and loved.

However, even in a relatively healthy family unit, many people live extremely unhealthy lifestyles, and many factors influence good child development. Those factors might include lack of good culture, poor eating habits, untidy house, excessive TV watching, etc. Therefore, the best kids come out from the traditional families that are innovative and are not overly religious...

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