Book of Isaiah is considered as a great Prophecy, what does it say?

by David Zephaniah

"I scattered Israel among the nations so they can expiate the sins through the afflictions and spread My Torah" (God).

This is a sample of the book.

The Unnatural Encounter (Chapter 6 and 7)

This story is told by Prophet (Oracle) Isaiah. It took place 2600 years ago in the kingdom of Judah.

 In the year that King Uziah became afflicted with leprosy, a disease so severe that it is considered like death, I had a heavenly vision. In the vision, I saw God sitting upon a throne, high and exalted. It happened when I was praying in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. His presence filled the temple. Above with him in heaven stood the Serafim angels, to serve Him. Each one had six wings. With 2 wings the angels covered their faces so as not to gaze upon the Divine Presence, and with two wings they covered their feet because of modesty in God’s presence, and with two wings they flew to do God’s mission.

The angels called to each other to begin praying together, and all together they prayed, “Holy, holy, holy, is the God of Hosts above the world of angels, above the planets, and this lowly world! The whole world is full of His glory.” The posts of the door [of the Temple] moved many feet at the voice of those who cried, and the Temple was filled with the smoke.

Then I said, “Woe is me! For I am lost; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of people with unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the God of Hosts I am surely unworthy for this.”

At that time, one of the Serafim flew to me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs off the altar. He laid the live coal upon my mouth to hurt me, and said with the frightening deep voice, “Behold, this has touched your lips, and your iniquity is taken away, and your sin of defaming the Jewish people purged.”

I didn't mind the pain, because I was at awe at God's presence. I heard the voice of God consulting the angels, saying, “Whom should I send to speak with the Jewish people, and who shall go for us?”

I said, “Here am I! Send me.”

God said, “Go and tell these people: Although you hear the prophet’s words, you do not understand. Although you see my miracles, you do not recognize them. The evil inclination makes the hearts of these people fat and makes their ears heavy, and shuts their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and return to Me, and be healed.”

I said, “God, how long will their hearts be insensitive?”

God answered, “Until their cities are destroyed without inhabitants, and the houses without men, the land of Israel is completely desolate, and I exiled them far away, and there is a great forsaking in the midst of the land. Another ten kings will rule in it before this destruction takes place, then it shall be consumed; but like a terebinth tree, or like an oak, whose stump remains, when they cast their leaves, so the holy seed of the Jews shall be its stump”.

Judgment Day (Chapter 40)

God says to the prophet Isaiah: “Console, console My people of Israel. Announce to the people of Jerusalem that in the future, her period of exile will be fulfilled. Her sins will be forgiven since she was punished twice by God with two exiles.

It is as if the voice is calling out: “Clear a path in the desert for God to return the exiles! Make a straight road in the wildness for our God to go ahead of them! Every valley will be raised. Every mountain and hill will be lowered. The crooked paths will be made straight, and the high places will become a plain”.

Then God’s Glory will be revealed and all flesh will see together that God has spoken the words of comfort.

A voice says to the prophet: “Announce in public”.

“What should I announce?” asks the prophet.

“Announce the following”, says the voice, “All the people who will come with [the army of] Gog to Jerusalem to war will wither like grass. Even their good people will wither, like the flowers of the field, for grass withers and flowers fade when God’s breath blows over it. Indeed, the people of Gog will be like grass! They are like grass that withers and flowers that fade. A person’s end is to die, and he cannot fulfill his empty words, but the word of our God will endure forever.”

You prophets who bring the news of redemption to Zion, go up on the high mountain so your voices can be heard from afar! Raise your voice powerfully and to bring the news of redemption to Jerusalem. Do not be afraid that somebody denies it. Declare to the cities of Judah, “God is coming to redeem you!” Look! God Almighty is coming with power, and His arm will rule for Him without any help [no other deity is with him!]. His reward for every person is with Him. His payment for good deeds is ready before him.

His recompense is before Him to mete our retribution upon the heathens [world nations] which He is obliged to give them.

Who is like God who knows the depth of waters as if He measured them with His fist, and He knows the length of the skies as if He measured them with a ruler? He knows the amount of earth on the ground as if He measured it. He knows the weight of the mountains and the hills as if He used a scale and a balance. The heavy mountains He inserted into the hard earth and the light ones into the soft earth. Who could influence God’s will to accord with his own will? Whom did He consult and who taught Him? Who instructed Him in the way of justice, taught Him knowledge, or guided Him in the path of wisdom?

He had the power to do all the above, and surely He has the power to keep His promises!

Who meted the spirit of the Lord, and His adviser who informs Him?

With which one of the heathens nations did He do so, that He taught them wisdom as He did to Abraham, to whom He gave the heart to recognize Him by himself and to understand the Torah, as it is said (ibid. 26:5): “And he kept My charge,” and Scripture states further (ibid. 18:19), “For he commands, etc.”

The strength of the nations is like a drop which runs down the back of a bucket and becomes bitter from the mold as if they were dust. They are not worthy to Him to appoint some of them as prophets to reveal His secrets.

Surely He can save Jewish people from the nations.

All the wood of the world is not enough to burn [sacrifice] on His altar, and its beasts-there is not enough for burnt offerings to expiate the iniquity of the heathens.  

To whom can you compare God? What image is of any value compared to Him? Could you possibly compare Him to idols cast by a smith and plated with gold by goldsmith, with cast silver to pull it along, because it cannot move on its own?

A poor person sets aside a large amount of money for his idol as if he were rich. He pays a professional to choose a wood which will not rot, and he seeks an expert to prepare an idol which will not fall apart and shame him for worshiping it.

Didn’t you know who Master of the world is by working it out yourself? Haven’t you heard from somebody that understood it? Haven’t you been told about God from ancient tradition? Haven’t you understood that the earth is not resting on any foundations for it is a globe surrounded by sky, so God must be decreeing it to stand? That is the true God, and you should have worshipped [only] Him.  

God is Who sits above the circle of the earth. Those who live on earth, to Him are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the skies like a sheet and spreads them like a tent for dwelling.

“So to whom can you liken Me? To who can you compare me?”, asks the Holy One. Lift up your eyes to heavens and see who created these stars! He brings out their hosts by number, calling each star by name. Because of His great might and tremendous strength, not one star is lost, because He made them exist permanently.

Who brings princes to naught, judges of the land He made like a thing of naught. Even [as though] they were not planted, even [as though] they were not sown, even [as though] their trunk was not rooted in the earth; and also He blew on them, and they dried up, and a tempest shall carry them away like straw.

"Now, to whom will you compare Me that I should be equal?", says the Holy One.

Do you not know if you have not heard-an everlasting God is the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth; He neither tires nor wearies; there is no fathoming His understanding. And One who has such strength and such wisdom He knows the thoughts of every person.

Why does He delay your benefit, O Israel?  Only to terminate the transgression and to expiate the sin through afflictions.

Be silent to Me, you Heathens, and kingdoms shall renew [their] strength; they shall approach, then they shall speak [for their defense], together to judgment let us draw near. They shall adorn themselves and strengthen themselves with all their might for war. Perhaps they will succeed [against] their judgment by force.

The islands shall see [the judgment day] and fear; the ends of the earth shall quake; they have approached and come. The heathens shall see the mighty deeds that I will perform, and they shall fear. One to another they will gather to war when they see the redemption.

Each one shall aid his fellow, and to his brother, he shall say, "Strengthen yourself." [He shall say, “Strengthen yourself” for war. Perhaps their “gods” will protect them against the judgment…
But you, Israel My servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham, who loved Me, and I am obliged to help you. You are whom I took you for My share from the ends of the earth [other nations], and from its nobles [from the greatest of them] I called you, and I said to you, "You are My servant"; I chose you and I did not despise you [like Esau, whom I hated].

Do not fear Israel, for I am with you; be not discouraged for I am your God: I encouraged you, I also helped you, I also supported you with My right hand.

Behold, all those incensed against you shall be ashamed and confounded; those who quarreled with you shall be as naught and be lost.

You may seek them but not find them, those who quarrel with you; those who war with you shall be as naught and as nothing.

For I, the Lord your God, grasp your right hand; Who says to you, "Fear not, I will help you."

Fear not, O family of Jacob, the number of Israel; "I have helped you," says the Lord, and your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.

"Behold I have made you a new grooved threshing-sledge, with sharp points; you shall thresh the kings of nations and crush them fine, and you shall make princes of heathens like chaff.  You shall scatter them as with the pitchfork, and a wind shall carry them off to Gehinnom [Hell], and a tempest shall scatter them, and you shall rejoice with the Lord, with the Holy One of Israel shall you praise yourself.

Let those who deny the Torah, the nations, and present their prophets and their soothsayers, and tell us what will happen: in the future. Or the coming events: in the future, let us hear, and we will see if there is any substance to them, that their words will come true...

End sample. If you are interested in the book, you can click here.


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