Why are there So Many Homosexuals today?

Feminist revolution in the world

By David Zephaniah

I witnessed the feminism revolution in 70’s and 80’s in this country and some other countries. Many good things have happened in a way of taking women out of obscurity and giving them equal rights at home and in workplace. The women of today are no longer second class citizens and enjoy all the benefits that this society has to offer.

There are countries out there where a woman is still very much a second class citizen and has very little rights. It is happening in most Muslim countries. For example, in Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed even to drive cars. There are some other countries, such as Israel and Russia, where women never were second class citizens, and they have always enjoyed equality. Some of them are working and supporting their families, and some are willingly staying home to take care of their children and families.

Social revolution

However, this revolution brought unwanted side effects. The money making machine of greedy corporations suddenly realized that women have become a purchasing power house. The clothing makers, cosmetics makers, movie makers, etc., started marketing to women very aggressively by portraying them as decision makers and empowering them with direct and subliminal messages in countless commercials, soap operas and movies.
I believe that most of us will agree that there are not many men out there, who will buy 20 pairs of shoes, or 30 pieces of cosmetics. I haven’t met any man who has a closet full of clothes and still complained that he had nothing to wear. However, women do!

The advertisers latched on these weaknesses of women and spent billions of dollars marketing anything from cosmetics, clothing, animals, furniture and cars to women. I have seen thousands of commercials that show women who appear smarter than men and make purchasing decisions.

American Men

The marketing and commercials in America had an adverse effect about the way children were raised, especially by single mothers.

Women started taking those commercial ideas and marketing gimmicks as reality. Boys were told from early childhood that they were the inferior species. They were put down. All of a sudden, a new generation of men came to this world, conditioned that women are stronger species. This society started producing feminine and weak men! Today’s movies show that females beat up and outsmart men. I have to tell you folks that I’m a history buff. I read countless books on the world history. Females had their own roles in the history, and they are inseparable from men. However, there was only very small percentage of women heroes. This is because G-d (or nature, if you don’t believe in G-d), didn’t intend for a woman to do a man’s job.

That is the main reason why so many people are single in the USA. Many women are high-strong with no respect, and many men are weak and unreliable. This is a mismatch!

Some think that people are born gays

That is not true. There is some inclination built in each of us, because the allmighty God created us that way. Why? I'm not going to go deep explaining it, but just to give you an idea, it is mankind's purpose to overcome many obstacles in his/her lifetime.

There is a certain age in human lifetime that if they are exposed to an immoral behavior, they might get mentally "damaged" and misunderstand the whole thing about sexuality. It is our most important endeavor of us as parents to make sure that it does't happen.

To explain it differently, gays are the people who lost all control of their desires and act like animals upon their instincts and desires without shame.

To give an example, if I want to eat an unhealthy food I suppose to overcome that desire. Otherwise who am I? What is a difference between me and a dog (just for example)? Dog shits or fucks  wherever and whenever he feels like, because he doesn't feel shame.

How to raise boys to men

If you condition boys that they are the weak species, they will grow up to be weak, feminine man. Instead of producing confident men who could become future leaders and stars, you would be producing sensitive, emotional men that are NOT reliable and NOT dependable. They won’t be able to achieve any greatness.
WOMEN ARE THE EMOTIONAL SPECIES! Women have their own strengths and talents.
Do some of you out there believe that our leaders were raised as weak men? I can tell you that they were raised the right way. They were raised as real men. We have had some strong female leaders such as Golda Meir in Israel and Margaret Thatcher in England, but they are an exception to the rule.

Let boys be boys, and let girls be girls. They each have their different G-d given talents. This way they’ll maximize their future potential without all kinds of inferiority feelings.
My father was a real man. This fact didn’t take anything away from my mother. She was an exceptional and strong woman.


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