Is your life full of depression and troubles? Read this

by David Zephaniah

This is a magical world

Fear not! There is a remedy!
We live in a magical world where everything is NOT what it seems. The world just looks "scientific" because the maker is all powerful and He makes it seem so. There is a vale over our eyes that prevent us to see the reality. To give you an example, when we look at the computer screen we see images. However, we know that behind the screen there are wires that connect it to the motherboard, from where the screen receives the information. following this example, if we could see the reality, we would see that every person, animal, inanimate object, ets., are connected to the "source". That is the Maker. He animates and guides everything in the universe.
Our daily hardships and troubles seem so real, but are they?
Are they random, or Someone decreed them upon us?
I say to you that nothing in this world is random! Deep down we all know this is true.
Everyone knows that in order to improve our lives we must start with improving ourselves. The following psalm 92 is the magical start for this transformation. It aknowledges the Creator to be just and fair. We must do our part. He will do the rest.
It needs to be recited wholeheartedly every Friday eve, before the stars come out. Watch how your life slowly turns around for better!

Psalm 92

"A Psalm, a song for Sabbath day. It is good to thank the Maker and to sing praise to Your name, O Exalted One; to relate your kindness in the dawn and your faith in the nights. Upon ten-stringed instrument and lyre, with singing accompanied by a harp. For you have gladdened me, God, with Your deeds; at the work of Your hands I sing glad song. How great are Your deeds, God; exeedingly profound are Your thought.

A boor cannot know, nor can a fool understand this: when the wicked bloom like grass and all the doers of evil blossom - it is to destroy them till eternity. But You remain exalted forever, God. For behold! - Your enemies, God, for behold! - Your enemies shall perish, dispersed shall be all evil doers. As exalted as unicorn shall be my pride, I will be saturated with ever - fresh oil.

My eyes have seen my vigilant foes; when those who would harm me rise up against me, my ears have heard their doom. A righteous man will flourish like a date palm, like a cedar in the Lebanon he will grow tall. Planted in the house of God, in the courtyards of our Creator they will flourish. They will still be fruitful in the old age, vigorous and fresh they will be - to declare that the Maker is just, my Rock in Whom there is no wrong."

I wish you all the best!

Amazon's David Zephaniah page


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