The Secret of Jewish Success, you know that you want to know!

by David Zephaniah

"I told Noah that if following generations allow homosexuality and homosexual behavior, I will utterly destroy them" (God).

The following is a sample of the book.

Who is a Jew?

According to the Jewish Code of Law, a Jew is someone who is either born to a Jewish mother, or converted to Judaism. Proper conversion to Judaism is a very serious commitment. It takes quite a bit of research and learning about Judaism even before you are considered a candidate for conversion. You can't just walk in from the street and declare that you want to convert! Your motives would be scrutinized by rabbies before they take such a commitment upon themselves. Conversion to Judaism is not a joke. It's a lifetime commitment. If a convert is not sincere, his Jewishness can be taken away from him.
Unfortunately, Jews by birth often take their Jewishness for granted. And really, isn't it that if someone is born a Jew, he dies a Jew? When Moses gave the Jewish people a crash course in Torah-observant lifestyle, they learned that punishment for transgression of certain laws was koret, which literally means "being cut off". Being cut off from the Jewish people, that is. In Biblical times the transgressors would be exiled from the community and wouldn't be considered Jewish unless they sincerely repented. How does one repent? You make a vow to come back to Torah-observant lifestyle and you don't break that vow. Only than can you be considered a Jew in the eyes of G-d again.
Modern secular "Jews" break dozens of Torah laws daily. Here is a list of commandments, transgression of which is punishable by koret.
1. A male who is not circumcised. (Genesis 17:14)
2. Eating leavened bread during the Festival of Passover (Exodus 12:15)
3. Manufacturing anointing oil (Exodus 30:33)
4. Sexual activity with a menstruating woman (Levitucus 20:18). Note that a woman is ritually impure unless she follows a process of purification in a mikvah.
5. Consuming blood (Leviticus 17:10). This includes eating flesh of an animal that wasn't properly slaughtered.
6. Eating Peace offerings while ritually unclean (Leviticus 7:20)
7. Waiting too long before consuming sacrifices (Leviticus 19:5-8)
8. Going to the Temple in an unclean state (Numbers 19:13)

The last 3 commandments are not applicable today, since we have no Holy Temple. But there is no excuse for not following the rest! A special note should be taken about the observance of Shabbat as well. Shabbat is a covenant that was made exclusively with the Jewish people, and its desecration was punishable by death. How many liberal "Jews" today keep Shabbat, observe laws of family purity or eat kosher? Sadly, many "Jewish" parents even choose not to circumcise their sons... Do these people hope to remain Jewish even though they shamelessly ignore these basic laws? Rules are rules! That's what makes a Jew a Jew, and if maintaining your Jewish identity means anything to you, think about what you are going to do about it today.
We are in a month of Elul now. Elul is traditionally known as a month for repentance and forgiveness. Take a step towards regaining your Jewishness. And make it count. You can fool people around you, heck, you can even fool yourself! But you can't fool the Big Boss up there. The Creator sees it all and knows what's in your heart. And He wants you back. Many of you are desperately searching for the meaning of life. Life goes on, and while you're searching for its meaning, you really are not living meaningfully. Why waste time on looking for answers that you already have? Start living today.

What is the origin of world nations?

After purging the world with flood at the time of Noah, God said that the righteous person by the name Abraham would be born from Noah’s descendants. However, did you know that we are all related? Lets look at the chart below:

                                                    Abraham                                                   Other              

                                                     /             \                                                       I

                                                  /                   \                                                    I

                                    Isaac                Ishmael                                                I

                                     /         \                             \                                            I

                                   /              \                            \                                          I

                          Jacob                Esau                      \                                        I

                                I                       I                            \                                      I

                                I                       I                              \                                    I

           Jewish Nation          Christian Nation       Arab Nation          Other Nations

            3 x righteous             2 x righteous            1 x righteous          0 x righteous

The above chart shows us 2 important revelations:
·         God has fulfilled His promise to Abraham, when He told him that He would multiply his descendants to be as numerous as stars in the sky.
·         The rest of the world population is remnant of other ancient peoples, big percentage of which no longer exists.
 Why did God choose the Jewish nation to be His people?
After purging the world with flood at the time of Noah, God said that the righteous person by the name Abraham would be born from Noah’s descendants. He wanted to populate the earth with descendants of Abraham. That is why God didn’t totally give up on people, and didn’t destroy this world. We have to be thankful to the righteous Abraham.
At the same time God saw in the future that in order to establish the most righteous nation to serve him, He needed a merit of 3 forefathers.
The first one was Abraham.
As the second generation, He chose Isaac.
As the third generation, He chose Jacob.
That is why the Jews are the most blessed nation. They merited it by having three righteous forefathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). Christians have two righteous forefathers, Abraham and Isaac, and Muslims have only one righteous forefather, Abraham.
The World to Come
After the Final Redemption, God's Spirit will come down to dwell among people. At that time, our evil inclination will be eliminated and the evil will cease to exist. This current life is just a test to decide who qualifies.
The duty of the Jews is to observe God's commandments, and draw as many other people as possible to Godliness. That is why God scattered them amongst the nations. This is the only way to save humanity from the total destruction.
When will it happen? Well before the year 6000 from Jewish counting is up. Now it is the year 5774.

We are all brothers and sisters! We have a common goal. The goal is to pass the test of life by accepting the yoke and kingship of our Maker. It is the only way to be exalted above this greedy material world. It is the only existence that is really worth living.

The Thirteen principals of Judaism

Some people out there are probably wondering and asking to themselves, “How come a small nation of Jewish people has survived thus far?” In contrast to many great civilizations that existed and disappeared without a trace, the tiny nation of Israel is going strong. It is not showing any signs of weakness.
In addition, if one does research about the Jews, they will find out that the history of the Jewish people in nothing short of miracles. They have produced great stars such as Baruch Spinoza, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Sigmund Freud, Franz Kafka, Isaac Stern, Isaac Asimov, Leonard Cohen, William Shatner, Harry Houdini, and thousands more in every field of the human endeavor. Every major innovation in the world has the Jews in the center of it. We are talking here about a tiny nation that is less than 0.4% of the world population.
 The Jewish nation won wars against all odds, even when its enemies were 100 times more numerous, such as the war with the Greek empire, War of Independence, Six Day War, Yom Kippur war, etc.
Nowadays Jewish people prosper and excel in every field of science, medicine, art, film, theater, business, politics, philosophy, etc. They have greatest stars in Hollywood film industry, and Broadway Theater. Large majority of fashion designers are Jews. The endless list goes on and on.
However, the question is, how do they do it? Are they a special nation? All the Jewish accomplishments in the world are an absolute scientific impossibility. The answer to this impossible question is in the Torah. The Torah is the original Old Testament, and all the Bibles in the world are based on it. It says that when God gave the Jews the Torah, He blessed them. God said that as long as they follow Torah’s principles, they will excel in every endeavor. He told them that they would defeat enemies that are 100 times more numerous. God also said that everyone who follows the Torah principles, will be blessed as well. If the majority of the people in the world were to follow its principles, we would be living in a world that would be free of hate, depression, violence, crime and hardship.
I am introducing to you the Torah Principles of faith. The Torah is the life manual. Jews believe that the universe was created for the sake of the Torah way of life. World’s final purpose will be realized at the end of this world.

As I said earlier, one doesn’t have to be Jewish to follow the Torah principles. The ONLY requirement is that you BELIEVE WHOLEHEARTEDLY and OBSERVE. You cannot fool the Maker.
The Jewish faith is based on the following principles:
1. I believe with complete faith that the Creator creates and guides all creatures, and that He alone made, makes, and will make everything.
God is the sole creator and the universe continues to exist only because He wills it so. He could exist if everything else was to come to an end, but it is inconceivable that there could be any form of existence independent of Him.
2. I believe with complete faith that the Creator is unique, and there is no uniqueness like His in any way, and that He alone is our God, Who was, Who is, and Who always will be.
God is complete and total Unity. He is not collections of limbs and organs, as are men and animals. He cannot be split or divided into component elements as can anything in creation.
3. I believe with complete faith that the Creator is not physical and is not effected by physical phenomena, and that there is no comparison whatsoever to Him.
God is not physical nor can His essence be grasped by the human imagination; because we are physical, we cannot get a concept of a Being totally unaffected by material conditions or the laws of nature and physics. The Torah speaks of God’s ‘eyes’, ‘hands’, and so forth only to help man grasp the concepts being conveyed. This also explains why God wouldn't have a child with a mere mortal.
4. I believe with complete faith that the Creator is the very first and the very last. God is eternal and first source.
Everything in the created universe has a moment when it came into existence; by definition no creature can be infinite. However, God transcends time, because time itself is His creation.
5. I believe with complete faith that the Creator-to Him alone it is proper to pray and it is not proper to pray to any other. Prayers should be directed to God.
It is tempting to beseech angels or other mighty forces like the sun and the constellations, because God has entrusted them with carrying out His will. However, this is illusionary. None of them have any power independent of what God assigns them. Therefore, prayers should be directed only towards God Himself.

6. I believe with complete faith that all the words of the prophets are true. God communicates with man. In order for man to carry out his divinely ordained mission, he must know what it is.
Prophecy is the means by which God communicates His wishes to people. It is a gift that someone can attain upon reaching heights of self-perfection.
7. I believe with complete faith that prophecy of Moses our teacher, was true, and that he was the father of the prophets-both those who preceded him and those who followed him.
Moses’ prophecy is unique. Not only it is true, but it's of quality un-approached by that of any other prophet before or since. It is essential that his prophecy be unrivaled so that no later ‘prophet’ could ever claim that he had received a ‘Torah’ that was superior to that of Moses.
8. I believe with complete faith that the entire Torah now in our hands is the same one that was given to Moses, our teacher. The entire Torah is God-given. Every word in the Torah was dictated to Moses by God.
In Rambam’s (Rabbi Mosheh ben Maimon=Maimonides) classic formulation, all the verses of the Torah have equal sanctity, and there is no difference between the trivial verses and the important verses. Moreover, the same applies to the Oral Law that explains the Torah. All was given to Moses by God Himself.
9. I believe with complete faith that this Torah will not be exchanged nor will there be another Torah from the Creator.
The Torah is unchangeable. Since both the written and Oral Law was God-given, they cannot be improved upon in any manner.
10. I believe with complete faith that the Creator knows all the deeds of human beings and their thoughts, as it is said, ‘He fashions their hearts all together, He comprehends all their deeds.’
God knows man’s thoughts and deeds. Man’s individual deeds are important to God and so are hopes and thoughts that drive them. God is aware of everything man thinks and does.
11. I believe with complete faith that the Creator rewards with good those who observe His commandments, and punishes those who violate His commandments.
Reward and punishment; No one acts in a vacuum and no deed goes unrewarded or unpunished. This includes the dictum that one cannot cancel out a bad deed with a good one. Each is treated independently.

12. I believe with complete faith in the coming of the Messiah, and even though he may delay, nevertheless I anticipate every day that he will come.
The Messiah will come. We are to conduct our lives according to the Torah and remain faithful that the Messiah will come at the time deemed by God to be proper. This faith includes the principle that only the Davidic dynasty will provide the Messianic king.
13. I believe with complete faith that there will be a resuscitation of the dead whenever the wish emanates from the Creator, may His name be exalted forever and for all eternity.
The dead will live again in the Messianic era, when the world will attain a new spiritual and physical level of perfection. Those who have not been found too unworthy of entering this exalted state will live again to enjoy it.
If one believed in the above principles completely, it is the start of creating a special relationship with the true God. As the next step, one needs to start observing the commandments. Faithful Jews observe hundreds of commandments.
There you have it. This is the secret of success and endurance of Jews. This is the truth. The word “truth” in Hebrew is “emet” (אמת). It contains the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet (א), middle letter (מ), and last letter (ת). That means that the real truth is thru and true. It stands in all timelines for eternity. That is not to be said about the science. Their formulas only work in certain condition. For example, the physical formulas do not work in space or particles. The words of God will stand forever.
You do not necessarily have to be a Jew to follow the rules. Once you do, your life will improve beyond your wildest imaginations. No amount of money or wealth can accomplish it...

End of sample. If you'd like to read the book, click here.


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