Christians love to talk about Isaiah Chapter 53. Is it about Jesus?

Isaiah, Chapter 53

by David Zephaniah

This translation is from the original Old Testament, Tanach (= Torah, Prophets, and Scriptures), directly from Hebrew. There is only one version of the original.

1. The nations will say to one another: Were we to hear from others what we see, it would be unbelievable. The arm of the Lord is revealed like this, with greatness and glory, to whom was it revealed until now?  
2. And [this nation of Israel], before the greatness came to it, was a very humble people, and it came up by itself from a dry land, like a sapling of the saplings of the trees. When we saw him from the beginning without the great appearance, how could we desire him? Now shall we desire him?      
3. Despised and rejected by men, a man of pains and accustomed to illness, and as one who hides his face from us, despised and we held him of no account. (So is the custom of this prophet: he mentions all Israel as one man, e.g., (44:2), “Fear not, My servant Jacob”; (44:1) “And now, hearken, Jacob, My servant.” Here too (52:13), “Behold My servant shall prosper,” he said concerning the house of Jacob). Because of their intense shame and humility, they were as one who hides his face from us, with their faces bound up in concealment, in order that we not see them, like a plagued man who hides his face and is afraid to look.  
4. But now we see that this came to him not because of his low state, but that he was chastised with pains so that all the nations be atoned for with Israel’s suffering. The illness that should rightfully have come upon us, he bore. We thought that he [children of Israel] was hated by the Omnipresent, but he was not so, but he was pained because of our transgressions and crushed because of our iniquities.  
5. But he was pained because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities; the chastisement due to the welfare that we enjoyed, came upon him, for he was chastised so that there be peace for the entire world.  
6. Now it is revealed that all the heathens (nations) had erred. God accepted Israel’s prayers and was appeased concerning the iniquity of all of us, that He did not destroy His world.  
7. Behold he was oppressed by taskmasters and people who exert pressure. He was afflicted with verbal taunts, yet he would suffer and remain silent like the lamb that is brought to the slaughter, and like the ewe that is mute before her shearers.  
8. The heathens (nations) will say this at the end of days, when they see that he was taken from the imprisonment that he was imprisoned in their hands and from the judgment of torments that he suffered until now.  The tribulations that befell him, for from the beginning, he was cut off and exiled from the land of the living that is the land of Israel for because of the transgression of my people, this plague came to the righteous among them.  
9. Israel subjected himself to be buried according to anything the wicked of the heathens (nations) would decree upon him, for they would penalize him with death and the burial of donkeys in the intestines of the dogs. He was willing to be buried, and he would not deny the living God. To the will of the ruler he subjected himself to all kinds of death that he decreed upon him, because he did not wish to agree to (denial) [of the Torah] to commit evil and to rob like all the heathens (nations) among whom he lived. He refused to accept idolatry (to accept a pagan deity as God).  
10. And the Lord wished to crush him, He made him [nation of Israel] ill; The Holy One, blessed be He, wished to crush him and to cause him to repent; therefore, he made him ill.   Said the Holy One, blessed be He, “I will see, if his soul will be given and delivered with My holiness to return it to Me as restitution for all that he betrayed Me, I will pay him his recompense. If his soul makes itself restitution, he shall see children, he shall prolong his days, and God's purpose shall prosper in his hand.  
11. He would eat and be satisfied, and he would not rob and plunder. My servant would judge justly all those who came to litigate before him. He would bear their inequities, in the manner of all the righteous.  
12. Therefore, because he [Israel] did this, I will allot him an inheritance and a lot in public with the Patriarchs. He suffered torments as if he had sinned and transgressed, and this is because of others; he bore the sin of the many heathen nations. Through his sufferings, good came to the world and fulfilled the purpose of the creation.

Israel's prayers saved the world

Christians claim that chapter 53 in the book of Isaiah proves Jesus.
To "prove" this point, they mistranslated and distorted it. However, even in their mistranslated versions, if they bothered to read the whole chapter 53, and the rest of the Book of Isaiah, they would see that their claim doesn't make sense. The concept of Jesus is paganism and idol worship. It goes against everything that the Torah teaches.
My purpose is not to bash my Christian brethren. I want to open their eyes that have been closed for so many years. Some of them claim that God has changed His mind. For those of you who are unable to understand, changing mind means that He lied thousand times. Is that possible? Did He give another Torah?
Men lie every day and change their minds. God doesn't do that for two reasons; 1. He is Holy. Which means perfect. 2. He is Omnipresent, which means that He knows the outcome of every decision before He makes it.
The Jewish nation is powerful and successful because God blesses them every day for their service. He destroys only those Jews who lose faith and turn to paganism, such as reform Jews, atheist Jews, etc. He always destroys their enemies.
The apocalypse is very near. It is good to know where each of us stand.

English version of Isaiah in Tanach with Rashi commentary

Book of Isaiah on Amazon


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