
The Secret of Jewish Success, you know that you want to know!

by David Zephaniah "I told Noah that if following generations allow homosexuality and homosexual behavior, I will utterly destroy them" (God). The following is a sample of the book. Who is a Jew? According to the Jewish Code of Law, a Jew is someone who is either born to a Jewish mother, or converted to Judaism. Proper conversion to Judaism is a very serious commitment. It takes quite a bit of research and learning about Judaism even before you are considered a candidate for conversion. You can't just walk in from the street and declare that you want to convert! Your motives would be scrutinized by rabbies before they take such a commitment upon themselves. Conversion to Judaism is not a joke. It's a lifetime commitment. If a convert is not sincere, his Jewishness can be taken away from him. Unfortunately, Jews by birth often take their Jewishness for granted. And really, isn't it that if someone is born a Jew, he dies a Jew? When Moses gave the Jew

Book of Isaiah is considered as a great Prophecy, what does it say?

by David Zephaniah "I scattered Israel among the nations so they can expiate the sins through the afflictions and spread My Torah" (God). This is a sample of the book. The Unnatural Encounter (Chapter 6 and 7) This story is told by Prophet (Oracle) Isaiah. It took place 2600 years ago in the kingdom of Judah.  In the year that King Uziah became afflicted with leprosy, a disease so severe that it is considered like death, I had a heavenly vision. In the vision, I saw God sitting upon a throne, high and exalted. It happened when I was praying in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. His presence filled the temple. Above with him in heaven stood the Serafim angels, to serve Him. Each one had six wings. With 2 wings the angels covered their faces so as not to gaze upon the Divine Presence, and with two wings they covered their feet because of modesty in God’s presence, and with two wings they flew to do God’s mission. The angels called to each other to begi

Sexy Humor: From Around the World, 50 politically incorrect jokes

by David Zephaniah The following is a sample from the book: The working woman A Russian factory worker came back from work unusually early, because of electrical outage at the factory. When he got off the bus, and started walking towards his apartment building, a neighbor has approached him and said: “Hi Ivan. Please don’t go home right-away, because you will be unpleasantly surprised.” Ivan looked worried. ”Misha, what are you saying? What happened?” He asked. The neighbor answered nervously with the shaky voice: “Ivan, your wife started to whore for the money. I don’t know how to tell you this, but there is a whole line of man in your house, waiting for their turn, to fuck her”. Ivan looked relieved. “Misha, you got me worried for nothing”, he said. “If I want to fuck her, I assure you that I don’t have to wait in line…” One Dollar Whore In the Communist Russia, in 1970’s, a policeman has decided to abuse the citizens. He was looking for someone, in order ment

Ezekiel's dooms day predictions, all but one came true

by David Zephaniah The following is 2 chapters from the book. "Because 70% of world population will be pagan, I sentenced them to be exterminated"  (God, In all the prophecies). About the book Have you ever wondered how the world will end, and why? The majority of people agree that this world is not random, that it’s being governed by some higher power. Some people call it the Universe, or Mother Nature, or Devine Providence. I call it God, because hundreds of thousands of my ancestors witnessed Him personally at Mount Sinai more than 4000 years go. Great civilizations like Babylon, Persia, and Iberia ruled for some time but vanished without a trace. God’s chosen people are still alive and well today. That is enough proof for me. And that is why this book is relevant. The book of Ezekiel is an amazing prophecy from the Torah about the end of the world. It contains pieces of the puzzle that were missing in the Book of Daniel and Book of Zachariah. In addition