The true reason behind evil today and why nobody wants to talk about it

by David Zephaniah

"The root of evil is paganism and idolatry"  (God).

This a preview of the book.

Something Is Terribly Wrong With the World

I know that most people out there are active. They are occupied mainly with trivial subjects, such as their dogs, Taylor Swift, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Fifty Shades of Gray, and other unimportant things. However, if they take the time to see what is going on around them, they might see that the world is falling apart.
I want to open the eyes of the wise people among them before it is too late. We are about to reach a tipping point of no return for mankind. If one wants to know more, keep reading.
Allow me to wake people up and show them the unmistakable signs that the world is falling apart at the accelerated pace. It is accelerating because of a geometric formula; once the negative influence in mankind reaches a threshold of over fifty percent it will increase even faster. Let me give a few examples to show how humanity is falling apart:
Brothers hate brothers and children hate parents. If we cannot get along with our immediate family members and the parents who made us, there is no chance that we will get along with anyone else.
Close family members sue each other for money. In the process, they poison their children's minds and destroy their families––it is unbelievable. This is an absolute evil.
There is total disregard for the institution of marriage by a large percentage of the population. These people bring millions of children into this world every year without being able to care for them, love them, or support them. Can this be happening in a "modern" world? Those children grow up filled with hate and resentment towards other people. The jails are full of people who were born to single mothers. It will just get worse.
People spend more time on gadgets and toys than their family members and children. They live in a fake world because they are unfit to handle the real world around them. That is not a happy life! The further we get away from human company, the more unhappy that we become.
Millions of people have lost respect for everything, including themselves and will do anything for a few dollars––just like whores.
There is a new generation of young adults who have no clue of what constitutes love and friendship. They interact with people in a dishonest way and have indiscriminate sex with many partners. They are quite ignorant and think that this is the way to find love. It is utterly ridiculous. Five hundred years ago people knew that it was not how it worked. This means that in the twenty-first century, we produce many stupid people!
There are ever-growing pockets of high-crime neighborhoods in which people are willing to rob and kill for a few dollars. They are slowly expanding. The high-crime neighborhoods should not exist at all! Good people are good whether they have money or not! However, when one raises a child without care, they will have a disaster on their hands. They cannot trust someone else or a government to raise a child whom they brought into this world.
People love dogs more than their family members and serve them like idols. They call them their “best friend.” They slave after them and clean their waste every day! They talk to them as people and think that dogs get them! Dogs are no smarter than any other animal! All domesticated animals have the same basic programming. This includes chickens, pigs, goats, sheep, etc. Those animals are stupid and do not understand what the heck people are telling them. They have the understanding of a six-month-old baby. A child grows up and starts caring for himself. A dog never "grows up;" one always has to care for it until its death. Are civilized humans of twenty-first century reduced to servanthood to dumb animals for life? They should pay more attention to their children, spouse, family members, and friends. That is where the real life and happiness is found!
There is ever growing numbers of atheists coming into this world who have real hate in their hearts. They are extreme pagans with no faith! They worship rich people, money, animals, trees, earth, etc. Here is the problem: once they lose faith in G-d, they also lose faith in their mother, father, family, and mankind! The atheist might seem charming on the outside, but I know that they have evil in their hearts.
A large percentage of the population has no shame or honor. They do not want to contribute anything and expect the community to take care of them and their children. They have sex like animals without thinking about tomorrow. Many people think that it is OK.
People practice political correctness and lie hundreds of times every day. They do not have one ounce of courage to say or do the right thing. What that means that we live among "snakes" that only pretend to love us.
Despite technological, social, and medical advances, most of the people in the world suffer from depression. It is getting worse. That includes the poorest of the population, the richest of the population, and everyone in between. The average ignorant person thinks that happiness is to be found in material things!
The Muslim world hates us, regardless the West’s appeasement. They are lying dormant like a sleeping volcano waiting for a sign of weakness to attack. The only thing that is stopping them is the fear of US technology.
Almost every month or so, there are unspeakable crimes perpetrated by the young people in their own communities.
I think that I gave enough examples. However, the questions are: Why it this all happening? Why is the world not getting better? Why is it getting worse?

Money Has Become the New God

All this happening because we are living in a pagan world where money and material things are the new “Gods.”
That is right––most of the people today are pagans and that is a source of the problem.
These pagans prioritize money and material things above their mother, father, spouse, children, etc. All day long, they dream about making more money. In addition, they spend their free time, idolizing reach, famous, and powerful people, and make them their role models.
As a result of pagan practice most people produce poor family relationships, bad children, depression, and unhappiness. That is the main reason for the suffering and pain in the world.
All of this is happening because people have lost faith in the real God. That is why the world is deteriorating.

Here is what God says about happiness:

"Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom neither let the mighty man glory in his might; let not the rich man glory in his riches. But let him that glorieth, glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth Me, that I am the Lord Who exercises mercy, justice, and righteousness on the earth; for in these things I delight, saith the Lord." Book of Jeremiah

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