Why did I write the apocalyptic books? because every sane person needs to know
Why apocalyptic books?
Why the apocalyptic books? Because I want people to know that the world that we live in is a temporary world. This world was created to test our souls. It will end before the year 6000 by the Jewish calendar. It is the year 5775 now. The PURGE is very near.
I came to this conclusion after studying the prophecies in the Jewish Bible which is the original Old Testament [that all of the other Bibles copied from]. Only the Jewish religion serves God. Rest of the religions in the world are pagan.
I was totally astonished that all the prophecies to date came true with the scientific accuracy. They were written thousands of years ago!
Many people in our era think that we live in the time of enlightenment. Actually, the opposite is true. We live in an era of darkness, deceit, and lies. For example, there are trillions of pieces of information on the Net, but most of them are bad information at best and deceit at worst. How one finds the truth?
I realized that the Creator controls everything the same way that we control a simple computer program. Time doesn't exist for Him. He created this world of suffering and torment in order to test our souls under pressure. 2600 years ago He said that at the end of this world, 70% of the world population is destined to perish because they will be failing the test. He said that the remaining 30% of the population will get to live in perfected world and attain true Peace for eternity.
Death, decease and depression will be eliminated. People who followed Gods Commandments before their death, are destined to come back to life to live with the rest of the population. He also promised many more wonderful things for meritious people. These are not fairy tales and movies that we have been watching lately. These are for real.
My ancestors witnessed many miracles and passed the information along. I wrote the books because I believe that every human being needs to read those prophecies and decide for themselves where do they stand. God loves every one of us because we are His children. However, He is an uncompromising Father! The unimaginably terrible fate awaiting those who keep on breaking His laws and fail the test.
I myself follow His laws because I'm thankful and amazed by our all-powerful God. I will give you this: the further one distances himself/herself from the true God, the more depressed that they will get. We all exist in His imagination and there is absolutely nothing that He cannot do. There is none like Him.
"Do not fear sudden terror, or the holocaust of the wicked when it comes,
Plan a conspiracy and it will be annulled; speak your piece and it will not stand, for God is with us. Even till your seniority, I remain unchanged; and even your ripe old age, I shall endure,
I created you and I shall bear you; I shall endure and rescue."
God about Apocalypse.
God is communicating with the righteous people here, those who follow His rules. He is telling them that at the conclusion of this world (= end of the test), sudden terror and destruction will come to the wicked (= those who do not observe God's laws), and that they should not fear, because it will not touch them at all. The observant Jews recite this paragraph two or three times a day.

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