
Story of the Creation According to Jewish Faith vs the Big Bang Theory

The diagram of Creation by Jewish faith  by David Zephaniah At first God withdrew some of His presence on a tiny part of His world. That was needed because He is a "Consuming Fire". Nothing can come close to Him and survive. Then, using His light [Godly energy], He created 4 stages of energy. The last stage exploded into our physical world. This principally agrees to the current scientific theory of the Big Bang. All the above is based on Zohar and Kabbalah interpretation of the Torah from 700 years ago. This is a simplified diagram that gives an idea. In the next post I will answer questions such as, age of the universe, dinasours, giant people, etc. Amazon's David Zephaniah page

Christians love to talk about Isaiah Chapter 53. Is it about Jesus?

Isaiah, Chapter 53 by David Zephaniah This translation is from the original Old Testament, Tanach (= Torah, Prophets, and Scriptures), directly from Hebrew. There is only one version of the original. 1. The nations will say to one another: Were we to hear from others what we see, it would be unbelievable. The arm of the Lord is revealed like this, with greatness and glory, to whom was it revealed until now?   2. And [this nation of Israel], before the greatness came to it, was a very humble people, and it came up by itself from a dry land, like a sapling of the saplings of the trees. When we saw him from the beginning without the great appearance, how could we desire him? Now shall we desire him?       3. Despised and rejected by men, a man of pains and accustomed to illness, and as one who hides his face from us, despised and we held him of no account. (So is the custom of this prophet: he mentions all Israel as one man, e.g., (44:2), “Fear not, My servant Jacob”; (44:

What the hell is happening to the movies?

The Evolving Movies by David Zephaniah Let's take a look at how movies evolved in the last 50 years. It is amazing. 1960's = Only modest kissing allowed. Women only wear dresses & skirts. No profanity. No graphic violence. No homosexuality. All had happy endings. 1970's = French kiss allowed. Some women wear pants. No profanity. No graphic violence. No homosexuality. All had Happy endings. 1980's = Some limited sex allowed. Most women wear pants. Some profanity. Some drug use. Limited violence. Some mention of homosexuality. Some unhappy endings. 1990's = Some graphic sex is allowed. Some women behave like men. Profanity is mostly allowed. Lots of drug use. Lots of violence. Some homosexuality. Lots of unhappy endings. 2000's = Graphic sex is common. Women play man's roles. Profanity is common. Always drug use. Always violence. Homosexuals are in most movies. Mostly unhappy endings. 2010's = Most movies include gr

The warning about the false king Jesus

A false Messenger! by David Zephaniah The true Bible [Torah] warned about coming of the false king, Jesus. Jesus corrupted the whole world to abandon the commandments. He was the original Reform Jew. That is the reason for the sorry state of the world today. Rules of the Torah The Torah was given to the Jews 1700 years before Jesus. For the masses of the people, who are ignorant, below is the basic rules that God left us in the Torah: It is explicitly and clearly stated in the Torah that it [the Torah] is an everlasting Commandment, and cannot be changed, subtracted from or added to, as it is written, "Every matter which I command you observe to do it; you shall not add to it, or subtract from it", and it is also written, "...but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of the Torah". From here we see that we have been commanded to keep all the commandments of the Torah for always. In co

The only reliable source about the destiny of mankind

by David Zephaniah A little background about the source I was always fascinated with supernatural and paranormal stories. Today, there are many books and movies on the subject. However I find that Tanach is the most fascinating book in existence. Tanach is the Jewish Bible and it is The original Bible on earth. Tanach (תנ"ך) is abbreviation of Tora (Instructions), Neviim (Prophets), Ktuvim (Scriptures). The Torah was dictated by God Himself to Moses and Joshua, who were the most notable Jewish leaders. The book of Prophets was written by different prophets over the 1400 years, after giving of the Torah. The scriptures were written by different Jewish high priests during the existence of the first and second High Holy Temples in Jerusalem. I believe without a doubt that the supernatural events in Tanach really came to pass. While studying the Tanach for a while, I have realized two important points. 1. The end of the world is real and it is drawing near. 2. Most of t

Is your life full of depression and troubles? Read this

by David Zephaniah This is a magical world Fear not! There is a remedy! We live in a magical world where everything is NOT what it seems. The world just looks "scientific" because the maker is all powerful and He makes it seem so. There is a vale over our eyes that prevent us to see the reality. To give you an example, when we look at the computer screen we see images. However, we know that behind the screen there are wires that connect it to the motherboard, from where the screen receives the information. following this example, if we could see the reality, we would see that every person, animal, inanimate object, ets., are connected to the "source". That is the Maker. He animates and guides everything in the universe. Our daily hardships and troubles seem so real, but are they? Are they random, or Someone decreed them upon us? I say to you that nothing in this world is random! Deep down we all know this is true. Everyone knows that in order to improv

You are what you eat and why Kosher food is the best food

You are what you eat. By Avital Zephaniah This article is about benefits of Torah-observant lifestyle, the way I, a convert to Judaism, see it. It's only natural to start with something we all do numerous times a day - eating. It's a purely physical act that likens us to every living creature. Yet, even through this seemingly un-spiritual act people have a chance to provide nourishment to their very souls and thus elevate themselves over animals. I present to you kosher diet! I won't go into details about intricate rules of kosher, you can find lot's of useful information about it on the Internet. But I do want to talk about why I chose to eat strictly kosher and how it enhanced my life. 1. Health benefits and peace of mind. First of all, let me state the obvious. Kosher diet is healthy. There are numerous medical researches that prove the benefits of separating meat and dairy, consumption of ritually slaughtered meat and avoidance of animal bloo