Shocking Life of Zombies

By: David Zephaniah

The final stage of this world

All off you probably heard that the Jews were chosen by God to be His treasured people. Nobody just claims it, that is what the Bible said. I studied the prophecies in the Bible over the last 10 years and have learned a lot. I want to share the information with the general public for the purpose of inspiration and enlightenment.

We live in the era of the End of Days. This current world order has an expiration date. While nobody knows the exact date, all the signs indicate that it will happen in our generation, within the next few years. 

Is the world getting better?

Contrary to scientist’s claims, the world is not getting better, and the crime rate is not decreasing. One must be blind and deaf in order not to know that crime rates are skyrocketing today.  A day doesn’t go by that we don’t read about heinous crimes that are committed in our society.

Most of the world problems are rooted in the fact that people don’t follow God’s commandments. That is why our society has degenerated to immorality, immodesty, crime, etc.

If you observe a God-fearing Jewish community, you will see that they are almost free of crime, hate, depression and other social ailments. They have good family relationships and great kids, who make them very proud.  They possess something that is very hard to come by these days - true happiness.

Christians and Muslims each claim that God has forsaken the Jews and have chosen them. If it were true, would  tiny Israel still exist today with its incredible might, beating enemies 100 times more numerous? Would more than a half of Nobel Prize winners come from the nation that is .003% world population? Jews prosper in everything they set out to do.

In our days, Israel has already achieved an amazing leadership status in many scientific frontiers. I predict that in the next few years, Israel will become the most remarkable center in technology, medicine, spirituality, and other fields. It is absolutely amazing because we are talking about the country of only 8 million people. This tiny land is 500 miles long and 50 miles wide!

Who is the rightful owner of Land of Israel?

We are talking about the impossible odds here. That means that the Jews are still the chosen people. As I have learned in the prophecies, Israel is the Jewish homeland. Palestinians are squatters. The only reason they even have a voice is that the topic of human rights is on trend today and antisemitism is still very real. 

How else can you explain that the Palestinians have support despite the fact the most heinous terrorism, crime, and atrocities in humanity come from them and their cronies?

The beautiful thing about Judaism is that anyone who is interested can convert and join. It is not an exclusive club. The only requirement is that one has to have a 100% conviction. He/she has to become a real Jew at heart.

If one succeeds in that endeavor, he/she is guaranteed a huge share in the world to come. God has promised to resurrect every Jew.

The signs of the End are clear

The world is degenerating very fast. At the least, you need to consider following the 7 Noahide laws in order that your descendants do not perish. You can make up your mind. The choice is yours.

The Creator is Omnipresent. He lives in all the timelines simultaneously. He already saw our “drama” and He already knows how it will end. The only thing that He doesn’t know for sure is how each of us will fare in our lifetime. He is a kind God, He hopes that most of us choose the right path, so He doesn’t have to punish us. After all, He prefers to issue rewards.

There is no set time for the end of the world. God gave us information in a coded message, because ultimately it depends on us, on the choices we each individually make. The end of the world will happen when mankind reaches the critical point of no return. At that time there will be enough people in the world, who will be able to stand up to the evil inclination and to overcome it. It will happen in our lifetime. 

That will be the time when God descends down to earth and will turn it to a splendorous Garden of Eden. He longs to dwell among those good souls for eternity.

The existence in the world of the walking dead

I don’t know if any of you have noticed that many movies and mini-series lately deal with the apocalyptic future of the men-kind. For example, one can’t ignore the success of the movies such as “hunger games”, “Matrix”, “Walking dead”, etc. For quite a few years now, I’m asking myself, “why are so many people so obsessed with those kinds of movies”? For a while now I had a feeling that many people in the world are thinking deep down that this will be the ultimate future of mankind.

What that means that big part of the population of the world don’t believe in the feritales that scientists sell that the world is getting better with the time. 

Although there are many idiots out there that still believe in what they are fed with, most of the people do see the reality. They see that although we advanced technologically in the recent years, the world has become more dangerous and hateful place. It is full of wars and strife. Why go far; One can look what is happening inside the US, and see the daily ugliness of murders, drugs, hate, mistrust, etc. The political left is self hating bunch and they are open about it. The political right if finding itself fighting for their country and identity.

Does someone with the right mind thinks that the world is getting better, and all those problems will be solved with such an ugly rhetoric? I don’t think so!
What if I told you that the future of the world is not far from the ugly reality that is shown in those apocalyptic movies? What if I told you that it will be even worse?

According to the studies that I have conducted, I arrived at the conclusion that all the sinners who committed serious sins against God, will be resurrected from dead as well. They will be segregated in the middle earth without a possibility of escape ever. In that horrible world, they will face unimaginable horrors every day, which were designed by God individually for each one of them [according to their sins]. 

Those horrible souls will be fighting and killing each other on a daily bases, However the dead will not stay dead [because that would be too easy].  They will be resurrected the next day and face different horrors again.  

This will go on forever and for the eternity.

I leave it up to each one of you to make a choise which side are you on. 


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