Book of Daniel about the Coming of Messiah

Book of Daniel About the Coming of Messiah

Torah indicates that the whole universe was created for the righteous people. The righteous people are the ones that truly have faith, and follow the commandments with the conviction.

Messiah will come very soon. There are many signs about his coming. God makes his decisions after checking an outcome of every possible future. Everything was already pre-destined 2500 years ago. When Messiah comes, he will give the kingdom to the Jews and people who practice the commandments. These chosen people will become God’s partners in control of this universe.  

Out of the people that do not follow the commandments, some will face destruction, and some will live in the eternal disgust and abhorrence, which is hell. That means that the real hell was not established yet.  

The souls who already achieved God’s desired state of higher existence, like Daniel and other holy people, are kept in a dream state until they come back to life at the redemption time. In God’s kingdom, the chosen ones will live forever, and the ones that died will come back to life.

After the End of the World, there will be only one ruling government in the world. All the countries that exist today will be gone.
The world will belong to the righteous people. The evil inclination of the people will be eliminated.

We find out that God knows your thoughts. You can fool people, but you cannot fool Him by pretending that you are doing the right thing. You need to mean it. We also find out that God decides which king or president will rule.
The Bible says that the kingdom that will exist at the time of redemption is the extension of the kingdom of Rome (also named Edom and Gog), the Christian world, which is divided by the USA and European Union, divided by many countries, and other countries (kingdoms) of Assyria (Arab world), Persia (Iran), Greece, Egypt were given an extension of life until the set time. The kingdom of Gog is what will remain of the Christian world, and some of the Muslim world under the leadership of Iran. In the final war, they will attack Israel.  

In that period of waiting, anyone has a chance to join the Jews and start practicing the commandments, to secure their place in the kingdom of G-d. Think about it, if you let the commandments go, and do not practice its principles, your next generation and the following ones, will only degenerate to a worse and worse state of being, of dishonesty, immodesty, crime, etc. The 2nd commandment states about pagan worshipers, “visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.” Observant Jews follow many of 613 Commandments. All the other people need to follow, in order to be saved, is the 7 Noah ide laws!
The Bible also says that Jerusalem will always exist until the set time of redemption when it will become the KINGDOM OF GOD.

Creator’s final goal is to establish a place on earth like the Garden of Eden, where only good people, who are FREE of Crime, Hate, Envy, Evil, will exist.

Most pagans and atheists will be eliminated from existence. The ones that have earned an extra punishment by committing serious sins will live in a reality of eternal suffering and hell, without a chance of any hope, ever.

Instead of glorifying and appreciating the elderly, the wise, the faithful, this society glorifies people that are shameless materialistic whores. All this was foretold in the Bible.
Look around you. If I am wrong, would tiny Israel still exist with its might? Jews are only 0.02% of the world population but have many stars, leaders of the world, famous scientists, economists, sociologists, entertainers, lawyers. Is it a coincidence that stars like Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Nostradamus, Baruch Spinoza, Marvel, Gustav Hertz, Melvin Calvin and thousands more come from this tiny nation? Is it a coincidence that the majority of innovations today come from Israel?

Is it a coincidence that the world is practicing Jewish religion in different variations?
Is it a coincidence that most of the laws of the land are based on Torah principles?
The evidence and information in the Jewish Bible is undeniable even for an atheist or a hardcore Christian. This book was written almost 2500 years ago, and it is 100% true. I hope that you are inspired and will try to improve your ways and invest in your future. Think about the reward. All the suffering and hard work in this lifetime are well worth the reward in the end. At that time, you will become a full partner of God. 


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