
Showing posts with the label middle East

End of Days: Tanach predictions, collection of important prophecies from Jewish Bible

by David Zephaniah This is a sample of the book: Commentary about Apocalyptic future  Although every book of prophecy in the Jewish Bible reveals some details about the end of the world events, the three books here are the most detailed. These are the Book of Daniel, Book of Ezekiel, and the Book of Zechariah Those three books complete the pieces of a puzzle and form a complete picture. Everything you will read will seem pretty unreal to you. The source of all these prophecies is the Tanach -  the only book of the ultimate truth and wisdom. The events in the Tanach are written hundreds and thousands of years apart, but perfectly collaborate and reconcile with each other.  My interpretation and analysis are based upon a research of our sages (great rabbis) over the last 2000 years. Those great people include Jonathan, Rashi, Onkelos, Maimonides, and many other great Jewish sources. I was extremely careful not to change a thing. Because the Tanach is written in a ve

Prophet Zechariah's vision of End of Days and future of Israel

by David Zephaniah "After the end of this world all the theaters, concert halls, and sporting stadiums will be converted to become study halls to teach My ways. My children of Israel will be the new 'stars', teaching it to the remainder of the world population."(God). The following is the sample of the book: High Priest Zechariah  Zechariah, son of Berechiah, son of Iddo predictions  began during the rule of the Persian Empire under kingship of king Darius about 2400 years ago. The Jewish High Priest Zechariah was living in Jerusalem. At the time he had just come back from the Persian exile along with many other Jews, who were allowed to go back to their land. Their forefathers were originally exiled by the Babylonians 70 years earlier, when the kingdom of Judah fell. Zechariah was a pure young man in his 30’s. He was a highly regarded priest in Jerusalem. Elders and people would often visit him for advice and consultation. As Creator promised 70 years ea