Woe to a man who lets his wife manage his life

Woe to a man who is weak

by David Zephaniah

I'll start with the fact that my wife is my best friend in the world.

When I was a kid, I didn't know or believe that a woman could be my best friend. For years I have had good male friends. Finally, I realized that a good relationship between husband and wife can only be to the extent that there are a deep friendship and a solid mutual trust between them.

I am a very mysterious person and never tell other people what I am going through. My dad taught me this, telling me that a man should not talk about his problems with other people unless they are directly related to the same thing. He taught me that even in these cases, I had to be very careful not to say more than needed.
My whole life I was independent on the ground. I almost never needed the advice of anyone else about anything. That is why I noticed that most people around me were constantly consulting with me.

My first marriage ended in divorce after 7 years. I realized that in order for a man-woman relationship to be successful, there must be true friendship between them. Since most of my life I lived in the US, I saw a lot of divorces. From the stories each of the acquaintances told me, there was one obvious factor for the divorces: there was no friendship and trust between the parties, and there was no true love. I started noticing that in most of these divorces, these men were very feeble, and didn't have a spine at all.

Dear people, 30 years ago I heard a saying from the Talmud. It said: "Only a good father can stop his children from whoring around". Now, what did it mean? What the Talmud says is that a good [and strong] father can stop his children from doing bad things, because mom can't. The mother has a different heart. Many times she cannot say "no" and many times children do not listen to her.

This means that in order to have good relationships in the family and raise good children, you need father and mother, and the father must be a strong man who constantly takes responsibility, makes decisions, and gives confidence. Woe to a weak man without confidence.

Another thing, I've never met a good woman who wouldn't want to be with a man described above. Women despise weak men. Many times they cheat on them because these men do not give them a sense of security.

For the boy to become a good man with confidence, he needs a self-confident father. Read the prayer of "Hear O' Israel". In the prayer, God says that father (and not mother) must teach his son to love God "with his heart, with his soul, and with his might, all the time, being on the journey, laying to go sleep, and wherever he is." Meaning that he has to invest big time educating his children. If one loves God as described above, needless to say, that he will be a good kid loving his parents as well and wouldn't want to do anything to distress them.

Also, it is Dad’s job to teach his child to be a man. If the child does not have a father, or if he grows up with a weak father, he will be a cowardly and feminine man. This is the situation of most of the world today.

A good man is every woman's desire. It almost doesn't exist today. That man has self-confidence and is not afraid of anything. He always takes responsibility and will serve his woman loyally. He is responsible for all the things that require "headaches" at home. He never gives anyone else what he needs to do. If he has to do a task and he doesn't understand the subject, he learns the subject and does everything the best that he possibly can. He must be organized so as not to forget anything important. He has no excuses. He does everything he can to do his best. If he makes a mistake, he admits and tries to fix his mistake. He is always the pride of his family and everyone trusts him.

A good man's wife has time to take care of important things such as caring for children and time to pamper herself. The woman of such a man is usually very happy and satisfied. She would never betray him and be with him in "fire and water".

The Bible says that at the End of times, there will exist many nations with feminine men. Looking around today, I understand what God meant.

I want to tell you that a strong man should not be a wild man. Not at all! I am one who can say that I am a man as a man should be, but on the other hand, I am very refined. I come in contact with a lot of people and I get along with everyone. I respect everyone. I show my strength only when I need it and only as much as I need to.

Finally my advice to a weak man: Get over yourself and start taking responsibility. Do it step by step. You will see that your life improves. Pay attention to that, because Money is not really important. You will never be as good as the one that had a good father, but you have hope.

My advice to an average woman who prides herself on controlling her weak husband, Start thinking about what you do. You're just creating a tougher life for yourself with a lot of headaches. Look in the mirror and start supporting your husband without hurting his ego all time. you will realize that your life will get better.

Questions and comments are welcome.
