
American Dream is gone

About the American Dream By David Zephaniah When you look at America today, everything is seemingly fine. The rhythm of life goes on and people are busy on their way to work, school, running errands and playing with their dogs… To a casual observer, without thinking about it, it would all seem fine and dandy in the United States. A casual observer sees a technologically and socially developed country that is rich, democratic and is the envy of many nations. Because of this envy, many people from countless poor countries are dreaming of living here. However the casual observer is wrong! In this article,  I will point out that regardless to what it seems, the American Dream is dying. We have lost some important values and principles that are the core of happiness and satisfaction. About Holidays in America I have been in America for over 20 years, and I have seen a steady decline of respect for holidays by countless greedy corporations. Whethe

These are people with no culture at all!

  The culture in the good old times By David Zephaniah I have heard countless stories about “Back in a day”. Older people told me how the whole neighborhood used to work together and knew each other. They told me about days when kids played in the streets with no fear. The days when you observed your neighbor’s child doing something wrong, and you intervened and tried to help them. That was a normal and acceptable thing to do. What is the USA culture today? Since those days, you would think that our civilization would get better, would have a higher culture and it would make sense to assume that neighborhoods would get safer. It is not crazy to assume that people would be more cultured with each other and set  things to a brighter future. Why do some of you think that this is a crazy idea? It only makes sense, that unless we screwed something up in a process, the world would develop in a positive direction. That is our goal, isn’t it? If we play a

Make room for God in your life and live happier

To say that the world is random, is absurd. Even cookies can't bake themselves randomly! OK, so you can't make up your mind between God and science. On one hand, to be on the safe side, you want to believe that God is true. On the other hand, because of your "busy" lifestyle, you don't have time to think about God. Who is God anyway? Is Jesus God? But he died in the hands of men. Can God die? In addition, it seems to you that crime rate is increasing as time goes on. You know that the world peace doesn't seem close. You dismiss the thought because you are too busy. You are busy with your dog, iPhone, TV shows, celebrity gossip, Facebook, etc. who the hell has the time to think about serious things nowadays? But wait, you are thinking; Maybe God is real, but this life is not real. It is just some kind of matrix drama. Maybe one day we will wake up from this dream and laugh about it? But really! What about if God is real? Will we get puni

Most of the American Jews are not Jews Any More

by: David Zephaniah The American Jew There is a real rift today between Israeli and American Jews. Many American Jews don’t agree with the Israeli policies and resent them. Just to enumerate a few policies; the issue of settlement in Judea and Samaria, lack of flexibility to make peace with the Palestinians, strict rules of conversion to Judaism, etc. Those are very serious issues. The American Jews “judge” Israel on daily basis, and while they are sitting comfortably in the USA, they want to dictate them about right or wrong. Lets examine the issue closely. Lets ask a major question; why are the American brethren so against the policies in Israel (at least large majority of them)? And, additionally, who are those American Jews? I am a Jew of (Soviet) Georgian descent. My whole  family lives in Israel. I have been living in the USA for over 20 years and encountered thousands upon thousands of American Jews. I want to give you my assessment of them. This essay will ex

There can be only one true religion

by: David Zephaniah All the fake religions will come to an end There are many religions in the world today. All of them but one are man-made. All of those fake religions have a same pagan theme; an individual saw a vision or a dream. He claimed that God came to Him in a dream and told him to create a new religion. We are talking about Christianity, Islam, Hindu, Atheism, Baha'i, etc. All the fake religions did away with God's rules and ordinances. In addition, they slowly incorporated many pagan practices of the past and made the religions as easy to follow as possible to attract as many followers as possible. One of those major fake religions is the Christianity. The whole religion is built upon the word of adulterer woman! Christians even took mistranslated and distorted Jewish Bible and glued it to their book, to create an impression that it is the same religion. What a brazen deceit! If people bothered reading the real Jewish Bible, they would f

Here is scientific Proof of God

Scientific proof of God by: David Zephaniah Although we live in the 21st century with the advance of the scientific knowledge, many people are not wise. Instead of appreciating the science, they worship it. I'm not really surprised because most of the worlds population are the descendants of the pagans. The pagans always worshiped material objects, nature and animals. However they always knew that the true God is there. They simply didn't want to follow His rules. However, pagans in our generation forgot about God altogether. They think that this world "popped out" in random... I'm posting a link to the scientific proof of God. Maybe the average Joe will take an attention of dogs, money, sports, nature, etc., and take heed that there is God Who watches every moment of his life and judges him. Who knows? Maybe he would want to know more about this "ancient" tradition.  Scientific proof of God! David Zephaniah's Books

Simple Love Tester

by David Zephaniah Love Tester I believe in love. I believe that Love is more powerful than anything else in the world. True love gives us such a great deal of happiness and satisfaction that no amount of money in the world could get. People think that they are in love. Because of lack of social skills, there are many people out there that think that they have a real love, when, in fact, they do not. I consider myself a social butterfly, and for about three years, I was a partner in a matchmaking service, where I interviewed countless men and women, advising them about relationships. To help you, I have designed a “Love Meter”. Go ahead and give it a go. It will help you understand if you are, in fact, in a loving relationship, or nowhere near it. I hope you have fun with the love meter and use it to improve your current relationship or get a better one. If you think that you are unable to answer some of the questions because those situations have not come up yet, it is