Prophet Zechariah's vision of End of Days and future of Israel

by David Zephaniah

"After the end of this world all the theaters, concert halls, and sporting stadiums will be converted to become study halls to teach My ways. My children of Israel will be the new 'stars', teaching it to the remainder of the world population."(God).

The following is the sample of the book:

High Priest Zechariah 

Zechariah, son of Berechiah, son of Iddo predictions  began during the rule of the Persian Empire under kingship of king Darius about 2400 years ago. The Jewish High Priest Zechariah was living in Jerusalem. At the time he had just come back from the Persian exile along with many other Jews, who were allowed to go back to their land. Their forefathers were originally exiled by the Babylonians 70 years earlier, when the kingdom of Judah fell.
Zechariah was a pure young man in his 30’s. He was a highly regarded priest in Jerusalem. Elders and people would often visit him for advice and consultation. As Creator promised 70 years earlier through oracle Jeremiah, the Persian Empire started rebuilding the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The Jewish exiles were slowly let go free to return to their land. There was a feeling of joy in the air. Once again there was hope that the Jews were going to be restored to their land.
Jerusalem was lying in ruins and a great effort was made by the returning exiles to rebuild it. However, there was lots of confusion and disorganization in the land. Tribes of Benjamin and Judah were constantly arguing over the leadership of the kingdom of Judah.
Zechariah tried his best to perform his duties. He was entreating Creator every day, asking for inspiration and instructions. It truly bothered him that the Holy Temple rebuilding was delayed. He used to meditate and pray diligently every day for that purpose. He wanted to know what Creator wanted them to do next, so he could convey Creator’s message to the people. Finally, in the eighth month in the second year of king Darius rule [king of Persia], his effort and meditations bore fruit and Creator made contact with Zechariah.
Zechariah’s heart was pounding. He felt that Creators spirit took over his body and mind. He heard Creator’s voice talking to him inside his head. Creator said, “Zechariah, you are my favorite high priest. I have chosen you to be my oracle ever since before you was conceived”.
Creator told him that He chose him as a messenger to the Jewish people in Jerusalem. Zechariah’s mission was to relay the Creators message to the Jewish people, who recently came back from the Babylonian exiles.
Creator, the Lord of the Hosts (also called, Master of Legions), said, “I was angry with your fathers, because they provoked me by their insubordination, paganism and idol worship. They were the generation of people who merited great evil upon themselves. That included the destruction of the My Temple in Jerusalem.”
“I want you to tell the new generation of Jews to return to me, and therefore I will return to them. Tell them not to be like their fathers who committed terrible transgressions before me. I warned them through my oracles to return to me but they didn’t listen. They got harshly punished because they didn’t repent from their evil deeds.”
“Tell them to return to Me and I will return to you”, said the Lord of Hosts.
Creator told Zechariah that the new generations of Jews already found out that the previous generation was harshly punished. They knew that each person was punished according to his own deeds. They also knew that the words of the oracles Jeremiah and Ezekiel all came true. Creator was looking forward to the return to the Jewish people if the new generation repented started following His commandments.
Zechariah was happy and eager to take upon the mission. He thanked Creator for His loving kindness. He was ready to fulfill any word Creator would give him. At that time Creator told him to await further instructions, and departed from him.

In Creator’s court of justice

About three months went by, when Creator’s word came to Zechariah again. The following prophecies are as they were told by oracle Zechariah himself.
On the 24th day of the 11th month, the month of Shevet, as I was sleeping, I saw a supernatural vision of Creator. In the vision, I found myself in a different realm. It was a splendid place that was surrounded by copper mountains and had beautiful teal floor. I found myself standing right next to a beautiful flight of huge marble stairs that led to a magnificent king’s throne. Along with me were standing thousands of angels. They all looked like beautiful people and wore magnificent royal robes.
I want the reader to know that according to the Book of Creation, The Creator created this world upon two principles; the principle of justice and the principle of mercy. Justice means that Creator is all-just. Every single person is judged according to his/her deeds. Mercy was necessary because without it the world wouldn’t endure. Creator uses mercy to forgive those who didn’t commit serious transgressions and fully repent to turn their life around and follow Creator’s commandments.
Continues Zechariah, “I saw the glory of Creator sitting on the throne. I realized that I was witnessing Creator’s Court of Justice. Feeling of excitement and owe flooded me. I couldn’t see Creator, because intense light was emanating from His glorious throne. Every time He spoke, there was absolute silence in the court. When Creator would stop talking, the angels would rise up and burst in great uproar, singing, “Blessed be the name of the glory of His kingdom forever and ever.” At the different time, different angels would rise up, and burst in great uproar, singing, “Blessed is the glory of the Lord from His place.”
I was shaking with excitement. It seemed like nobody was paying a particular attention to me. Everybody was concentrated on the events in the court. I looked around, and I saw an angel riding a red horse. He came to stop before the Omnipresent. After him came 3 more angels riding red, black, and white horses. They were all wearing beautiful white warrior robes.
One of the angels standing next to me started talking to me, explaining what I was witnessing. He didn’t say who he was and didn’t tell me his name. He told me that Creator was exacting retribution upon the Chaldeans, Media, and Persia with the sword and blood. “Creator is extremely angry with the gentile nations”, he said.
I asked, "What are these angels on the horses of different colors, my lord?" The angel answered, "I will tell you what these are. These angels are the ones whom the Lord has sent to check upon the tranquility of different nations.”
At that time, the horse riders replied to the Lord saying, “We have walked all over the earth and found that all the nations are content with the exile and degradation of Israel. None of them helped the Jews.”
The angel who was speaking to me turned to Creator and said in entreating voice, "O Lord of Hosts! How long will You not have mercy upon Jerusalem cities of Judah, upon whom You’ve been angry already for seventy years?"
I didn’t hear Lord’s answer, but the angel turned to me and said, "Proclaim, saying: 'So said the Lord of Hosts, I am jealous for Jerusalem, and for Zion, a great jealousy. I am exacting the retribution for the cause of Jerusalem from those who oppress her. I am very angry with the nations that are at ease. I was angry with my people a little and the nations helped to do great harm to them [Concerning whom these messengers say that they sit still and are at rest].”
“Therefore”, the angel continued, “so said the Lord, I have returned to Jerusalem with mercy. My house shall be built there. Further, proclaim, saying: so said the Lord of Hosts, 'My cities shall yet spread out with prosperity, and the Lord shall yet console Zion and shall yet choose Jerusalem.'”
As I was looking trying to comprehend what the angel was saying to me, 4 large bull horns appeared in front of the Lord. I asked the angel, “What are these?” The angel said that these horns symbolized the 4 nations from 4 corners of the earth that gored Judah and Jerusalem and scattered them. He said, "These are the horns that scattered Judah and humbled them to the extent that no man lifted his head, and they did not allow anyone of My people to raise his head.”
Then the angel showed me 4 angels who were coming towards the 4 horns with craftsman tools in their hands. He said, “These angels were sent by the Lord. They came to cast fear into them. They will harm them and scatter them all over the earth as well.”
Next, I saw an angel with a measuring line in his hand. My interpreter-angel asked him, “Where are you going?” The angel answered, "To measure Jerusalem, to see how much is its breadth and how much is its length."
The angel, who was speaking with me, said to him, “You don’t have to measure Jerusalem. The Mighty Creator has taken counsel with His heavenly household and decreed that Jerusalem will not have a limit or a measure.”
“Creator said to announce to the scattered people of Judah, ‘My spirit shall dwell in its midst, when I will gather them from the exile.”
The angel continued in a long speech, “Assemble, O exile of Zion, and flee from the midst of Babylon. So says the Lord of Hosts, “I will magnify you and I will destroy the nations that plunder you. Behold, I will raise My hand over the children of Esau [kingdom of Edom], and pay them their recompense. They shall pray to people of Israel in the future, who are now slaves to them.’”
“Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion, for, behold! I will come and dwell in your midst, says the Lord.”
“Many righteous people from gentile nations shall join the Lord in the end of days. They shall be My people as well. I will dwell in Israel’s midst and you shall know that the Lord of Hosts sent me to you. And the Lord shall inherit Judah as His share on the Holy Land, and He shall again choose Jerusalem.”

The Creator arrives to earth

The Creator said that as He stretched out the heavens and founded the spirit of men, the time would come for His words to be fulfilled regarding the retribution that He promised to children of Esau and his ilk.  They have been devouring Israel for too long.
The gentiles of the world and their allies will come to besiege Jerusalem, Judah, and house of David. Along with them will be all the Jews who remained in gentile countries. They will also come to besiege Jerusalem even though their hearts won’t truly be in it.
All the nations of the world will gather against Jerusalem on that day. Creator will entice them to attack Jerusalem in order to execute His revenge upon them.
Because the whole world army will converge upon Jerusalem, the city will be captured, and the houses in Jerusalem will be plundered. The army of Gog will ravish many women in the city, and half the city [who will be punished] will go forth into exile. However, not all of them will be exiled.
The Lord said, “I shall go forth and wage war with those nations, like the day I waged war on the Red Sea against the Egyptians.”
At that time Creator will come Himself to destroy the army of gentiles. His "feet" will stand on the Mount of Olives, which is on the east side of Jerusalem. The whole earth will quake and the color of the sky will change to red. Every living being on earth will tremble from fear once the Lord arrives. Every animal, every creeping thing, fish in the sea, every winged creature, and every human being will acknowledge His presence.
Once the Holy one’s "feet" touch the Mount of Olives, there will be great earthquake. The mountain will split in the middle. Half the mountain will move to the north, and half of it to the south. Once the mountain splits, it will expose a great valley between them that will have its beginning to the east and its end to the west.
That day will be known in history as the “Day of the Holy One”. That day shall be honored and remembered as the day of preparation for salvation by the Holy Creator. For the next thousand years, there shall be splendorous light, the light of the world to come...

End of sample. To purchase the book, click here.


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