So you want to know Why Do Bad People Prosper?

by David Zephaniah

Why bad people are rich and good people suffer.

I believe that most of us want to know why the bad people prosper. It seems to be the case everywhere. People who have no morals are rich and famous. However, the honest, thoughtful, and moral people struggle through their lifetime, because they refuse to do things that bad people do, like lying, cheating, hurting other people, etc.

The answer will surprise you!

Gods pays forward to the wicked

This information is from the Torah. In the chapter 7 of Deuteronomy, just before Jewish nation entered Israel, Moses explains why some wicked people prosper in this lifetime. This happened about 3500 years ago:

 “Those are God’s commands. When God, your God, brings you into the land which you are going to possess, He will drive away many nations from before you: the Chitites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Cana’anaites, the Perizites, the Chivites, and the Jebusites. Those seven nations are more numerous and powerful than you.

God, your God, will deliver them to you and you will defeat them. You must destroy them completely. Do not make a treaty with them. Do not admire them in any way.

You must not intermarry with them. You must not give your daughter to their sons, and you must not take their daughters for your sons. Because one of their sons will turn away your grandson from following Me, and they will worship other “gods”. Then God’s anger will be kindled against you, and He will quickly destroy you.

This is what you should do to them: You should demolish their altars, smash their monuments, cut down their idolatrous trees, and burn their statues in fire. Because you are a holy people to God, your God. God, your God has chosen you from all the peoples upon the face of the earth to be His treasured people. God did not desire you and choose you because you are more numerous than all the other nations, for you are in fact the smallest of all the nations. Rather, God took you out with the strong hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery, from the hands of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, because of God’s love to you, and because He is keeping the oath that He swore to your forefathers.

You should know that God, your God, is the Almighty God, the faithful God, Who upholds the covenants and rewards acts of kindness to those who observe His commandments out of love and those who keep His commandments out of fear, for a thousand generations.

He causes each of those who hate Him to perish in the world to come [after the end of this world] by paying him fully in this world to his face for any good that he has done. He will not delay payment to the one who hates Him. He will repay him to his face.

You should keep the body of commandments, the suprarational commands and the rational commands, which I am commanding you to observe today.”

Explanation why bad people are rich.

There are few important and powerful lessons to learn from this portion of the Torah.

The Creator created this world of suffering and challenges in order to test our souls. At the same time He created the world to come, which is a perfect world in a different dimension, right here on earth. Those who pass the test of life, get rewarded to live in the perfected world without evil inclination (what people call Satan, Devil, etc.), without deceases, without death, and without the need to toil.
The world to come already exists, and will be activated after this world is over. To explain differently, when God created our universe, He already saw all the possible futures, and chose the best one. He endowed people with His "image". Image doesn't correspond to His looks, because He doesn't have any. He fills the infinite space which is infinitely greater than our universe. It means that He endowed us with ability to create things and independent thinking. We call it free choice. He set the physical rules in stone, with certain conditions. To give you an example, He decreed to the Red Sea that it split for the Israelites when they come out of Egypt, before He even created it.
Some righteous people already live in the world to come, because they passed the test. Their physical body died in this world, but it was reconstructed in the world to come. The rest of us are in the process.
The conclusion of the test will happen when all the designated souls will conclude the test. According to many Jewish mystics, we are lucky enough to live in that particular era.

Now, to answer why bad people prosper, God pays forward to the wicked people in this world, for any good deeds they ever did. That means few things; God is fair and just. Since He owes them nothing anymore, He can erase them from existence in the World to come. The wicked people that have no good deeds, suffer immensely in this world, and perish in the World to come.

Other powerful lessons:

When the Jewish people entered Israel, there were 7 nations living in it. God is the “landlord” of this earth. Since those 7 nations were pagan nations, He decided to destroy them completely. That also clearly shows that the "Palestinians" are squatters and  have no leg to stand on. They don't have any historical connection to the land of Israel. The Landlord [God] gave it to Jews for eternal possession. Since God controls everything, Palestinian state will never happen.

 God only loves those who observe His commandments. He has no mercy for those who do not follow Him either Jewish or Gentile. He destroyed many mighty nations. He destroyed millions of pagan Jews in the history, as he will again.

God never brakes His promises and never changes His mind! Everything that He ever said stands forever. If He would, the nature would change constantly, and sun wouldn't rise anymore. There is only one exception; He made it possible for an individual to repent. If He decides to destroy someone, and before He decrees it, if that someone repents, he will be saved from being erased.  Whoever claims that God changed His mind, is a liar. That is the difference between God and human; God is eternal. His words stand forever. Human words can be empty promises. Even with the best of intentions, he can’t fulfil them, because he is merely mortal. Once he dies, he disappears from this world [as pagan "gods" do].

God chose Abraham, and his descendants, to be His treasured people. He knew that Abraham and his descendants will come, before He created this world. That will not change ever, because God never breaks His word.

God also prohibited intermarriage because He knows that it will cause the children of such marriage not to follow Judaism. They will follow paganism [materialism]. Their children's children won't even be Jewish anymore. He wants gentiles to convert to Judaism and not the other way around.

That is why when pagan Jews created Christianity, they omitted part of second commandment, which reads the following:
Commandment #2: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And showing mercy unto thousands of them [generations] that love me, and keep my commandments."

God is Omnipresent. Time doesn’t exist for Him, because He invented time only for this earth. He already knows the future.

***Get out of darkness and go to the light.
Life is more fun and happy in the light.
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