End of Days: Tanach predictions, collection of important prophecies from Jewish Bible

by David Zephaniah

This is a sample of the book:

Commentary about Apocalyptic future 

Although every book of prophecy in the Jewish Bible reveals some details about the end of the world events, the three books here are the most detailed. These are the Book of Daniel, Book of Ezekiel, and the Book of Zechariah Those three books complete the pieces of a puzzle and form a complete picture.
Everything you will read will seem pretty unreal to you. The source of all these prophecies is the Tanach -  the only book of the ultimate truth and wisdom. The events in the Tanach are written hundreds and thousands of years apart, but perfectly collaborate and reconcile with each other. 
My interpretation and analysis are based upon a research of our sages (great rabbis) over the last 2000 years. Those great people include Jonathan, Rashi, Onkelos, Maimonides, and many other great Jewish sources. I was extremely careful not to change a thing. Because the Tanach is written in a very efficient and vague manner, I had to add my human emotion and skill to make it more readable.
Regardless, I know that I still have done some injustice to the story. How do you correctly describe the encounter with the Master of the Universe? I don’t know how exactly I would respond to those most profound moments. However, I did my best to convey the message.
The purpose of this book is to try to open the eyes of a reader and show them that Creator is very real. The end of this world order is coming. People that disregard Creator’s commandments are already suffering from poverty, violence, depressions, deceases, hardship, bad relationships, tragedies and many other ailments in this lifetime. All this is Creator’s punishment for their life of deceit, immorality, dishonesty, disrespect, etc. 
However, a real much more terrible punishment is in store for them. It will be a punishment beyond any human imagination. At that time, the vast majority of the world population will be annihilated. 
Creator reserved a horrible punishment for those who deny Him, oppose Him, engage in life of immorality, crime, deceit, etc. On the other hand, our Maker is capable of bestowing ultimate kindness upon people that observe His Commandments. 
I am a very tough man. I am not an emotional type. However, while interpreting the prophecy, many times I had tears in my eyes. Sometimes as a result of sadness for punishments that my ancestors had to endure after angering Creator. At other times, the tears were a result of awe when I was reading about our all-powerful and absolute-just Creator. There is none like Him. 
I want readers to understand that our life on this earth is merely a test. All these hardships and struggles we go through are Creator’s means to test our souls. All the events that are happening to us and in the world are driving towards the ultimate purpose of creation. All these are a necessary drama to fulfill His purpose. 
Simply put, we humans possess two souls (actually even more, but I will not discuss it here). One soul is the animalistic soul and the second one is a pure soul. They are locked in a constant battle for the control of the conscious mind. We also call it the ‘Good Inclination’ and the ‘Evil Inclination’.
Our purpose in life is to overcome our animalistic soul from which stem negative emotions such as anger, apathy, arrogance, pride etc. Thus let the pure soul to take over.
That is the exact reason why Creator left us the Tanach 4000 years ago. With the merit of the Tanach study, we strengthen our pure soul and overcome animalistic desires and urges. It works like magic. People who study Tanach and its laws have no depression, crime, violence in this lifetime. In addition, they are investing in the life to come, the life after the end of the world. 
I will give you an analogy: Imagine watching a well-made dramatic movie. You will sit about 2 hours and get into it. You will almost experience and feel what the main character experiences. You identify yourself with him/her. You will feel that especially when you agree with their actions. At times, you might even become emotional and cry, because it reminds you of your own troubles. However, in the back of your mind you know that it is just a movie that was staged and no real harm and danger came to the actors. 
That is how our life is for Creator. He animates us in our physical bodies in this lifetime and watches our life drama, judging us and sentencing us in every step of the way. He issues tests and challenges according to our behavior and conduct, and watches how we handle them. For us as mortals, all the hardship, pain and death, is real. However, for the Holy Creator it is all drama, because it is not real. Our soul remains intact and alive. 
At the end of times, there is an ultimate reward waiting for those who overpower their animalistic soul and overcome their evil inclination. The more they suffer in the current lifetime, the more they will be rewarded in the ultimate lifetime. 
That ultimate lifetime is the reason and purpose of the world’s creation to begin with.

(Sample from Book of Daniel)

Creator controls everything  

A few years went by since Babylon conquered land of Judah, and the kingdom of Babylon grew drastically as it defeated more kingdoms and expanded its dominance in the world. With the growth of the kingdom, grew the arrogance of king Nebuchadnezzar, and he became cruel, committing many atrocities and killing many innocent people.
One day he had a disturbing dream. Once he awoke from the dream, he called all of his wise men and told them about it. None of the wise men in Babylon could interpret the dream, until Daniel arrived.
The King was happy to see him and said, “O Belteshazzar, head of the wise men in Babylon, I know that spirit of holy angels dwells in you, and no secret is hidden from you, and no mystery is denied you. Let me tell you my dream, and you tell me its meaning”.
And the king went on telling the dream to Daniel, “In a dream, I found myself looking at the magnificent tree. Its height was enormous. Its branches were beautiful, and its fruit was plentiful, and it sustained all that were around it. People enjoyed the tree’s fruit. Beasts rested in its shade, and birds of the heaven dwelt in its branches. While I was still hypnotized by the beauty of the tree, I saw the holy angel who never sleeps, descending from heaven. He had a sinister expression, and he cried with all his might,
“Cut down the tree, and cut off its branches. Shake off its branches and scatter its fruit. The birds and the beasts should walk away from it. Leave the main roots in the ground, however. ”
“That’s the dream I had”, said the king. “All the wise men of Babylon cannot tell me the meaning, but I know that you can because the spirit of the holy angels dwells in you.”
 Daniel looked worried and was silent for a while since his thoughts of the dream interpretation alarmed him. When the king saw his face expression, he spoke up, “Belteshazzar, don’t let my dream disturb you.”
Daniel raised his eyes to heaven and said in Hebrew: “My Creator, may this dream be fulfilled upon this enemy of yours”. He turned to the king and said: “The tree in the dream was you, for you have become renowned, and your cruelty and evil deeds reached the heavens. The words of the holy angel mean that you, O king, will be punished, you will lose your mind and will be banished from the humanity and will stay with the beasts for seven years. You’ll get a seven-year penalty because you destroyed the High Holy Temple in Jerusalem, which took seven years to build. Your dwelling will be with the beasts of the field, until you understand that the Highest Creator is the ruler over the kingdom of men, not you, and He is the one that sets up kings or removes kings as he wishes. He said to leave the roots of the tree because the kingdom will remain to be yours and you will be restored to your power when you know that the kingdom of heaven rules over the dominion of men.”
“I shall advice you to increase your charity and show mercy to poor Jews and other peoples whom you have exiled from their land. Remove your sins and wickedness, by showing mercy to those people in exile, and feed them to allow them to have a dignified life. Pray and ask for forgiveness for your evil deeds, so that Creator forgives you and gives you peace”.
The king listened to Daniel’s advice, and issued an order to feed poor exiles who had difficulty to support their families honorably. The country opened its storehouses and started feeding the poor.
At the end of 12 month, the king was walking in the palace when he heard noises of commotion outside the palace. He asked his servants, “What is this sound of the crowd in my ears?” The servants answered that those were the poor people, who came at the arranged time, to get food. At that point, the king raised his voice and said, “Is not the dominant Babylon that I have built with the strength of my power and for the honor of my glory? If I have to waste my storehouses on these people, how can I afford to stay glorious? From now on, I shall not feed them.”
After uttering those arrogant words, the king heard a voice from heaven above which said, “To you, they said, ‘O king Nebuchadnezzar, that your kingdom has turned away from you. From men, they will banish you, and you will be dwelling with the beasts until seven years will pass, and until you know that the Highest Creator rules over the kingdom of men, and to whom he wishes, he gives it”.
At that moment the king lost his mind and was banished from the men-kind. He ate grass like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of the heavens until his hair grew like the feathers of the eagles and his nails grew like the claws of the birds.
At the end of his days, after seven years, Nebuchadnezzar raised his eyes to heavens and blessed the Almighty. As his sanity was restored, he said, “My understanding was restored to me, and I worship and glorify the Creator who lives forever and whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and whose kingdom lasts for every generation. No one can stop His hand and challenge Him. Now, I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the king of heaven, whose works are all true and whose ways are just, and who can humble those who walk with arrogance.”
At that time, the king was restored to his kingship and ruled the kingdom until the end of his days. After his death, his son, Evil-Merodach reined the kingdom for 23 years. After his death, his younger brother, Belshazzar has become the king of Babylon...

(From Book of Ezekiel)

The resurrection of dead

A few days went by and Creator’s "hand" came upon Ezekiel again and took control of him in the middle of a day. Lords hand carried Ezekiel breathless out flying in the air to a faraway land. He set him down in the midst of the valley. Ezekiel didn’t know where he was. He observed that the valley was full of human bones. Creator told him that those bones were of the tribe of Ephraim, who left Egypt before the end [of the exile], and the people of Gath who were born in the land slew them, as is stated in (I) Chronicles (7:20ff.)
At that time, Creator made Ezekiel pass by them round about the valley. But He did not bring him into its midst because he was a priest. A priest cannot touch a dead body. Ezekiel noticed that there were thousands upon thousands of bones on the surface of the valley. They were all exceedingly dry, as if they were there for hundreds of years.
After a while, Creator asked him; "Son of man, do you think that these ancient bones can come to life?"
Ezekiel answered in shaky voice, "O Lord Creator, only You know."
Creator said, "Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, 'O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.' So says the Lord Creator to these bones; Behold, I will cause spirit to enter into you. You shall live! I will lay ligaments upon you, and I will make flesh grow over you. I will cover you with skin and put breath into you, and you will live. At that time you will know that I am the Lord."
Ezekiel did as he was commanded, and there arose a great noise in the valley when he said the last word. Behold a commotion, and the bones came together, bone to its bone! The bones of each human, wherever they were scattered, were jumping and coming together, each one beside the place of its connection.
Ezekiel was amazed to see that suddenly ligaments were upon the bones. A few seconds later flesh came upon them. A few seconds later on skin covered them on the top. In no time, there   were tens of thousands of people scattered on the ground in the valley; however there was still no life in them....

End of the Sample. To by the book, click here.


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