Excerpt from Prophecy about End of Days from the Book of Daniel.

End of the World, Tanach Predictions

This excerpt of the End of Days is from the Book of Daniel in the Jewish Bible. Since End of days supposed to happen in our generation, I found it right to publish parts of it and other prophecies to teach and to enlighten. This book is purely based upon the Jewish Bible, the Original version in ancient Hebrew. 

Revelation of the End of Days in the kingdom of Babylon

Years went by since his captivity in Babylon, and Daniel was already in his 40’s. His life in the kingdom of Babylon was extremely prosperous and secure. He held extremely powerful government positions and had a significant influence over government, social, religious and financial affairs in the kingdom. Daniel had everything anyone could wish for - land, treasures, and other material possessions. Regardless, he was still longing for his family and the beautiful country of Judah. He was ready to trade all the riches and power just to be with his family again. He was wondering if his parents were still alive.

This revelation happened in the kingdom of Babylon, 23 years after king Nebuchadnezzar’s death. In the first year of King Belshazzar reign, Daniel had a revelation at night, in a form of a dream. In the revelation, Daniel was transformed to a different reality, and found himself standing by the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. There was eerie quietness in the air. All of a sudden, mysterious and strong winds came from all the directions of the world and stirred up the magnificent sea. Large waves started crashing on the shore. Daniel took a few steps away, and while looking anxiously at the sea, he saw four gigantic beasts emerging out of water one by one. It was a breathtaking sight of epic proportions because the beasts were like no other beasts in the world. Daniel wondered what it all meant.

As the beasts slowly emerged from the sea, Daniel saw a group of men assembling close by. They were listening to another man on a podium. He was issuing what sounded like a verdict. Daniel approached the group, and greeted one of the men who were standing. He asked him what was going on, and what he was witnessing.

The man greeted him back, and said, “You are witnessing a revelation for the events which will occur in a very distant future. You are here because you were chosen by the Holy G-d, to receive this revelation. G-d wants you to understand what the fate of the Jewish people in the distant future will be. These four beasts are representations of the kingdoms that will happen in the future. The Holy Jews, who observe the Commandments, will take the land from the fourth one, forever and to all eternity.”

At that moment, Daniel realized that although this looked like a place on earth, it was not. He understood that he was transformed to the place which was not of this earth, to a different realm. Looking closely at the men around him, he noticed that the “men” were not men at all because they had no joints in their hands and legs. He felt both humbled and frightened once he realized that he was in the company of angels.

Daniel looked at the first beast with curiosity. The beast looked like a huge lion, and it had wings of an eagle. As the creature was coming out of the sea, an unseen hand plunked its wings out, took out its heart, and replaced it with the human heart.

The second beast came out of the water and stood on the other beast’s right. It looked like a giant bear. There were three ribs in its mouth, and it kept chewing them, and spitting them out. Then it would pick them off the ground and put them in its mouth again.

The third creature looked like a spotted leopard. It had four heads and four wings of a bird on its back.

Daniel abruptly awoke from the dream and could not forget the sight. He tried to concentrate on his government work all day, but could not forget the visions of the previous night.

The following night Daniel had another revelation. The prophecy was a continuity of the dream he had the night before. Daniel found himself standing among the angels, next to the stormy sea, watching the fourth beast emerging from the water. It was a terrible beast. It was bigger than an elephant and it looked remarkably frightening and strong. The creature had large iron teeth, and it was devouring everything around it, crushing everything in its mouth. On its head, there were ten horns. Suddenly, another little horn grew on its head in place of three horns. Daniel was shocked because the little horn had human eyes and a mouth that was speaking against G-d arrogantly!

The angel next to him waited a few moments until Daniel recollected himself, and then explained the revelation, “The first creature that emerged from the sea last night symbolized the kingdom of Babylon that is in existence right now. The beast had wings of an eagle to symbolize that it’s in power right now. Its wings were plunked out, which is an allusion of its downfall. A heart of a mortal man was given to it, as an expression of weakness. It means that kingdom of Babylon will come to an end and will forever disappear from this earth”

“The second beast represents the kingdom of Persia, which will reign after the kingdom of Babylon. It looked like a bear because the Persians are barbaric like a bear; they eat and drink like a bear, and wrap themselves in animal skin. The bear stood to the side, indicating that when the kingdom of Babylon terminates, Persia will wait for one year, when kingdom of Media will reign. There were three ribs in the creature’s mouth, symbolizing the three kings who will emerge from Persia - Cyrus, Ahasuerus, and Darius.”

“The third beast represents the kingdom of Antiochus the Greek that will emerge after Persia. It is spotted because the Greeks will be inconsistent and will have different rules and regulations in the different provinces of the kingdom. It had four heads and four wings of a bird on its back, and control of the earth will be given to it. The leopard’s four heads are the four rulers who will arise after Alexander Macedon’s death.” 

Daniel tried to understand. He felt overwhelmed by the epic and artistic display in front of him. The angel waited a moment, and proceeded with the explanation; “The last beast is a kingdom of Rome, which will emerge after the kingdom of Greeks. It had ten horns, to symbolizing the ten kings that will climb to the throne. The 11th little horn, which grew on its head, and three first horns were plunked out of it, symbolizes Titus Vespasian. The little horn had human eyes and a mouth that was speaking highly arrogantly because Titus will be an incarnation of evil. He will curse and rebuke G-d, and will destroy the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.”

Suddenly, the angel was silent as Daniel observed that two magnificent royal thrones appeared nearby. An angel announced in a loud voice, “G-d has arrived to proclaim the final judgment for the world”. The angel next to Daniel explained: “One throne is for judging the different nations for their sins, and the other is for the charity of Israel. On that throne, G-d will remove all the inequities of the Jews and the other people, who will still hold faith, and observe the commandments till the end.”

Daniel was shocked and frozen, as he saw that suddenly one of the thrones was occupied. G-d was seated on the throne. Daniel had to cover his eyes, because of an intense light that was emanating from G-d. The throne was made of sparks of fire; it had wheels, which were a burning fire.

River of fire was flowing and emerging from before him. Thousands and thousands of angels assembled around him and served him. There were thousands of angels singing for Him. His robes were as white as snow, and His hair was white like pure linen.

An angel made a loud announcement, "Justice is established before G-d, and the records are open! These are the records of sins and the evil deeds that different nations of the world committed."

Daniel was stunned and could not move. He felt mortified in the presence of G-d. He watched hypnotized that from the sound of the arrogant words from the mouth of the small horn, on the head of the fourth beast, the wrath of G-d was aroused, and He ordered to slay the beast. The dreadful beast was slain by the angels, and its body was burned in the flame of fire. “That will be the destiny of the kingdom of Rome in the end of days,” said the angel. “As for the other kingdoms, their dominion of the earth was taken away from them, by heaven. None of them will be powerful again to rule the earth. They were given an extension of life to live until a set day in the future, when the last war of Gog and Magog will happen.”

Daniel tried to follow through. He was flooded with awe and delights that G-d found him to be significant enough to be shown what will happen in the future. As he was taking the information in, suddenly, from the clouds, a person appeared. He was immediately greeted by the angels, and was brought in front of G-d, who was still sitting, and judging other nations.

Angel said, “That man is the Messiah. He will be a leader in the End of the World. G-d will give him power, glory and the dominion over all the nations. His kingdom will never be removed.”

Daniel was shaken up. He wanted to know more in order to understand the prophecy, and he started asking questions. He wanted to know more about the fourth beast, which was different from all the other ones, and was exceedingly dreadful. About the one that had iron teeth and crushed everything in its mouth into fine powder. Daniel also wanted to know more about the horns on its head, and the last one that came up, and the three first horns that fell before it.

The angel answered: “This horn is the Roman King Titus. He will lead his army, waging war with the Holy Israel and will overwhelm them. He will succeed in oppressing them for many years until G-d comes and takes revenge for the Holy Jews, and the time comes when the Jews inherit the kingdom.”

“The ten horns that sprout from the fourth beast’s head represent ten kings in the empire. The last king that will arise after them will be different from the first and will humble three kings. That is Titus. This king will change the decree of three former kings, and convert the land to worship the pagan “G-d”. He will speak words against G-d and will oppress the Jews. He will make plans to cause them to betray G-d, and break all of their Jewish commandments, rituals, and laws. For that purpose, he will create a pagan religion. The Holy Jews will be delivered into his hand because of their sins, until a time, two times and half a time.”

And then the angel warned him, “And you, Daniel, close up the words and seal. The set time for the end of days is hidden. Do not tell anyone about it. When that day arrives, the judgment shall be established before G-d, and G-d will remove the control and the power of the Roman kingdom.”

“The kingdom and authority and the significance of the kingdoms under all the heavens will be given to the people of the Holy Jews, and the people who practice the Commandments. That kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom. All the dominions will serve it and obey it forever and ever.”

Daniel awoke from the revelation. He hid all that he saw in his mind for now. The whole prophecy terrified him and troubled him. He realized that the second Holy Temple is destined to be destroyed as well, and the people of Israel had many troubles and tribulations ahead, for many years to come.

End of days

As I said earlier, we live in the era of end of days. According to many wise men, it should happen within next few years.

The Roman empire still exists [with the leadership of the USA] and it is crumbling. 

David Zephaniah's Books


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