Shocking Life of Zombies

By: David Zephaniah The final stage of this world All off you probably heard that the Jews were chosen by God to be His treasured people. Nobody just claims it, that is what the Bible said. I studied the prophecies in the Bible over the last 10 years and have learned a lot. I want to share the information with the general public for the purpose of inspiration and enlightenment. We live in the era of the End of Days. This current world order has an expiration date. While nobody knows the exact date, all the signs indicate that it will happen in our generation, within the next few years. Is the world getting better? Contrary to scientist’s claims, the world is not getting better, and the crime rate is not decreasing. One must be blind and deaf in order not to know that crime rates are skyrocketing today. A day doesn’t go by that we don’t read about heinous crimes that are committed in our society. Most of the world problems are rooted in th...