Book of Daniel predicted the End Of Days 2600 years ago

Book of Daniel

This post is a preview of the book. 
I wrote this book because the end of the world is drawing near. I want people to get inspired, and improve their situation. Studying the information in the original Bible, I came to the conclusion that at some point in the past, Creator already saw every possibility of the future. At that moment, He realized that the human depravity to faithlessness in the future was assured. He observed that, in all the possible futures, people got worse and worse, and wound up destroying each other. At that same time, G-d also realized that a small group of people would remain faithful until the end. Because of these special people, Creator did not give up on men. At that day in the history, Creator has issued the final judgment for the mankind. This is what this book is all about. 
Although I have a strong original Hebrew roots, the Bible study is extremely difficult because it is extremely vague at times. The scripture is written in the most efficient and elegant style that only the wise people can understand. In order to remain faithful to the original story and to allow the public to understand it, I had to conduct a thorough research. 

What is the Tanach?

This is a Book of Daniel Interpretation from the Tanach (Jewish Bible). It is the original Old Testament. Unlike the other stories, this one is committed to the original book and tells it exactly the way it is, without doctoring! Secondly, it has the calculation of the secret End of the World timing in it.

The Tanach is the actual Manual that the Creator gave to the Jews. It is the perfect book of wisdom. It has all the secrets of life encoded in it. It is inscribed in the most sophisticated and elegant manner, and designed in a way that only the wisest of the learned can fully understand it. Even the Christians will agree that most of the interpretation they use come from the Jewish scholars, such as Maimonides. 
There is only ONE version of Tanach in the world. It is primarily written in ancient Hebrew! A small part of it is written in Aramaic, a language which is no longer in use. That means that all the Hebrew copies are identical!  Jews would not dare to change one dot in it because they consider it an abomination.
An average Joe reads the Tanach literally, but that is wrong. Every sentence that sounds simple has a whole story behind it. After arrival of Christianity, thousands of years later, the Tanach got translated into many languages. Even with the best of intentions, translating it correctly is almost impossible. In addition, all the Christian versions are translations of translations, heavily edited, misinterpreted and distorted.

Just to give you one example of the most serious distortion, the original Bible does not offer a hint of Jesus as if he never existed! That is a serious problem, because the Torah has all the Predictions of the future in it until the End of the World. The original Manual preceded Jesus by thousands of years. Then, who added him in? My answer is The Christians, of course. To explain differently, if someone translates this most sophisticated book in existence, the translation should agree with the original. Jews had Torah thousands of years before Christians, and they certainly know what is in it!
There are thousands more of the mistranslation and edits in the Christian versions. Most of these mistranslations and edits are so distorted that they don’t even come close to the original. They were written in over-simplified way, to teach their Christian doctrine. Another thing is clear - the New Testament and Christianity emerged approximately 300 years after a supposed death of Jesus! 
Now let’s add the fact that the Jews, who received the original Torah from G-d, do not accept Jesus. Why? Because they know that G-d is Omnipresent. That means that G-d lives in the past, present and future simultaneously. They know that G-d is perfect in a way that human mind could never understand. That means that G-d never makes mistakes, and He never repents. They believe that Messiah will appear once. Therefore, the Jews observe all of the 613 commandments with conviction, to create a good and moral society, free of crime, hate and evil. This way, they can find a favor in the eyes of G-d, to be saved in the end of days.
To explain it differently, the Jews believe that Jesus got introduced by the idol worshipers and the pagans. In the eyes of G-d, the idol worship is as immoral a sin as a murder. He warns against it almost in every page of the Bible.  Add to that Christian churches’ bloody history in the last 1700 years, which killed hundreds of millions of people. Add to that the crime, the violence, depression, and immorality that we have today. After one connects all the dots, they can make decisions about their life and future. Book of Daniel prophecy explains the current situation in the world, and the Christianity. The information is right there. It sticks out like an elephant; and it is very hard to miss it, unless one distorts the story beyond recognition. I stayed true to the only true Bible, which is the Torah.

Prince Daniel 

The story begins in the year 600BC, at the height of the Babylonian Empire, with the leadership of king Nebuchadnezzar. The humongous Babylonian army invaded and conquered the tiny Jewish kingdom of Judah. King Jehoiakim of Judah was left in power; however, the Babylonians imposed a heavy tax upon them
 Babylonians also exiled thousands of Jewish captives, including the king’s family, nobility, and the leaders of the army. They left only the poorest of the people in the land. 
King Nebuchadnezzar gave an order to his chief military officer Ashpenaz to bring along many good looking children of Israel of royal and noble descent. He wanted healthy children with no blemishes and of handsome appearance that had the wisdom and knowledge, were able to express their thoughts, and who had mental capacity to understand, and had good manners. 
The king wanted them to be trained for service in his palace. It was customary for the Babylonians to take young children, boys and girls, from the countries they conquered, and to teach them to serve the king in the palace. Some of these children were destined to occupy a prominent place in the Babylonian court. 
Once in the king’s palace, those children were fed daily with the king’s food and wine, taught the language and customs of Babylonian priests and trained in the arts of service to the king. They were to be taught for three years. After the training, they were to be prepared to stand in front of the King and serve him.
Among those young children there was a 15-year-old handsome prince named Daniel. The Babylonians also took three of Daniel’s best friends of about the same age. Their names were: Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah. The chief officer gave them all Babylonian names. He called Daniel Belteshazzar, Hananiah-Shadrach, Mishael-Meshach, and Azariah-Abed-Nego. All four of those children were descendants of royal Jewish families. They were quite young when they got torn away from their homes and brought to Nebuchadnezzar’s royal palace. One can imagine the pain and tears of mothers, whose children got lost to a hostile, far-away land. The memory of tormented faces of his mother and father would haunt Daniel for years. 

Young men’s courage

Daniel’s trip to Babylon was full of challenges and suffering. He and his three friends were part of a group of about 100 young captives from the country of Judah. The children were crammed together in small wagons, traveling through the hot desert. They survived drinking water, eating bread and vegetables because they refused to eat non-kosher meat. Since they had each other, they felt stronger and tried to maintain a positive attitude, helping each other and other kids. The four young men believed that better days were ahead, and a brighter future was awaiting them. They were hoping that one day in the near future, they would be allowed to go back home, to live with their families again. Daniel always tried to cheer them up, telling those stories of their ancestors, which he heard at the holiday gatherings in his home. 
The journey from Jerusalem to the Land of Shinar took about 6 months. Daniel and his three friends were brought to the king’s palace, along with the other younglings, in order to be trained in the customs of the Babylonian priests, and to serve the king of Babylon.

Since Daniel and his three friends were devoted Jews, they refused to eat the king’s food or drink his wine. They were observing strictly kosher rules and insisted to keep it so, even if their life depended on it. Daniel risked his life by refusing to break kosher diet. He gave a request to be allowed to eat vegetarian food only. The Chief Officer was kind enough to answer because he felt compelled to do so. He said to Daniel: “I would like to help you, but I fear that if my king finds out that you and your friends don’t eat his food, and you are not well, he will order to kill us all”.
The Torah indicates that faith in G-d means that you will have such a strong conviction, that you will risk your life, in order to uphold the commandments. That is how you get the attention of G-d.
Daniel, together with his friends; Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah replied with confidence that they would be fine to eat only vegetables and suggested that the chief officer tested them for 10 days. Daniel sent a letter to the chief officer. The letter read: “Test us for ten days. We will not eat the king’s food for ten days. We will eat only beans and vegetables. You can review our health and looks. You will see that our G-d will protect us and keep us in a good shape. At the end of ten days, compare us with other youths that ate the king’s food”. 
The chief officer, in his kindness, agreed to give it a shot and ordered to feed them vegetarian meals. It was highly unusual for him to do so. He was not a pleasant person. The Bible says that he agreed because of the divine intervention. 
At the end of the ten days, the four friends looked more attractive and healthy than the other youths, who ate the king’s meat. Once the king’s steward and the chief officer saw that, they allowed the four friends to eat the food they wanted as it was the custom of the Jews. 
Daniel and his friends were unique to G-d because they had conviction and faith. Regardless to the terrible events that they witnessed, with the destruction of their kingdom, oppression of their people, and separation from their loved ones, they kept their faith in G-d. The four children did not have a doubt in their mind that all the terrible events that were happening around them had a reason and purpose. They thought that it was punishment for inequities of many Jewish people, by their G-d. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah knew that their G-d would not abandon them, and at the right time they would be free people again.
The truly faithful person never blames G-d for their misfortunes. They assume that G-d is always right, with no exceptions.
Because of their firm belief and faith, G-d gave the four of them unique skills and knowledge and understanding in the wisdom and writing, in different languages. When they went to sleep, an angel visited them in a dream and gave them information, in order to increase their knowledge about the local customs and languages. In addition, G-d gave Daniel an ability to decipher visions and dreams. All four of them became outstanding and smart boys.
Daniel learned that through the dreams, G-d is giving us wisdom when we deserve it. 
The life in the castle was not so terrible for the four boys. The Babylonian empire believed in tapping into the best young talent. For the Babylonians, the youth from the kingdom of Judah, was an integral part of the wealth that they robbed from the kingdom of Judah, after their conquest.  

Pagan worshipers fate revealed

 We are jumping forward in the story, for the blog purpose. Years went by, and Daniel was already in his 40’s. His life in the kingdom of Babylon was extremely prosperous and secure. He held extremely powerful government positions and had a significant influence over government, social, religious and financial affairs in the kingdom. Daniel had everything anyone could wish for - land, treasures, and other material possessions. Regardless, he was still longing for his family and the beautiful country of Judah. He was ready to trade all the riches and power just to be with his family again. He was wondering if his parents were still alive.
 This revelation happened in the kingdom of Babylon, 23 years after king Nebuchadnezzar’s death. In the first year of King Belshazzar reign, Daniel had a revelation at night, in a form of a dream. In the revelation, Daniel was transformed to a different reality, and found himself standing by the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. There was eerie quietness in the air. All of a sudden, mysterious and strong winds came from all the directions of the world and stirred up the magnificent sea. Large waves started crashing on the shore. Daniel took a few steps away, and while looking anxiously at the sea, he saw four gigantic beasts emerging out of water one by one. It was a breathtaking sight of epic proportions because the beasts were like no other beasts in the world. Daniel wondered what it all meant...
End of preview 


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