The only reliable source about the destiny of mankind

by David Zephaniah

A little background about the source

I was always fascinated with supernatural and paranormal stories. Today, there are many books and movies on the subject. However I find that Tanach is the most fascinating book in existence. Tanach is the Jewish Bible and it is The original Bible on earth. Tanach (תנ"ך) is abbreviation of Tora (Instructions), Neviim (Prophets), Ktuvim (Scriptures).

The Torah was dictated by God Himself to Moses and Joshua, who were the most notable Jewish leaders.

The book of Prophets was written by different prophets over the 1400 years, after giving of the Torah.

The scriptures were written by different Jewish high priests during the existence of the first and second High Holy Temples in Jerusalem.

I believe without a doubt that the supernatural events in Tanach really came to pass. While studying the Tanach for a while, I have realized two important points. 1. The end of the world is real and it is drawing near. 2. Most of the people are destined for elimination.

What is the End of the World?

I realized that the Maker created this  world as a temporary world in order to test the human souls. It's existence has an allotted time. During this allotted time, each human soul lives hundreds or thousands of lifetimes on earth. Once the current body dies, the soul comes back into a different body and the different role. The lives and the roles that are given, dependant upon the achievements and failures in the previous lifetimes. The purpose of life is to overcome the temptationots and to get close to the Maker. This task can only be achieved by studying the Tanach, which is the owner's manual of the Maker.

When the testing period terminates, this current world order is terminated. All the souls who didn't pass the test, will be eliminated and erased from existance forever. The souls who passed the test of the lifetimes, will get to live in the world to come forever. This includes all the souls who ever lived.

 The new world will be more wonderful than anyone can imagine. It will be a world with no evil, death, decease, or strife. Those lucky people will not age!

Why all this drama? Why don't God just pass everybody?

It you are asking this question, I seriously assume that you are an infant, when it comes to God.

Explanation: God doesn't really need you or me! However, for whatever reason, He decided to create us and this whole universe. He gave us programming which is similar to He's. As you have noticed, human being is the only creature on earth who can invent and create things. 

Since God is Holy, He only wants souls who will overcome His personally tailored obsticals and who follow His owner's manual.  He doesn't care much about people who do not follow Him and desregard Him. He sends His angel, Satan, to torture those in many ways. Why doesn't He eliminate those people immediately? because they also have some role in the big drama. Once they fulfill their purpose, they are eliminated forever.

Who is Satan?

The court system on earth is a mirror image of the court system in God's world (except that our system is very flawed). Satan is an angel prosecutor of God. He can't move an "inch" without the permission of the Maker. His has 2 main jobs: 1. To place temptetaions and obsticals on our way, to see if we sin. 2. To accuse us for every wrongdoing in front of God. At that time God issues the sentence. 

If one follows Creator's owners manual's rules, Satan is not issue at all. God has set those rules and they are not changeable.

Do you have to be religious?

Call it what you want. Until the recent history, religion was not even a word. Everybody knew that this world is not random. 

That was until the atheists, perverts, and homos made it a dirty word. 

However, note this, no one can interfere with God's plans. Either you do or you don't. Your REAL future depends on it.

What is God's religion?

God's religion is in the Jewish Bible. Only Jews follow it today. The rest of the religions are man-made and pagan. These people are failing in the eyes of the God big time, because they have invented lies. They claim that the Createor changed His mind.

To say that God changed His mind, is like saying that God lied thoudands of times. That is an absolute nonsense. People lie, God doesn't.

Following God's rules means that you will risk your life, in order not to break God’s commandments. You should not break the commandments for the sake of the employer, wife, husband, money, fear of death, etc.

It is obvious that Messiah didn’t come yet. 

The "second coming" is Christian's latest fabrication. This concept never existed. God doesn't make mistakes and doesn't play games. Everything always works out exactly as He wishes, because He IS everything. When Messiah comes, he will come from the Jews.
The new world will exist for the observan Jews and the people who practice the commandments. At that time God will take those good souls, which go till the end, and activate their sub-consciousness, which contains all the lifetimes that the soul has ever lived. That person suddenly will possess the knowledge of many lifetimes and will be ultimately wise. All of the talents and knowledge of all the lifetimes will be combined. At that moment, the soul will be smart enough, and ready to understand the universe and the creation itself.
Out of the people who don’t follow the commandments, some will face total destruction, and some will live in the eternal disgust and abhorrence, which is hell.

That means that the real hell was not established yet.

 Our souls are given many chances to come back and try to achieve the higher state. Each time that the soul comes back, the previous life is moved to sub-consciousness. That will continue until the time of the end.
The souls who have already achieved God’s desired state of higher existence, as Daniel and other holy people are, kept by God, in a dream state, until they come back to life, at the redemption time.

In the New world, chosen Jews and other people will live forever, and the ones that have died, will come back to life.

The souls who have committed a mortal sin, such as murder, are terminated and stricken out, upon their death, and do not come back. Some of them will be brought back, such as Titus, at the redemption time, for the life of the eternal suffering in hell.

It is clear that the souls, which have some hope of improving, are given many multiple chances, to achieve the higher level.
After the End of the World, there will be only one government in the world. USA, European counties, Russia, China, etc., will be gone.
Honest and righteous people, who follow the commandments, will be like stars. What we have today that the liars, actors, whores and the fake are considered stars.

We find out that God knows your thoughts. 

You can’t fool him by pretending that you are doing the right thing. You need to mean it.
Bible has said that the countries that will exist, at the time of redemption is the extension of the kingdom of Rome, a Christian world, which is divided by many countries, and other countries (kingdoms) of Assyria (Syria), Persia (Iran), Greece, Egypt, etc., which were given extension of life until the set time. The reason for this is the time needed for the good souls to achieve a state of high existence. In that period of waiting, anyone has a chance to join the Jews and start practicing the commandments, to secure his place in the New World.
Think about it; if you let the commandments go, and don’t practice its principals, your next generation and the following ones, will only degenerate to worst and worst state of being, of dishonesty, immodesty, crime, etc... As it said: “visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me…” Independant human morals do not work.

Bible also says that Jerusalem will always exist until the set time of redemption, when it will become the Capital of the world.

It is clear to me that the final goal of the Creator, is to establish a life on earth as sort of Garden of Eden, where only good people, who are FREE of Crime, Hate, Envy, Evil, etc., exist.
Some pagans and atheists will be eliminated altogether from the existence. The ones that have earned an extra punishment, by committing serious sins, will live in a reality of the eternal suffering and hell, without a chance of any hope, ever. Those are the ones who lead people to the falsehood!
I hope that I was able to give you a good idea, about the standards that God is expecting of the mankind. Look around you and observe the state of the world. Despite to all the advances in science and sociology, the world is getting worst and worst, because people are disregarding the commandments.
Instead of glorifying and appreciating the elderly, the wise, the faithful, this society glorifies people that are shameless materialistic whores. All this was foretold in the bible.

Look around you. If I was wrong, would tiny Israel still exist with its might?

 Jews are only 0.03% of the world population, but have many stars, such as many leaders of the world, science, economy, sociology, entertainment, law, and etc. Is it coincidence that such a stars as Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Nostradamus, Baruch Spinoza, Marvel, Bohr, and thousands more that brought us the innovations in the world, from this tiny nation? Is it coincidence that majority of the innovations today come from Israel?
Is it coincidence that the world practices our religion in the different variations?
Is it coincidence that most of the laws of the different countries are based on Jewish bible 613 laws?
You need to decide if you want to live in a world of fantasy, gadgets, animals and deceit or a great future reality. Your future is in your hands. You can build yourself, or destroy yourself.
If you want to change start researching and spend your free time advancing yourself. Good place to start is my books and

Amazon's David Zephaniah page.


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