Simple Love Tester

by David Zephaniah

Love Tester

I believe in love. I believe that Love is more powerful than anything else in the world. True love gives us such a great deal of happiness and satisfaction that no amount of money in the world could get.

People think that they are in love. Because of lack of social skills, there are many people out there that think that they have a real love, when, in fact, they do not.

I consider myself a social butterfly, and for about three years, I was a partner in a matchmaking service, where I interviewed countless men and women, advising them about relationships.

To help you, I have designed a “Love Meter”. Go ahead and give it a go. It will help you understand if you are, in fact, in a loving relationship, or nowhere near it.
I hope you have fun with the love meter and use it to improve your current relationship or get a better one.

If you think that you are unable to answer some of the questions because those situations have not come up yet, it is a sign that your relationship is in early stages and cannot be tested yet. You want to work on those subjects, to see how the relationship goes.
Answer the following questions. You must be honest if you want accurate results.

Test your love 

1. When you ask for financial help, your partner’s usual response is:
A) Sure, no problem, what do you want?
B) I’m not sure if I can help you. I have my own bills. Can you borrow money from someone else?
C) I cannot help you. I have my own problems.
D) I never ask for help

2. Your car broke down, and you ask your partner to lend you their car for a day. Their response is:
A) Sure, no problem. Here are the keys.
B) I would help you, but I need the car today. Can you ask someone else, or rent one?
C) I don’t let anyone use my car.
D) I never asked them to lend me a car.

3. How often do you have sex?
A) Almost every day and we love it.
B) Usually 2-4 times a week and I wish that I could have more.
C) Usually 4-5 times a month (we are busy people).
D) I don’t even remember. It’s been awhile.

4. When we make love, my partner is:
A) Always concerned about my satisfaction and tries hard.
B) Sometimes concerned about my satisfaction, but usually does not ask me.
C) Rarely concerned of my sexual needs.
D) Not worried about it at all. They think everything is OK.

5. When you call or text, the partner's usual response is:
A) Prompt and almost immediate.
B) Sometimes it takes them awhile to get back to me, sometimes it is quick.
C) Most calls go to voicemail and text message response takes forever.
D) They never answer my calls or texts and sometimes say that they never got the message.

6. How often do you spend time together?
A) We are together almost every day.
B) We hang out 2-3 times a week or more.
C) We are together about once a week.
D) Our encounters are random and sporadic. We are busy with work.

7. When you have a day off on a weekend:
A) You cannot wait to spend a day with your partner.
B) You check your schedule and want to see if you have anything more important to do before you call them.
C) You are not sure if you want to be with them on your day off.
D) Your day off is yours. You want to be by yourself.

8. When it comes to your family and friends:
A) Your partner knows almost all of them.
B) Your partner knows some of them, but you are keeping some of them for yourself.
C) Your partner doesn’t know most of them. You are not that close.
D) Your partner doesn’t know any of them. You are a private person and don’t feel comfortable to let them in into your world.

9. When it comes to your partner’s family and friends:
A) You know almost all of them
B) You know some of them
C) You know only one or two of them.
D) Their life is a mystery and your partner likes it that way, and you are OK with that.

10. When it comes to your future together:
A) You talk about it often and make plans together.
B) The subject comes up once in a while, and you talk about it.
C) You rarely talk about your future together. You need to work on your careers or other priorities first.
D) You have not spoken about your expectations yet.

The results of the love test

After you are done answering questions, assign numerical value to each answer as follows:
• A – 10.
• B - 7.
• C - 5.
• D - 0.
Now calculate your total. Look below to see where your love relationship stands.
1. 80-100 points: You have real love going on between you two and you might have a fantastic future together, as long as you keep up the good work.
2. 60-79 points: You have something, but you need to crank it up before if fizzles out.
3. 50-59 points: There is no true love there. It’s just a basic relationship of convenience.
4. Less than 49 points: Look inside your soul. Re-examine your relationship, and you might want to look for love elsewhere.

Amazon's David Zephaniah page


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